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Doc Democracy

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Everything posted by Doc Democracy

  1. Re: Decoupling Figured Characteristics If you abolish figured then why not also abolish CON and have the STUN number be based on BODY+EGO or somesuch? Doc
  2. Re: Bow & Arrows separately. I realise that I am coming to this very late in the day but I have a thought that you might want to consider. How about buying the bow as a the main power? Heavy bow: 2D6 RKA, real weapon, OAF (Bow and arrows) Now when you have a heavy bow and arrows then you can do 2D6 RKAs. You can change the damage a bow does simply by defining the damage that you wish arrows fired by the bow to do. This means that any arrow you pick up will do the same damage from the bow. Now you consider arrows. An arrow that does 2D6 RKA when fired from a heavy bow is probably only worth 1/2D6 when used as a dagger. So you might build an arrow as 1/2D6 HKA, real weapon, independent. This doesn't matter when it is fired from the bow but you are firing a focus that may provide your enemies with a weapon when it gets there. So what about armour piercing arrows. I think these could be built as multipowers: slot 1 - HKA as before, slot 2 - NPA (AP) bought for the heaviest bow they could be fired from. They could also be bought as two powers - more expensive than normal arrows but so they should be. You could also build arrows that added to the damage of the bow. No handwavium required anywhere and good compounded powers that can be well defined in your power pool. What do you think?? Doc
  3. Re: Discussion on costs of Characteristics But the EC savings come with a huge flexibility on what you save points on and its a saving that keeps going on saving as you build your character. With STR your savings are strictly defined and unlikely to expand their possibilities as the game progresses. cost/benefit flexibility/risk Doc
  4. Re: Discussion on costs of Characteristics And there you commit the Hero sin. You imply SFX from the mechanical base. Hero is structured that you buy the mechanical effects you want and apply SFX after - characteristics are set up to break that rule when they say that STR does the following things and provides the following side benefits because that's what strength does. Doc
  5. Re: Discussion on costs of Characteristics To me STR is the epitome of the black box syndrome. It is a way in which the game designer is telling you that any character who has high strength will also have higher PD, REC and STUN whether you like it or not. Limiting the number of figured stats you can sell back simply emphasises that design stricture. By increasing the cost of STR you do not remove the design imposition - you simply ensure that fewer people buy high STR. I think that this probably moves me closer to scrapping characteristics than playing about with the costs of them....there will never be a point where people are happy with the distribution of costs etc. Doc
  6. Re: Desolid, Str affects real world and martial arts interactions ? I have always had problems with extra DCs and martial artists who are as effective as bricks in a straight up punch at a vault door. What I have done is only allow extra DCs to count versus defences and only the STR and manouevre bonus can do damage...bit complicated but good use of coloured dice work well. Doc
  7. Re: Nature + Fire = What? My first thought for Fire + Nature is the Sun. There isn't a bigger natural conflagration anywhere close by..... Doc
  8. Re: Typical Base Character Basic locomotion and two hands that can exert STR and do fine manipulation. Doc
  9. Re: Everything's a Power Missing the basic needs - breathable air, edible food, water etc.
  10. Re: Repackaging Character Disadvantages Names are important - they lead the thinking of the people reading them. Characterisation points, in my head, were the points that were gained from adding character to your PC through things like reputation or psych lims that you could use to purchase more powers/skills/characteristics. I see that there could be a second meaning. I wouldn't worry about the spellings - I'll stick to mine you stick to yours, just like armour etc. :-) You could replace disadvantage with characterisation - no need to talk about points. I like the Character Definition too - that is absolutely what it is all about. Doc
  11. Re: Interceptor Good point, well made. I missed the trigger element completely
  12. Re: Interceptor As an englobing force wall, or even a plced one I would ask for an attack roll and therefore would not allow it as an abort to action. I suppose there is a slight precedent in block requiring an OCV vs OCV roll and you could replace that, but I would look askance... Doc
  13. Re: Interceptor As I said, there might be any number of power constructs (and neither of these were foremost in my mind) that particular characters would use. What would you like the game to include? An extension to missile deflect or a quick discussion on what is possible using other powers? Stephen
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