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Doc Democracy

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Everything posted by Doc Democracy

  1. Re: CyberHero Hacked Hmmm. See your point. I think then that you may be looking definitely at multiform (though I would make sure that particular stats of the cyber form were set/limited by various cyberskills owned by the meat form). I would buy the cyber form's BODY with a focus (meat body) to represent the fact that there is a lump of flesh somewhere and the avatar could be vulnerable if that was attacked/destroyed. Doc
  2. Re: How to build this nice knock-out spell It would maintain the cosmic balance for a little while longer...
  3. Re: How to build this nice knock-out spell Hmm. I suggest EDM and run and when I come back it has not been terribly derided - not even by Sean! There must be something terrible gathering in the cosmos for this rare event to occur... As indicated - the EDM option would definitely be for stage management rather than upfront crowd control or dealing with direct opponents, that does take you back to the original suggestions. I like sbarrons 'Witching Zone' option - could be very colour evoking during a game - will send rep when I am able. I also like Opal's suggestions, it is often forgotten that certain powers that affect a certain class of people (and that is true across the campaign) should probably be built into the campaign rather than bought on a character by character basis. The D&D stuff of affecting evil/good/chaotic etc should be bought by each character having a 0 point Distinguishing feature and powers bought to target those distinguishing features. Makes things so much easier but also points out how much thought the GM should put into defining the game environment before people get around to designing characters. Doc
  4. Re: Discussion on costs of Characteristics I'm sending rep JmOz's way - I think we dont see enough public apologies when people have re-read their posts and decided that they were potentially inflamatory. I approve and thought that I should publicly praise good behaviour as well as do so privately. Doc
  5. Re: How to build this nice knock-out spell Good work everyone on trying to model the effects of the spell. I was thinking though exactly what it is that the caster is trying to do, intently revealed by the OP 'pesky normals'. In game terms the caster is trying to convert the potential battle ground into one where they are not going to be inconvenienced by villains using those normals (read innocents triggering psych lims etc) as hostages, distractions etc. So really what they might be considering is changing the environment in some respect - I think that there might be some relevance in looking at change environment - or moreso in looking at EDM. Essentially the EDM is moving the PCs and NPCs to a dimension exactly like the one where they were except that it does not include the potential innocent bystanders. You dont have to think about affecting the background cast of NPCs just the main protagonists? I realise it is metagaming to an extent but surely that is what power creation is all about? Doc
  6. Re: Discussion on costs of Characteristics He relies on his Damage Reduction.
  7. If a character has bought an Indirect EB (the +3/4 type) can the character use it, even when restrained/entangled, to shoot at opponents? Doc
  8. Re: Change the focus from KO to Killing Or give all defences an increased END cost (even armour). Doc
  9. Re: Change the focus from KO to Killing
  10. Re: Not Taking Advantage Sean, if you insist on coming up with practical suggestions we are going to have to ban you from the forums or have the doctors come round to visit again...
  11. Re: Change the focus from KO to Killing I thought that the dropping STUN takes away an element of the game. You didn't say make KO impossible though. What you could do is rule that STUN = BODY damage for killing attacks. You would then have to expand the club weapon manouevre to allow the STUN multiplier to be increased. You might also want to make armour take a beating so that it becomes less effective during the fight, broken bits and slipped buckles all lead to attacks getting through more often. Doc
  12. Re: Not Taking Advantage ...and so, kinda gives Sean what he was looking for
  13. Re: Not Taking Advantage Chris - I lost you in all the magic making thingy stuff How about you define the power thusly 10D6 EB - Explosion (only when making the BIG gesture). The advantage is limited and so you can fire the explosion whenever you want by making a special gesture. No need for NPA and it even costs you less points.... Doc
  14. Re: Ground Tentacle Attack! Exactly the sort of thing that indirect should cover. I might look at a limited version of the indirect as it is only from a ground direction that the attack can come. The bonuses come from use. If the GM believes that the attack was completely unexpected then he may award a bonus - if you have been fighting this kind of an attack for some time then he may believe that there would be no particular bonus for the attack. GM discretion time I think. Doc
  15. Re: Discussion on costs of Characteristics Just as an observation. Characteristics are a funny grab bag of things. They have: game mechanical counts (STUN, BODY, END with REC thrown in here as a related mechanism), an action regulator (SPD - how many actions you can perform in a turn), combat functions (PD, ED, CON, DEX - for combat value stuff, EGO & INT for ego combat values), Skill modifiers (most primaries), Game effect (STR). STR is the only one with a game effect and thus has these knock on effects with the other powers. They really are a grab bag of things rather than a group of like things.... Doc
  16. Re: Decoupling Figured Characteristics Minor enough that BODY and EGO could take up the slack, I think. Wouldn't even be that much of a jump to say that BODY took on the (Based on CON) resistance to poisons etc. Holding your breath would also make sense with a BODY/EGO mix. I guess its my less is more drive - I think we have too many characteristics and that if there is a move like this to decouple figureds then I think it would not be a bad idea to get rid of COM and CON at the same time. I suppose I'm a bit more radical with regard to characteristics.... Doc
  17. Re: Decoupling Figured Characteristics I'm missing what other function it has in the game (if you remove figured characteristics....)
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