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Fake female accounts to lure in men is my guess.


Out of the men using Ashley Madison, I'd feel sorry for maybe %2 of them.

As for the company itself, if they really promised to scrub records, we could be seeing lots of lawsuits its way. Which I wouldn't feel sympathy for it at all


You know about half of the the infidelitous louts were women, right?  IIRC, women have slightly more dalliances than men, but they tend to be of shorter duration.

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You know about half of the the infidelitous louts were women, right?  IIRC, women have slightly more dalliances than men, but they tend to be of shorter duration.


What about the women?  Are they somehow more justified in their behavior?


You have a very good point, sirs. And fair enough, I I'd probably feel sorry for about 2% of them as well.


I wasn't originally aware the site catered to vow breaking folks of both genders but in retrospect, why would they cut off half their revenue? Silly of me


A slip on my part, as in the past I've always rolled my eyes at Talk Shows that seemed to have the very double standard you mention. Man cheats on woman? He's scum. Woman cheats on man? She needed love and he wasn't giving it to her... and he's scum. :confused:

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It's weird though.  Both my parents were cheating scumbags (and I was used as a weapon in those affairs -- so I was affected personally).  The husband's folks are happily married.  Couple of years ago, we found out a friend of mine was cheating on her then husband.  My husband was offended by it, I was more understanding.


And in this particular case, the now ex-husband IS scum. 

Sonuvabitch did marital rape on my friend and abused her.





In a more humourous bent...



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Nobody's perfect, mistakes and poor choices are made, and a lot of folks have different views of what cheating is (from just sex to flirting with someone online and so on). And given the spoiler, your friend would probably fall in that 2% I was talking about.

I'm not wanting to break out pitchforks/torches for the folks who used Ashley Madison, but I am having a hard time feeling much sympathy for most of them.


And my favorite from that link was "Ashley Madison website is having problems. But instead of addressing them directly, it'll just look for a younger hotter website on the side"



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You know about half of the the infidelitous louts were women, right?  IIRC, women have slightly more dalliances than men, but they tend to be of shorter duration.


You know that most online dating sites create tons of false accounts to lure men in, right?


I'm not saying that women don't cheat, just clarifying that reference. Here's one article, for example.

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You know that most online dating sites create tons of false accounts to lure men in, right?


I'm not saying that women don't cheat, just clarifying that reference. Here's one article, for example.

Well, that's Japan. 

And at a risk of gross generalizations, their social quirks can vastly differ from ours. 

Isn't there a growing problem of young men never leaving their apartments?

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