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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Do you hate me THAT MUCH ?

I hate that cartoon. The voice of the rodent is too high and the moose is too stupid.


Well, we cant be Laverne and Shirley. I just dont have the right hair to play a Penny Marshall character.:doi: (and I have a wierd problem writing a cursive capital L to boot)

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!




A former member of Mossad (he hasnt revealed his true name to his teammates, it is only known that he is "officially" dead.) He was used for infiltration and assassination. Like his name might suggest, he has a mutant ability to blend in with his surroundings (he also wears special camouflage clothes, so get your mind out of the gutter). Weapon of choice: Various kinds of knives

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Volcanus is from Madagascar and is a demolitions expert. He's aided by being immune to fire and impact damage, meaning he can stay nearer the explosions than would be safe for normal people.


New Team....


The Motifs

Membership: 4 (Two tenors, a baritone and a bass)

Hook: Four "theme" criminals who are also a barbershop quartet.

Background: The Motifs are four "theme" criminals who met in prison and discovered a shared passion for singing (none of them have music-related powers, though.) They settled on the barbershop quartet format as their group performance style. The Motifs are only mediocre as a singing group, but the novelty gets them gigs, and their "best of" CD has decent sales.


As criminals, the Motifs are big on "the rules". They don't kill people outright (but deathtraps are okay), take good care of hostages, and never rob the audience at their musical gigs. They don't like "heroes" who break the rules and will display surprisingly competent teamwork in humiliating them.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Blues Traveller aka Professor Blue


Thomas Yohannsson is Blues Traveller. If it is Blue then guess what he is stealing ? From Captain America comics, to sapphires, blue diamonds and blue whales to the sky itself, Professor Blue would attempt to steal it. Unmasked by the media rather than the heroes he dislikes being called 'Tommy' or 'Tommy Boy'.

However he is well liked by the public after foiling an armed robbery while in public identity. He zapped the robbers with his blue gun making them feel too upset to carry out the robbery. When asked why he did not join the robbers and take the money he looked stricken and said plaintavely 'BUT IT'S GREEN !'

After the Blue Moon caper he found himself imprisoned and met others of a similar outlook. But it was only when he started humming and then the others joined in that the group of them took off as colleagues and friends. That is when he changed name as well.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Photogenic Man


Aaron Eckhart hates this guy as he resembles him. If it has to do with photographs then he'll try and steal it. He is often caught as well because he will shamelessly stop and pose for photographs. He graduated from stealing valuable photos to stealing anything to do with photoes like rare cameras, film and people involved in the business.

When captured he shamelessly showboats in court crying saying he only did it to support his wife and child/his wife and two kids/his wife and three kids/his dying work colleague. This suprisingly works and he gets off. Last time he was brought into Federal court and the prosecuting counsel used that against him asking if he blamed his criminality on trying to support his wife and however many kids. He calmly replied he did it to support his three wives and eight children. 'What are you a Mormon ?' said the Counsel. 'No, I'm a bigamist' replied the crook.

In prison he hooked up with The Legume and Professor Blue and joined up with their singing. Both he and the Professor are tenors.

Photogenic Man has recently developed a device which will put someone into a photograph. This is one way to put heroes out of the way and no-one knows about it yet.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The baritone of the group is avowed atheist Mr. Sunday, who usually chooses to rob on that particular day of the week. He's tried to change matters up (robbing the proceeds of a Black Sabbath concert back when Dio was still alive or the proceeds of an ice cream sundae social), but more often than not, he goes back to his Sunday schedule as most places are usually closed then. Despite (or perhaps because) of his atheism, he will never rob a religious building itself (charity proceeds are fair game however).


New team: Infernal Affairs

Number: 6

Theme: Corrupt cops are bad enough on their own. But these members of law enforcement have sold their very souls for power. Maybe they're tired of crime winning. Maybe they want a bigger piece of the action. Maybe they were in a desperate situation. But the members of Infernal Affairs are more than the typical dirty cops -- and they're looking to corrupt and drag as many souls down to hell in their place (fellow cops, lawyers or non-violent criminals trying to rehabilitate themselves are prime targets).

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


At least he's letting you choose which one you are.


