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Doc Democracy

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Everything posted by Doc Democracy

  1. Re: Talking hitS Well, there aren't that many people about and I think you are dancing on the head of a pin that is lost in a haystack...
  2. Re: EGO Attack Is what I'm talking about essentially variable limitation switching in either reduced by range or increased END?? Doc
  3. I was reading the 6th edition thread and thinking about the discussion on EGO attack and cost effectiveness. I dont really want to rehash that particular running sore. What I am interested in is the idea of the automatic LOS you get with the attack. Now normal attacks cost a fixed END and take OCV penalties with range to reflect the reduction in accuracy. What about Mental Attacks having a fixed OECV but taking END penalties with range to reflect the increased difficulty in affecting things with your mind at a distance? Would that begin to address the cost effectiveness issue? I reckon Mental Attacks of all kinds might take this and would have a knock on of changing the pricing of reduced END for such powers? Doc
  4. Re: Teleport redirection And so he invites the EDM solution of moving the teleporter to a dimension where the target he teleported to was actually somewhere else! Doc
  5. Re: Teleport redirection Deserve rep for the question but I can't right now. Will use the I Owe Rep Exchange Thread and see if someone else will! Anyway. The implications of this mechanically are more complicated than the power. It appears logical (in twisted superhero worlds) that if someone can teleport then that travel can be re-directed. This is another case where the mechanics bump up against SFX. If the SFX of the teleporters are different can they interfere with each other's travel? I would essentially use this as a contest between powers. I would also allow teleporters to buy skills in this kind of combat. So. If you purchase teleporting skill you get a basic awareness of teleportation activity (just like mental awareness but more limited). if the SFX of the teleportation matches then you can tussle - like a STR vs STR roll and if you win, you can alter the destination by 1" per point that you win by. (If the teleport was mega-scaled then those would be mega-scaled inches). I understand that this is simply changing the TP power as written rather than looking for another mechanic but it feels more intuitive to me and broadens the teleport power to be more interesting rather than looking for a clunky application of powers that could leave all other teleporters looking a bit useless.... Doc
  6. Re: Special Effects Rules This is almost what the Ultimate Energy Blaster suggested but with more flexibility and emphasis on making it what each game needs rather than on trying to be comprehensive. I like it. It is obviously meta-gaming of the highest order but that is often what is required to get a game that works. SFX should be fluff on top but when you are talking adjustment powers etc there needs to be an underlying core - solid places where your gaming feet can get a grip. The terms ultimately mean nothing though the GM may work hard to ensure that the terms mainly make sense and provide the game with some consistency to benefit those players that are paying attention.... Doc
  7. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far It's simply going to change who I invite to play in my games... Doc
  8. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far It's actually settled down over the past day or so...
  9. Re: Variable Bonus I kinda like this. Bonuses are bought as dice - you roll your bonus dice and count BODY toward the bonus provided. You might get more, you might get less but most often you'd get the bonus you bought. You could purchase talents like 'difficult fighting style' which would provide bonuses to DCV in the same way. You might even buy cheaper bonuses that only give a bonus if you roll a 6, like luck. It is extra dice and extra time but it could give some extra fun (which is the only reason to do it). Doc
  10. Re: New GM for a new game need new tools Hmmm. I had thought of the area effect - it costs more END to throw anyway - I would charge it each time the field is challenged - so 12 phases in this instance - he would get the others for free! I can see the problems but it seems to make more logical sense. With autofire you can get to the point of maintaining multiple fields which will possibly be more tiring as you'd pay for each field each time they are challenged. This is kinda interesting. I would allow the player to decide whether to maintain the field knowing the END cost coming up rather than simply charge it. That allows the power wielder to exercise control over whether he maintains it. Doc
  11. Re: New GM for a new game need new tools I didn't think it would remove the END spend. I was thinking in terms of how useful lowering your speed (or even having a low speed) would be in terms of a suppress based character. If you suppress the DEX of several opponents then lower your speed to 2 you pay very little END (relatively to maintain this) if it is based on victims SPDs then you pay END relative to the effect you have. Hmm. worth considering I think. Doc
  12. Re: New GM for a new game need new tools There could easily be a case made for the END cost for this being based on the victim's SPD - the more often you have to suppress the power, the more often you have to pay END. Doc
  13. Re: New GM for a new game need new tools Great net book of real heroes is a great resource: http://www.sysabend.org/champions/gnborh/index.html You might want to look at Question Man's response to a similar question: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=793443&postcount=2 Doc
  14. Re: Old Palladium player wanting to start with the HERO SYSTEM Post a word description of the characters and I think you'll get a few other people putting up their versions as well. Doc
  15. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Isn't the divide trans-dimensional? I thought I remembered that there were two cities superimposed on each other where each could peer at the other through breaches in the fabric? Doc
  16. Re: Character advancement OMG. A set of reasonable responses - nothing off the wall and even Sean has come into that categorisation! There is a paradigm in RPGs that you start small and gain experience to get bigger and badder. It is true across most games. Beast pointed out that he wanted to see his character 'grow'. Treb indicated that such growth does not have to be about physically pummeling the bad guy. Golden Heroes had a system that provided indices of how well the character was perceived by others - the press, the public, the authorities etc. I like to see character growth as well, I agree with Treb, I have always been fascinated by that aspect of Golden Heroes. My perception of the comics is that more often than anything else the character does not grow in power ('cept over long periods where popular characters have to become more powerful to be as hard as the readers want them to be). The big challenges in superheroes and the growth areas tend to be social - better contacts, better facilities, better relationships and often a better understanding of themselves and defeating their inner demons. I suppose the last of that could be represented by buying off disadvantages but I would love a system where this was better defined and more satisfying in-game. Doc
  17. Just going to bed and I thought I would throw out a question that just came into my head: What is the purpose of character advancement in a game? More specifically, the purpose in a superhero game.... I think that there needs to be some marking of success in the game but if the villains get harder as the characters get harder, what's the point?? Doc PS: Night all - I need to get some sleep if I'm going to be able to face the week...
  18. Re: Reverse Gravity Each of these reflect the problems of build versus mechanics. Simply reversing gravity should not require great amounts of strength - and it really only comes into play if there is indeed something to hold onto. The mechanics do not reflect the actuality of reversing gravity but the better question is whether they reflect the drama required. The worst mistake is to build it so that it obviously gives a stupid result - neither of the builds are obviously stupid but they may come across situations where the right mechanical action breaks the feeling of reality. Doc
  19. Re: Pain Looks like this would have been a good article in Digital HERO. Pain in the HERO system. If you are building an attack that is pain based then you should be thinking very carefully about what sort of pain you are thinking of inflicting, what sort of effect that you intend it to have and what might blunt the attack. Like AmadanNaBriona said, resistance should play a part in overcoming the effects of these kinds of attacks. I guess this re-iterates HERO principles but it might be worth elcidating how HERO might model pain in the system and how the GM might adjudicate painful situations... Doc
  20. Re: Pain I also like the idea of fighting through pain. NND energy blasts do not allow for this. A continuing STUN suppress that can be 'switched off' by someone making a resistance roll allows for some heroic action scenes - the hero lies writhing in pain but manages to raise his gun and take out the villain just before he pushes the red button of death.... Doc
  21. Re: Pain The distracting pain is what I was thinking of with the STUN suppress. Real damage may take you so far and the pain effectively takes you out of the game while it lasts...still conscious but ineffective. Doc
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