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Abort To Dodge



I am a normal human with a 2 speed, 8 dex and a martial art. In Phase 2 a villain shoots at me. I choose to abort to a martial dodge getting a +5 to my DCV. Assuming that the villain doesn't kill me instantly, How long does that +5 apply?


Originally, we had been applying the +5 till the end of the phase that was aborted. So I would get my +5 till the end of phase 6.


Recently one of the players in our game stated that, assuming that I do nothing else, the +5 from my martial dodge should instead go till Phase 12 Dex 8 (my next action).


I am sorry if this was answered already. I couldn't find it in the FAQs or in any of the threads.

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Re: Abort To Dodge


It's not in a FAQ or thread because it's in the rulebook. ;) As stated on 5ER 383:


Any modifiers from a Maneuver remain in effect from when the character performs the Maneuver until the beginning of his next Phase. Thus, a SPD 3 character who Dodges on his Phase in Segment 4 retains the Maneuver’s +3 DCV bonus until the beginning of his next Phase in Segment 8.
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