That's like saying 'do you want to be killed by being thrown into an acidbath and slowly dissolved' or 'do you want to be killed by being covered in honey and eaten slowly by ants'


It's a truth universally acknowledged that cops do not like the Internal Affairs Department. After all are they not the devil himself ? In the case of Lester James Munroe you would be right. James Lester was your average nerd in school until the Cult of Mammon kidnapped him and sacrificed him as a virgin to their dark lord. Only the powers that are vile beyond belief had a different fate in store for James and he was returned to life with a demon inhabiting his fleshy remains. The new improved Lester James Munroe graduated university and joined the police department in IAD. While it is true Lester does not have the highest scalp hunt of any IAD cop he is the one the other cops don't want on their case as there is something about him that is not quite right. His corruption of others was very subtle to begin with until the higher ups on the other side got wind of what some corrupt cops were planning. Lester then set himself up as an innocent who was corrupted by them and initiated into their power structure. The others in Infernal Affairs think that Catspaw is their creation and their tool. They don't know he is a spy for their masters. Nor really how powerful he is. For now he plays the loyal subordinate and rookie corruptor. Until the time is right of course......

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Sgt. Warren Wright became a disillusioned cop after his mistake cost the lives of several in an incident. THis would lead him to sell his soul in an attempt to stop this from happening again. However, instead he became the evil he hated. Armed with a limited ability to alter time, space, and gravity he became Wormhole. On various nights he has to transform into what he is "inside"-a pathetic wormlike demon (human sized approx)- to maintain his abilities. (he can still fight in that state, by the way)

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Mr Average


Mark Jones always wanted to be a police officer and as he got older a detective. However the reality of it all did not really sink in until he got the job. He was just not cut out for it. He was an also ran. And after 10 years his career was going nowhere. He could not get on the high profile squads like homicide and his reports were always mediocore. He becvame thoroughly disillusioned. All he had to look forward to was a pension. He was one of the faceless masses, not a leader, a joker or a maverick. Things would have stayed this way had he not got his hands on The Book. A routine burglery and one of the items recovered was this odd book. Fascinated Mark read it. It made no sense to him but it seemed important. He probably would have just returned it had he not had The Visitor. He was strange, handsome, otherwordly and he had a pair of discrete horns in his head. He wanted The Book as it was for someone else. Mark said no it was part of a police investigation. The Visitor smiled and told him if that was so, why had he read it ? Did he not know it would cost him his soul ?

Mark sensed he should bargain and said 'If I give you the book, what do I get in return ?'

The Visitor smiled, 'What do you want ? Power ? Money ? Women ?'

Mark said 'Here's the deal. You get me an alternate identity which has money, looks, power and women. You ensure I don't get caught in my current identity. I keep my soul. I give you the book and I look for other souls for you to corrupt from other police officers, all branches of the law, people brought into custody and others who visit the station'

The Visitor said 'Done' and took the book.

Mark is now in Personnel while new sensation Byron 'Climax' Lee is the talk of the town. He breaks hearts and makes and breaks careers. No-one has connected the two. And Mark is feeding all sorts of people to his sponsor. Janitors, junkies, innocent people who have been arrested over a mistake, detectives, patrol cops, lawyers and other court officials. He's having a rare old time. He even picked a guy in Internal Affairs, Lester James Munroe, and converted him to evil. Mark is Mr Average to everyone, only now he gets to enjoy it.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Patrolman Kevin Maddox was close to retirement with nothing to show for all his long years of service. No respect from either his co-workers or his superiors (to say nothing of the scumbags he busted), a pension that would be eaten up by alimony payments in all likelihood and a bad back aggravated by a drinking problem. As the months ticked away, he constantly fantasized about going out in a blaze of glory in some way. His miserable life would have been all worth it if it ended with a hero's death. One night, a drunk Kevin met up with his soon-to-be-ex-wife to beg her to stay but she had had enough.


And he saw red. Lashing out with his fist, Kevin remembers snarling "Devil take you, you [bLEEP]!"


When he came to, the first thing he saw was his wife's cooling body on the kitchen floor...


"And just what exactly are We supposed to DO with her, Mister Maddox?"


...the well-dressed man with the accent he couldn't quite place was the second thing Kevin saw.


"You see, Mister Maddox, a woman like your late wife is just well, too dull for us. But you...you have potential. That is, if you're willing to make a career change."


