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Doc Democracy

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Everything posted by Doc Democracy

  1. Come on now Tribble, I said Celtic not Celtics, though I have walked down the street sporting each of those teams at different times. ? my heart is in Glasgow....
  2. Definitely uncomfortable in a suit and tie, less so in shorts and a Celtic top.... ? Doc
  3. I think Christopher (the OP Christopher) would point out that they are the same AP. If each of them individually would be OK, having them randomly occur should not be an issue for anyone but the spellcaster...
  4. The problem with guarding is that you are dealing with players who make tactical judgements on paper that they would never make in real life. They judge that taking a hit in getting past is something they can live with whereas a real person might want to avoid a bit of sharp metal penetrating their skin. I wonder whether the rule should be that if a zone is guarded the seeking to pass by the defender is possible. The defender can make a roll to hit at 1/2 DCV and, if they hit make their damage roll. The person seeking to get past must then make a PRE or EGO roll modified by the BODY rolled in the attack to see if they actually do it. If they do not, they do not pass and lose the rest of their action, if they do they can choose to take the damage and pass the defender or avoid the damage and fail to get past. It kind of means that it is the character deciding whether getting past is worth the damage rather than the player. Less brave characters will fail to do this, even if they are wearing enough armour (they are scared), brave characters with plenty of armour will choose to go through as the literature shows - the brave hero smashes through the defensive line, allowing his shield and armour to take the strain to get within reach of the big bad. Doc
  5. I do think having spell effects that are not in D&D is an actively good thing!! ? Christopher has already indicated that the generic energy element is not what he wanted, he wanted a cool spell effect rath r than something that affects all heal spells. Personally that would not worry me, I might facilitate that only a heal spell from a certain deity would have that effect built into undead. For example, it would make sense for clerics of St Cuthbert or Pholtus (in Greyhawk) to damage undead with healing spells but not other deities. Doc
  6. It IS warm!!! It is sunny and 70 degrees today and they will not believe me when I insist that this is a warm day...they are putting cardigans and jackets on to go outside....
  7. Good thinking Lucius. It would have that +1 and area effect. The random effect is possibly worth something but possibly no more than +1/4?? I guess it would depend on whether the options disadvantaged the person firing it off had significant duff possibilities. As it is the power user cannot optimise the effect to the opponent but they are almost all potentially efficacious.
  8. well, does Bermuda count as the States? And if someone goes they'll have to stay for almost a fortnight, I return to Merrie Olde England on 17 Feb...
  9. Dammit, missed the point that it could be any of them in the area effect... I would therefore do it as no concious control, area effect, variable effect and usable by others. It still comes to a chunk of points but then should it not, as you hit a whole bunch of people with a number of different effects over a period of time??
  10. I think I am playing 6th but at any moment I might be using a rule from an earlier edition that I had not noticed that changed....
  11. I think this is very much about setting up your campaign. I think here undead come with a physical complication that they take an equivalent DC of Blast when healing is applied to them. This indeed is a multipower with NCC on the reserve. Hmm, quite a powerful effect. I would probably cost a power that allowed me to provide 2D6 Aid, variable effect, area effect selective and usable by others. I am using the usable by others in the extent that each person gets to choose what effect they want from the Aid. Hmm. So, you could shoot an undead target through one or more non-undead. I reckon I would purchase a blast with indirect on it and give it a +0 limitation of only vs undead. That is +1/2 as far as I am cioncerned. the path is always from character but can by-pass any number of non-undead before it hits an undead. I presume barriers would stop it?
  12. well, obviously, a great superhero but dims greatly in comparison to Ambush Bug. I like Cap because his patriotism is to the ideals of the nation he represents rather than the nation itself, which is why the recent suggestions he is morally compromised is such a travesty...
  13. ah! Tis a question my son asks regularly. Who would win. My answer is an invariable, it depends who is writing and what story they want to tell. Classic David and Goliath story, though whether comics should be ripping off the bible is another question. ?
