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Dust Raven

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to a bar last night and saw three, um, hefty women speaking in what I thought was a Scottish accent. So I walked up to them and said, "Pardon me, are you three lasses from Scotland?"


One angrily replied, "It's Wales, you bloody idiot! WALES!!!"


So I said, "Sorry about that. Are you three whales from Scotland?"


And that's why I woke up in the hospital today.

I wonder if I should send this to my colleague, who is a Welsh woman (but NOT hefty), and has a black belt of her own.


Maybe this is time for ... discretion.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

This is especially funny because UH is currently looking for a university president. After the last one turned out to be incompetent and possibly crooked, and her predecessor was incompetent and definitely crooked. Not really holding out a lot of hope, although the interim guy is head of IT, actually knows what he's doing, and has an outside chance of winding up with the job by default.


Update: head of IT wound up with the job by default.  Faculty is on the verge of mutiny.  Now, back to the jokes.


(Cancer, you should have applied.)

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