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Doc Democracy

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Everything posted by Doc Democracy

  1. Re: The Cost of STR & Other Characteristics: An open discussion Part of the problem here is that the characters were built in a way where they could, under normal circumstances, do no damage to each other worth talking about. If we reduce those defences to 20 or so - just to keep things even - then the advantage inbuilt to the energy projector comes into play. We assumed that they were next to each other in the original scenario - the energy projector had to escape just to avoid being grabbed. If we assumed some separation then the energy projector has a ranged attack that will come into play, allowing him to damage power woman before he can get close enough to bring his advantage into play. It is easy for small differences in an aspect here to make one or the other look absolutely perfect for one or the other protagonist. Possibly close enough that it doesn't actually make that much of a difference - I've never been convinced that it was necessary for me to do this though have often been sympathetic to the 2:1 argument. Doc
  2. Re: The Cost of STR & Other Characteristics: An open discussion
  3. Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System? I have been using Hero with my group who are not Hero people and more comfortable with D20 (I know!) and so I have an export format for Hero Designer that produces characters in a more D20 like format. I have changed aspects of the mechanics to accommodate this and to reduce the variety of numbers in the game. Been some work to add material to the notes of powers but well worth it for the response it got from the players. Will see if I can get an example up here later but the skin is attached for HD experimenters. Doc
  4. Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System? I would have to say that Hero is less likely to be the ultimate system than any of the others out there. My idea of the ultimate system is one that gives me a fantastic gaming experience straight out of the box - delivering some kind of play experience. Now I can tweak Hero with the best of them and I believe that my Glorantha Hero - when I eventually finish it - will be a contender for the ultimate system and it will be based purely on Hero. But Hero straight out of the box. Nah... Doc
  5. Re: How do you approach spirit binding? Well, there is the colour aspect of teh binding and the mechanics of it. In RuneQuest the idea of the binding a spirit was that it increased the number of spells you could remember and provided an alternative store of magic points to cast spells with. As such it was essentially a buff to the character. If I was looking at it in Fantasy Hero terms then I'd have to look at whether there were limits to the number of spells that I could remember (use) at any one time. If so the spirit binding would buff whatever stat was used to determine that (most often INT) and would buff END and REC. I might require the player to keep the base END and REC and the buffed stuff seperate for accounting purposes. That would provide the caster with the game facility you find in RuneQuest. The colour side of it required the PC to defeat the spirit in spirit combat and then to cast the proper spell. That could be abstracted any number of ways - in RuneQuest it revolved around POW a stat we do not have in Hero. Doc
  6. Re: Standard Limitation for a blowgun dart? Well, I often built this kind of thing with the limitation of not versus resistant defences. That is around -1 in a Champions game less so in other genres, IMO. Doc
  7. Re: Hero All-Stars 2008 A character that I am going to have to think about next time I do a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen style game will be Tinkerbell.... Doc
  8. Re: How would you build missles comic style That is a bloody good limitation. I'd rep you again if I didn't already owe you... Doc
  9. Re: Catgirls (and Catboys) for Fantasy I would have thought that a good lok at the Kzin from Larry Niven's Known Space would be a good start. There's been a lot of thought put into why the Kzin are different from humans beyond the 'scream and leap' battle tactics. Doc
  10. Re: Not Quite Arm-Fall-Off Lad What about the vanishing Sean? Shrinking with special effects or EDM and focus?
  11. Re: The Heroes blew it! Evil Wins We started a game like this in Middle Earth. It was just after Morgoth wiped the floor with the good guys and darkness spread over Middle Earth. It was pretty gloomy but I suppose it wasn't too bad because you knew that this did not last. I think that the message you have to get to the players is that everything cycles - the battle against evil is never over because it always re-appears but, from the opposite perspective, the fight against good is never over either, it always re-appears too. Doc
  12. Re: How would you build missles comic style Very reasonable for real life and it fits your build. I would ask whether the fact that the missiles were of the homing variety whether they should give you a bonus beyond the no range penalty but it could be considered 'guilding the lily'! As far as the comicbook version goes - you see what we are trying to accomplish - it goes a bit beyond your build and comes with its own problems. Doc
  13. Re: Not Quite Arm-Fall-Off Lad You've got a lot of stuff going on here - I would suspect definitely for multiple powers to get all the effects you are looking for. I think Mr mattingly has a good point in invisible, indirect stretching for the toe in the room idea but you have a case for that being too distant for stretching to cope with. I think that you might want to do this via focus based clairsentience. The special effects of that clairsentience would be that you would have had to be in the location - or have a body part moved to that location before you can 'view' it - obviously the view you would get would depend on the senses available to the body part left there. the foci would be indestructable though would feed damage back tot he character - they are still part of you. The vanishing aspect is a difficult one - though very interesting. I initially thought about shrinking for that - you are effectively becoming smaller until all you are left with is an eye, ear etc but this does not address the movement aspect. I think that I would be inclined to use teleport for this - only between various body parts. For moving nowhere, but simply becoming a body part I think I would use EDM - you have only one focus - or several but your 'being' is in a pocket dimension somewhere else. The feedback from the foci maintain the link between the being and the body parts (and I think you might need to have a distinctive looks disad - limited to only when using these powers). I presume that you could use an ear (for example) to get to a place (location A) - re-attach the ear then appear at another location where you left an eye, with ear intact (location but then be unable to get back to location A. Doc
  14. Re: How would you build missles comic style I'm essentially here in the discussion - I'm not a great fan of the summon [vehicle] approaches. I'm wondering whether the OCV of the firer should come into it? Should anyone be able to fire a homing missile with equal ability? Does your agility in combat have that much effect? Was wondering whether the missile might have a base CV regardless of firer - so, for example, the missile fires at CV 8 and has 10 levels. That means it should hit most people but that more agile folk will have more opportunity to shoot it down or distract it to another target. I'm wondering how fast it moves. Could someone simply outrun it in the time they had. For example, if someone was to be hit in four phases, could they push their movement and get outside the range of the missile? I'm assuming the answer to that is yes? Thus avoiding what was essentially a good,'to-hit' roll. How do you get it to 'hit' a wrong target. Should the target have a chance of using a dummy target and getting the missile to get a wrong lock? How does that work? A base INT/PER roll modified by the GM for circumstances? Doc
  15. Re: Happy New Year Yeah. Happy New Year every one - I know mine started in the best possible way and the rest of the day has been pretty happy and relaxed too... :-) Doc
  16. Re: 2008 Projects Nice to see that The Man is working on New Year's Eve... Doc
  17. Re: 2008 Projects Does this not suggest that the title needs some thought? If hero-knowledgable players dont respond to a title that has Hero-specific terminology then what chance does it have with the wider gamer community? maybe it needs to be something like The Ultimate Campaign Setting or The Ultimate Campaign Environment or something more WYSIWYG?? Doc
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