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Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device


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Effect: Teleportation 100m, Gate

Target: 2m Radius

Duration: Constant

Range: 1,000m

END Cost: 0


Description: The Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device, or ASHPD, is a highly advanced experimental energy projection tool used to create linked teleportation gates (or portals.) The object is mostly white, with a black camera-like barrel at one end, surrounded by three branching “antenna.” The ASHPD has two triggers. The primary trigger fires blue portals, while the secondary fires orange ones.


Objects (or people) who enter the blue portal will exit the orange one, and vice versa. In addition, the portals create a direct link, that preserves velocity and facing. Objects entering a portal at a high rate of speed with exit the opposite portal at the same rate. In other words, fast objects in equal fast objects out. This feature allows portals to be used to fling a target object or character long distances, simply by creating a portal high up on a wall and another at the bottom of a long drop. Fall into the portal at the bottom of the drop, and be ejected from the linked portal at the rate you were falling. This can allow the user to travel upwards of 300 feet if done correctly.


Portals can be created on most surfaces, including concrete, wood, ceramic tiles, and so on. Portals can’t be created on glass, metal, doors, water, and certain forms of Enrichment Center Testing chamber tiles (specifically the dark bronze one, the white ones are fine.) However, the specific surfaces portals can and cannot be created on are up to you, the GM.


In order to create a complete portal, you need to first fire off either an orange or blue portal. Once you’ve created the initial anchor, you must then select a spot for the final anchor. Each of these portals requires its own Attack Roll. You can, if you wish, use Multiple Attack to create both portals (and thus, a complete gate) in a single Phase. In addition, portals can be created under objects and people, allowing you to drop them elsewhere. A created portal is roughly 2 meters across, and wide enough to accept an Aperture Science Weighted Storage Cube (also known as an Aperture Science Weighted Companion Cube.)


The energy beam that creates portals will simply bounce off and dissipate harmlessly if fired at surface unable to accept a portal anchor. The beam can also be fired through chain-link fence and certain close-mesh grind fencing, but will not go through energy fields. The maximum range of the ASHPD is roughly 1 kilometer, although accuracy at extreme ranges is suspect.


Finally, the ASHPD’s zero-point energy manipulation field allows the user to pick up objects ranging from the size of a coffee cup to a Aperture Science Weighted Storage Cube (which is roughly 1m square.) While the the zero-point energy field doesn’t allow the user to manipulate objects (beyond picking them up), the user can drop them into open portals and even “throw” an object by turning to one side quickly and then turning off the zero-point energy field. New portals cannot be created while using the ASHPD to manipulate an object, however, current portals will remain in existence.


Care must be taken when using the device, however. At no time must the user touch the operational end of the ASHPD, look directly into the barrel , or submerge the ASHPD in liquids of any form. In addition, the ASHPD is so advanced and revolutionary in design, it is worth more than the combined net worth of everyone in your hometown (and that includes you.)


Game Information: Teleportation 100m, Area Of Effect (2m Radius; +¼), Constant (+½), Indirect (portals can be created on the other side of certain barriers and fences; +¼), Persistent (+¼), Ranged (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Usable As Attack (+1 ¼) (450 Active Points); Can Only Create Portals On Certain Surfaces (see text; -½), OAF (handheld portal device; -1), Gate (-½), No Noncombat Movement (-¼), Requires A Separate Attack Roll For Each Portal (see text; -1), Required Hands (two hands to carry and use; -½), STR Minimum 5 (-¼) (total cost: 90) plus Telekinesis (10 STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (22 Active Points); Affects Whole Object (-¼), Can Only Lift Objects (cannot crush, throw, punch, and so on; -1), OAF (handheld portal device; -1), No Range (-½), (total cost: 6 points).450 + 22 = 472 Active Points; total cost: 96 points.



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Re: Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device


I need to edit this. A) if the range of the device is one km, than you should be able to create 1km teleporation gates. B) The TK needs Lockout, since you can't create a gate while using it.

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Re: Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device


Ranged is required, as otherwise you can't create a portal across a room. Indirect I waffled on, but added it in as I felt it was better to be safe than have someone say otherwise. You can always handwave that in your game.

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