  14. Ha! It is indeed gutting to find so little to comment on. ?
  15. I am now wondering whether killing attack should double BODY damage for sixes rolled. 12D6 normal damage (60 AP) delivers an average of 42 STUN, 12 BODY. BODY range 0-24, STUN range 12-72. 8D6 killing (x2) (60 AP) delivers an average of 28 STUN, 13 BODY. BODY range 0-48, STUN range 8-48. It slightly boost average BODY but massively increases the range of BODY damage possible and significantly reduces STUN delivered....
  16. So many days there are several threads hotly debating things I am interested in but I have no time to get really involved. Today? I have been stuck at Heathrow and JFK for several hours with nothing to do but use the free WiFi and what do I find? Almost nothing of interest.... At least I will be in US time for the SuperBowl tonight... Doc
  17. Ultimately I try not to impose too many limits on the characters given to me for a new campaign. I try to make sure that no one has bumped up to all of the suggested ceilings on CV, defences, SPD etc and then look across the group as a whole. i am currently at that point in my forthcoming Golden Age game where I have one pretty much complete character submitted and a bunch of partials. I think the character I have is too effective, he will outshine all the others in most circumstances. That is not a good game starting point. I am not going to try trimming down the one I have until I see the others completed. If I can identify one area for each character to shine and at least one area where they will be a passenger then I have the makings of a group. If I cannot then I will begin to make change suggestions until I have what I want. as such the beginning levels of everything will be up in the air until after I have the heroes, I will then tailor my villains to that opposition...
  18. On the bright side, you have no good reason not to indulge in the mechanics thread. ?
  19. Have you considered STUN multiples making 6s count double? That removes the additional dice but every six thrown does 12 STUN, or 18 STUN or more depending on the multiples bought? Much more useful when rolling lots of dice than small numbers as it is more likely that sixes will appear. EDIT: adding a bit of crunch to the suggestion. Each STUN multiple in this scenario would increase average damage per die by 1. So 3D6 would average 13.5 STUN rather than 10.5 STUN with one STUN multiple and 19.5 STUN with three multiples. A 12D6 attack (60 AP) attack does an average of 42 STUN, 12 BODY with a range of 12-72. An 8D6 attack with two STUN multiples (as above) averages 44 STUN, 8 BODY with a range of 8-96. You sacrifice BODY for the chance of mega STUN and average slightly increased STUN for no extra cost... Doc
  20. I am just trying to get a handle on what I want my 6th edition Golden Age character sheets to look like, will post an early draft in this post when it is ready. EDIT: not going to get this finished. This is some of the detail for Colonel Mustard, I am still in the process of agreeing characters and this one is too effective and might be breaking some rules but you can see how the character sheet is beginning to come together... https://1drv.ms/b/s!Air1KSKvgXqLiOBCfkgdCmOttkGqpg
  21. Here is another style. This one was a 5th edition character in a game where I wanted to give a D20 vibe. https://1drv.ms/p/s!Air1KSKvgXqLgeIFeLRV7RiV8rUq4w
  22. Well, here is a 4th edition character I built for a recent 4th edition game my friend ran with the Bag of Holding pdfs. ? https://1drv.ms/p/s!Air1KSKvgXqLhf8BzhTotsyZ1RNhEw
  23. Sorry NB. I couldn't not tell folks. ? I even went on RPG.net to tell people. If anyone that uses and loves the settings wants to go and sell it harder, please do...
  24. Just noticed the good value for Fantasy Hero books in the store right now. $13.50 for Valdorian Age, Atlantan Age or Turakian Age and Grimoires - that is for book AND pdf. My only problem is that being in the UK means that a $27 bargain (VA and a Grimoire) requires $37.50 postage which takes it back from MUST buy to need to find spare cash... The fact they are 5th edition should not put any of you off from exploiting this, the pdf on its own is $10. Get yourself some dead tree HERO.
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