Kevin's mind raced with the possibilities. A grim vigilante willing to kill criminal scumbags? He could do that! He'd LOVE to do that! And some of those pansy defense attorneys too...he'd throw those bastards in for free! "Hell's Executioner" had a nice ring too it....ooh! "Hell's Hangman!" That'd be BETTER!


So caught up in his fantasies again, Kevin eagerly signed the contract...without reading it.


In a flash, his wife's body was gone and so was all evidence that she was ever there in the first place. And Kevin Maddox now found himself as a parole officer. Confused, he looked over to the well-dressed gentleman. "Which murdering punk do I kill first?"


"Kill? Oh, Kevin...you misunderstand your new duties! Those 'murdering punks' as you call them, they're already Ours, so there's no need to hasten their demises. Not when there's so much wonderful evil they can continue to do! Your new charges though...they are under the delusion that they can be redeemed. Be...good. They aren't Ours...yet. We need you to make sure they fall off the wagon -- and stay down in the depths of despair. That's something you should be quite familiar with already..."


Now, as Turnkey, Kevin Maddox is trapped in a job with no hope of advancement, mentally dragging paroled petty criminals into doing worse crimes and trying to convince them society doesn't want them. He envies the suicides he's managed to cause. Worse still, he's also supposed to mentally make the rest of the parole board look the other way in releasing the really heinous criminals back into the public to continue their depravities (and somehow he can't make those scumbags kill themselves either).


And his back is still bothering him.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The Unforgiven


Darren Xavier Cobler isnt what he appears. In his current incarnation, yes, he is a city cop. But, he has been so much more as this is just a temporary facade. He has long since forgotten his true identity. To get to his beginning we must look back to the time of Black Plague in the 1300s in Eastern Europe.


A peasant woman is watching her older son die. In desperation she pleads for his life in exchange for the soul of the younger. In truth, the devil loves this kind of a deal. Not for corrupting the innocent. Even the devil cannot do that....directly. But, it is a great 2-for-1 deal. Both the selfish dealer is tainted. And the innocent is cursed and stigmatized. After all, why not go for more, greed is a deadly sin, right? Of course, the devil would like participating in it.


This second son was shunned by his village. And he became susceptible to the Dark Arts in retaliation for the hatred his mother gave him. He became a great and terrible sorceror in the Dark Arts. eventually he was approached by the a strange looking foreigner. To sell his soul for the ability to perform even more powerful black magic and slowing of his age. All he had to do was become as the stranger put it "The emissary of the Evil One".


For several generations, he honed his craft and corrupted the locals. Eventually he aged. The stranger came back to him and congratulated him on being the best mortal he had in his service. He told the sorceror to go to Spain and become and to go to the New World where he will find something very valuable to "our evil"


He somehow found his way into the expedition of one Ponce de Leon. de Leon never found his Fountain of Youth. But one of his men did.......I think you know who.


Armed with eternal youth, the sorceror could now corrupt souls for as long as needed. Over the last 500 years he has been many people and corrupted everywhere many souls everywhere he went (learning various dark magic ranging across the many cultures across the globe). He especially looks upon the Witch Hunts with "nostalgia". (they were his best work, you know). The "righteous" witch hunters were so much fun manipulating.


In his current identity, he has found there are so many cops that just nearing the breaking point.


He has some hand in corrupting his current batch of allies (directly or indirectly). Although, he doesnt say it, he finds Catspaw especially amusing. Thinking he is spying on him? Foolish, he is the "most loyal emissary of the Evil One". Only "He" can spy on him. Catspaw is just another corrupted soul he has dragged down to the inferno. He has had 1000 such allies, and probably 1000 more. He may fool the other members, but not him. Still....it helps having extra eyes to make sure his Dark Lord allies stay in line. And Mark Jones? You dont think he found that book by accident do you?


The Unforgiven is a master of probably 1000 spells (or maybe just 666 :sneaky:) Shape-shifting, necromancy, demon summoning? If it is foul, chances are he can do it. And he also has what he calls "The Devil's Luck". Being such a loyal and powerful emissary has some perks like the favor of the Evil One". If by some unlikelihood he finds himself in a dire situation, his master will get him out.



Edit: Changed his police "ID".

