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Doc Democracy

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Everything posted by Doc Democracy

  1. Re: How to Build: Desolidification Only vs Metal I'm not quite sure why, when you limited the desolidification, you made it specifically against metal attacks instead of just against metal in general. You seem to be asking how to add a small aspect of desolid to metal when you specifically wished it away in that limitation.... I think I would have made the limitation 'Only versus metal (-1)'.
  2. Re: Please help me make a Swarm Power This was my first thought as well but then you get the problem that anyone with an affect desolid advantage on their attack are also very effective against this character for no particular reason that makes sense (and in my campaign I have a couple of multipopwer freaks who always have an effect desolid slot...) Doc
  3. Re: Please help me make a Swarm Power If you are trying to do this then you have to have a clear idea of what you want to do. 1 - damage avoidance (by turning into small creatures you become immune to damage or partially immune as the creatures can be attacked). I'd probably model this as damage reduction. 2 - ability to move in spaces that would otherwise be impossible? Shrinking does the trick. 3 - the biting back - I'd have a small NND damage shield to simulate the fact that if anyone puts their hand in it gets nibbled. I would have KB resistance to counterbalance the shrinking and would scale the damage reduction against area effect attacks and I would have a bunch of STUN and BODY set aside beside my actual STUN and BODY (when in swarm form, that would take damage first and when it was gone the ability to swarm would be lost until it had fully healed). I would link the powers so that they could not be used individually. The rest is special effects.... Doc
  4. Re: And 6e print books start to arrive I think mine may have arrived today but I am going to have to go to the post office to pick them up - if I can find the time between working and commuting....
  5. Re: Blasts that leak power out the sides. The only way I can see this working is: 5D6 AoE: Radius, Explosion (not in cone or line areas, +1/4; linked - only when Line area EB used, +1/2; no range, +1/2) 9D6 AoE: Cone, Explosion (not in line area, +1/4; linked - only when Line area EB used, +1/2; no range, +1/2) 13D6 AoE: Line (no range, +1/2) The leaks can be useful but the linked is there because it will have drawbacks in its use - people and scenery will suffer if it gets used...but it should cost more than the basic line attack as it will have its uses. Doc
  6. Re: 6th Edition Character Sheet Now THAT is a champions character sheet.... It speaks superheroes. It retains some geeky numbers and is lacking sdescriptive colour on the powers but you almost miss that because it is lovely to look at... Doc
  7. Re: 6th Edition Character Sheet I like it more in colour but it is still a functional blocky character sheet that does not lend any feeling to the character behind the numbers...
  8. Re: 6th Edition Character Sheet I'm going to have to put some thought into this. I want to see something good and dynamic. I may have to work with a friend of mine who is an excel genius and another who works well with virtual basic to see if I can come up with something that would work for me. I guess it first means designing the pen and paper version that the electronic stuff makes easier... My thoughts are a sheet that encourages good build behaviour that leads to a good play sheet. I'm thinking of a power build sheet that facilitates the point design and encourages good description. On the play sheet you would have the description with only the necessary numbers..... Doc
  9. Re: Ants in your pants [FRED] See, I'm thinking that the effects do not impede your dexterity - indeed you may perform extreme contortions as a result of it. I was thinking of a suppress INT. Take away enough and you stop the person making rational decisions. Doc
  10. Re: 6E: Contagious Disease? My PhD was indeed in microbiology...those medical quacks know nothing!
  11. Re: 6E: Contagious Disease? I have just bought 6h edition and so may be slightly out of date. Personally I think that I might venture into the transform aspect of the powers. Essentially you are transforming a healthy individual into someone who is sick and has the ability to infect others. So. I think that I would decide what the effects of the disease would be and make them into a physical limitation rather than messing about with drains etc. I might (depending on the severity of the disease) apply a dependence on the sick person (without CON or BODY rolls the severe effects would take place - possibly losing BODY, possibly losing long term END or other stats) The dependence would be limited such that medicine might mitigate the effects or severity of the dependence. As for the infectivity - I would have an always on, gradual and invisible effects transform (mitigated by measures taken to contain disease) for a fixed time period. This would allow for individual tracking of a disease within a limited group - for wider effects I would use GM discretion. Doc
  12. Re: 1755 For some more character sheet stuff - especially the thoughts on colour and its impact - you might want to read Sean's Champions of the Unknown thread from a short while ago.... Doc
  13. Re: 1755 Here are two characters in an export format for HD that my friend came up with for my LoEG rip-off game....we never got round to colour but we had/have plans... As it happens - I cant get these done as pdf just now so have loaded the hdc and hde files... Doc
  14. Re: 1755 I've posted samples before and I change them each time I do a new game (not satisfied that I'm an expert ) Will see what I can dig up. Doc
  15. Re: 1755 That is the kind of skill set I'd like to see applied to the task. Doc
  16. Re: 1755 It might be my games but adjustment powers are kinda rare and if I am going to introduce a character with adjustment powers then I can make the necessary preparations to do the paperwork for that. If a player has an adjustment power then they dont see the villain sheets - still no added complexity for them. I am now committed to removing system numbers from my players as far as it does not interfere with their ability to play their character. Doc
  17. Re: 1755 It isn't the system that I think is complex, it is the presentation of that complexity in the character sheet. D&D4 was a step up in character sheet complexity - there were more numbers that were less intuitive than D20 - a lovely streamlined presentation of a complex system. Everyone thought D20 was simple because they presented the numbers well - it was all numbers that you added to a D20 or compared the modified D20 against. Simple. HERO does also have the added complexity of no fixed character classes etc and this added to the number strewn character sheet gives newcomers to the system a real culture shock that they often do not recover from. Doc
  18. Re: 1755 I have actually tried it. every year my old university friends have a gaming club reunion in the university we went to. We stay in halls of residence and game in the union bar. We have four days of gaming among friends. In one year I ran a game twice, once with bog standard sheets and once with customised player friendly sheets. I actually played the same characters and claimed the second set were made up with a different system called BLAM! I said I wanted to test the two systems to see which of them got the genre better for the same characters. In every case they said they preferred BLAM! to HERO and it was simply due to the more difficult system in HERO. 'Cept of course that both were played using HERO, just using a different presentation and different character sheets. HD could make this kind of thing much easier. I love HD but you should be able to look at a character sheet and intuitively understand what the numbers are for. If you cannot then you are effectively trying to sell UNIX to Mac users... Doc
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