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Joey Malone always wanted to be a cop. He watched every cop show on TV, read every murder mystery or crime drama he could get his hands on, and even enrolled in classes in criminology and forensics. Unfortunately, being born with a degenerative nerve disease that left him crippled by age 20 made this dream completely unrealisitic. One day, killing time in the library, he was flipping through a strange-looking pulp magazine when he saw an advertisement. "You, too, can become a police officer!" Irritated at being reminded of his impossible dream, he flipped the page, only to find another ad. "A career in law enforcement can be yours!" Now angry, Joey flipped past several pages. He was shocked to read the heading at the top of the next ad. "I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO BE A COP, JOEY!"


Reading further, he saw that all he had to do was clip out the form, fill it out, and mail it in (PO Box 666, Hell, Michigan), and "a very rewarding career in law enforcement can be yours!" He ripped the page from the magazine, filled out the form, signed it, and mailed it in.


Too bad he didn't read the fine print.


The next day, he woke to find he could walk and move without pain. He also found a police uniform hanging in his closet, and some papers on his desk that said he was already a graduate of the police academy and newly hired by the local police department. He went in to his new job, overjoyed at finally realizing his dream. However, that joy was short-lived when he found out he was consigned to the property room, checking in and out various pieces of evidence and personal effects from individuals arrested. Still, he was healthy, and a police officer to boot.


A few weeks later, he went into the property room to discover someone he didn't know, already there. "Ah, Joey," said the well-dressed man. "I see you're enjoying your new career. Why don't we have a seat and discuss your repayment schedule?"


"Repayment?!" said Joey. "I don't owe you *anything*!"


"Guess again," said the man, snapping his fingers. Instantly, Joey was doubled over with intense pain. After a few moments of this, the man snapped his fingers again and the pain ceased instantly. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a folded sheet of paper -- the form Joey had filled out and sent in -- handing it to Joey. "According to this, you owe us the corruption of a regrettably unspecified number of innocents, and the freedom of an equal number of guilty parties. I thought I would make the second part easier by having you assigned to the property room, where you can erase tapes, remove trace evidence, and make substitutions to ensure that guilty parties -- who happen to work for us -- will more easily go free."


As Joey sat in shock, the man continued. "To make the first part easier, I've given you the power to transfer a much faster-acting version of your own nerve disease to others, with but a touch. You, however, will have to find a way to turn this corruption of the body into a corruption of the target's soul." He paused a moment, then smiled. "Well, Joey, I'll be seeing you around. Count on it."


Now as the Corrupter, Joey acts both behind the scenes (tampering with evidence) and on the front lines (causing pain to those he touches). He's found that the transformation has also made him remarkably resistant to damage, so he's often one of the primary hand-to-hand fighters in Internal Affairs.


Following a similar theme to Internal Affairs, I now present...


New Team: Arson Squad

Members: 5


This group of corrupted firemen, irredeemable firebugs, and maybe even a fire demon or something similar, all enjoy seeing flames dancing over buildings or causing painful burns on anyone unlucky enough to cross their path. They don't have to have sold their souls (though that's always a possibility). Some of them simply had their souls burned out of them by a cruel, cruel world.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Disco Inferno


He looks stupid in his disco get up but don't let that fool you. He burns down places where people dance, you know discoes, churches, schools while people are still inside them. He ducks out of the way of ranged projectiles and dances beyond the reach of hand to hand opponents. He smiles and there is no wickedness to it although he is evil. Against an ordinary opponent his fire projection is not much of a threat. But against a building it is deadly. And there is nothing more DI likes than to see people burn especially the elderly or children. Consequently some heroes try to pound him into the pavement first chance they get. He's not smart enough to be the founder or leader of Arson Squad but the others are glad to have him on the team.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Darn you, Death Tribble! You stold my joke name! (LOL)


Anyways, may I present for your amusment, Blastphaney?


Robert Davis was a preacher's son deep in the bible belt. To make maters worse, he was secretly a mutant in an area of the country where mutants were concidered 'devil children'. He tried to hone his powers in secret, flying at night and shooting blasts of energy from his mouth at the late of the night, and hopeing to get home befor anyone awaken. But one night, his father caught him and knew of what he thought he became. He started 'beating the devil' out of him, and Robert opened him mouth wide and let a bolt out which not only killed his father, but burned the church down.


From there, he drifted in and out of trouble, running away. Sometimes, his anger at the clergy upsets him so much that he sets fire to a church with his powers. This caught the atention of the Arson Squad, and he freely joined for the sence of famaly.


Note: His powers are NOT fire related, but do cause flamable material to go up in flames when contact with the mouth bolt.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!




LuAnne Albertson always seemed unlucky in love and in family, having lost two husbands, a sister, three boyfriends, two cousins, five in-laws and twelve children (8 of them hers) to fire, specifically smoke inhalation. Authorities were very suspicious, to say the least, especially since insurance was involved in a few of the cases. But the policies weren't exhorbant and LuAnne's grief seemed genuine. Forensics found no sign of accelerants, nor did the victims appear to be incapacitated in any way (no drugs or alcohol in their systems). But LuAnne is sick in the head. Not only does she have the mutant ability to "drown" a victim's air supply with choking smoke, but her powers enable her to benefit financially when the reports clear her of any involvement. (The other members of the Arson Squad then burn the victims' houses) But she doesn't even care about the money (And the rest of the Arson Squad is more than happy to take some of that money). Suffering from Munchausen-by-proxy, she's so starved for all the attention the deaths bring her she can't stop killing anyone she considers a loved one.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!




Ever since his first very publlic dumping at a dance the girls in his small town used the same insult.

"Oh look at the hot latin lover."

This was usually followed by a look of disgust, and laughter. True he wasn't overly handsome, but he wasn't ugly. He was smarter, nicer, and better than all the pretty boys the girls fawned over. But he wasn't bigger or stronger so he kept his mouth shut. Then came the great day. He didn't know or care what the truck was or where it came from. All he cared was after the inital quessy feelings he could create a stremam of plasma. And even concentrate it into explosive power. With his new found power he burned down the homes of three of the pretty boys before being found out. He fled to the united states , and alternated between buring down things for money, and buring down modling agencies and stars homes in revenge of the Hot latian lover crack at a dance. At least that's what he tells himself. He's long since crossed over to total pyromania, and would quite happily set fire to the world.


Tremble before the Toybox

Six criminals who are making use of some of Black Harliquins wonderful toys.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Toybox is led, if you can use the term by Pongo.


Derek Timms liked working for the loonies. People like Foxbat who didn't care about the money, as long as they got their wacky vision to cvome to life. These guys never worried about how much you took out of the till, how much you gouged them for equipment, or noticed if you took something they weren'yt interested in. For a burglar like Timms it was espically useful, as the boss was a great distration if cops or heros showed up. Black Harliquin fit the criteria, but his homicidal tendancies made Timms nervous. So hje always made sur there were aat least two other people between them.

The last gig went perfectly. Having broken in, he set up the exploding balloons. And while he was their grabbed a few other things insurance would just listed destroyed in the explosion. The heros showed up, and as they fought Harliquin Timms slipped quietly away. When news reports Harliquin had been captured he went to Harliquin's latest base. His plan to grab all the money was ruined when five other of Harliquin's stooges showed up.

As they were picking over the spoils Timms noticed a pogo stick. Just for fun he figured he try it. He just managed to avoid getting his skull crushed by the ceiling, on the way up. On the way down it did crush a steel box. Timms had an idea. He suggested to the others they use Harliquin's stuff to commit their own crimes. It turns out the pogostick can bounce up to ten stories. He added a knockout gas dispencer, and began carrying around minature exploding pogosticks. And so Pongo the Pogo terror was born.

He's done well so far with leading, but the others are starting to notice that all his plans involve them being the first to get hit, and he always seems to start retreating before calling for a retreat.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Resurrecting a long-lost character from the original 1st-Edition Enemies book...


Even a wackadoo like Black Harlequin needs someone to answer the phone and play the public face, and Harriet Johnson was that woman. Acting as receptionist and purchaser, she knew more about BH's toys than most of the others. And as a four-time West Coast Flying Disc champion, she knew just what she wanted from Harley's toy box: his set of custom flying discs. Razor discs, exploding discs, entangling discs, even the double-knockback "send-em flying" discs. Now, as Frizbe, she is one of the main ranged combatants of Toybox.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!




You can't use a Yo-Yo as a weapon. Unless you're the Black Harlequin then you can. Peter Flemming stole the idea and uses it. He has improved the design a little to allow him to fire a Yo-Yo at someone, do damage and come back. He as also perfected the 'Walking the Dog' trick as mesmerism allowing people to be robbed of purses and wallets while watching this. Other trick Yo-yos blow up on contact or deliver shocks. Peter was apparantly a henchman for another crook before joining Toybox.

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