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Everything posted by Vulcan

  1. Re: martial Arts Comedies Invoking the spirit of the fallen masters for some Thread Necromancy... Since the thread ended, there was KUNG FU HUSTLE! (Buddha's Palm Descending from Heaven)
  2. Re: Ten Best Superhero Martial Arts Ahh, yes. 'Revenge of the Rising Snap.' There's been a number of times I've wanted to use it in Boffer combt, but head hits don't count there...
  3. Re: Custom Figures Images Copied, saved, and printed. I'll have to try it next time I get a chance to do some painting. Thanks!
  4. Re: Ten Best Superhero Martial Arts A question to the readers: did I push too hard during that exchange? No, seriously, I'm really asking if I pushed my point of view too hard there. Sometimes when I'm having fun in a debate I get a little over-enthusiastic...
  5. Re: The Addams Family Never said in the series itself (at least, not that I remember). Up to the individual if you go with what was in the movies.
  6. Re: Terrible Movie or Awesome Back Story That bad?! If only the actors had seen fit to correct Lucas on how their characters would act. Like when Harrison Ford told Lucas that there was no way Han would respond to Leia's cry of "I love you!" (just before he got frozen) with "I love you too." Ford knew it just wasn't in character. So we got the famous reply, "I know." Lucas got so big over the past 30 years, people working with him are afraid to tell him when he's wrong anymore.
  7. Re: Opinion wanted about coverage of Detect Life Force power Hunh. Just looked it up. I thought that when they changed it to N-Ray perception, they changed it to a sense modifier. My bad.
  8. Re: Ten Best Superhero Martial Arts Sorry, that just looks to be the conclusion you're headed for. The long and short is that any martial art - including pro wrestling - teaches you how to inflcit lots of damage upon another person. That's the point of it. That's why it's called a martial art. Even pro wrestling can be lethal. What do you think would happen if you held someone over your head, and then slammed them down onto your knee? Broken back; crippled for life. Then there's the move where the guy is held upside-down in the air, and slammed down head first into the mat. Do that for real and the guy is dead - basal skull fracture, broken neck and spinal cord, or broken skull.
  9. Re: Ten Best Superhero Martial Arts So knowing a hard, agressive style as a super makes you a villian? What about the kid who learned Karate because he idolizes Chuck Norris, then hits adolescence and his mutant powers emerge? Is he doomed to be a villian because he knows Karate, or can he turn it to good by simply not using his full power on strikes? Your arguments would also serve equally well to say that super-strong characters must be villians. "He can break your neck with an uppercut; he must be bad!" Or perhaps he might just tap you in the head for 2d6 damage, rather than using his full strength?
  10. Re: Ten Best Superhero Martial Arts Had to go back for this one... True. But in their defense, Shinanju is an assassin's art. That's the whole point. Everything else is about getting close enough for the one blow - which absolutely must be fatal, first time, every time. Chiun is not a superhero either. Superheros put on costumes and do things for the public good. The Shinanju masters assassinate people to earn gold to feed the home village.
  11. Re: Ten Best Superhero Martial Arts If two heroes are faking it, what they're using doesn't matter (so long as it lacks the 'Full Power Only' limitation). They can use 1d6 of it at a time on each other all day long. Their acting skills are more important for this scenario than 'does Hero #1 have a 20d6 Killing Strike going all out?':rolleyes: Although, I do admit, when it comes to faking a fight and making it look good, nothing beats pro wrestling. (Not that I'd actually want to fight a pro wrestler for real, mind you. I'd get 'transformed' into an extremely unhappy pretzel!)
  12. Re: Ten Best Superhero Martial Arts Thinking about it, look at the Jedi. Lightsaber combat is about as lethal a martial art as it gets. This from the guardians of the Republic. But the training emphasizes using powers and skills in a responsable, restrained manner. Which is not unlike the Buddhist/Zen teachings of many martial arts. (On a tangent: Just finished watching Kung Fu Hustle. Anyone created stats for the "Buddha's Palm Descending From Heaven" technique? Or should I say, anyone else? )
  13. Re: Ten Best Superhero Martial Arts I feel I should point out two things for the 'deadly' martial arts. First, even 'hard' forms such as Karate, Savate, and Tae Kwon Do teach - well, since we're talking Champions it would be 'allow' - Legsweep (Takedown for Tae Kwon Do). Always a good option for taking people down without serious injury. Second, be it ever-so-lethal at mazimium power, a martial artist always has the option to use a manuever at less than maximum. Or even (heaven forbid) pull his punch. Or both at once. No matter what style your character uses, there are always options.
  14. Re: shadowcats superhero insanity shop: Justice Laundry Superteam Brillo is a damage shield brick with an abrasive personality.
  15. Re: No Horses For You That could be it. Bronze wasn't enough, you needed iron...
  16. Re: Links to one-shot adventures? Don't forget that pulp action isn't the only thing HERO can do. HERO can do anything, in any genre you like.
  17. Re: No Horses For You I always thought the cold-forged iron vs. fay thing came out of European folk tales. In general, the fay could not be injured by normal steel, but something about cold-forged iron screwed with them. Of course, this came out of the same cultures that determined the best way to prove a woman was a witch was to tie her up and thow her in a pond. If she survived, she must have used magic and was a witch. If she drowned, well, I guess she wasn't a witch after all...
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  19. Re: Ten Best Superhero Martial Arts Depends on if this is a Golden/Silver age game, or a Bronze/Iron age game.
  20. Re: Ten Best Superhero Martial Arts To me this looks like a training Kata prettied up and set to music, not a serious demonstration of the art. As to Aikido's suitability as a defensive art... probably depends more on the teacher and the student than the overall art. I know there's some pretty harsh stuff in Aikido. Or maybe that part is Aikijutsu... And what's wrong with playing a ninja? I played one for several years in a New Orleans-based campaign with heavy supernatural overtones. (Nothing like being nervous about hiding in a shadow because something nasty might already be hiding there...)
  21. Re: More fun with Morty the Incompetent Mugger Still
  22. Re: WWYCD: Magic Fishnets? Please, do it! And tell me how that goes, if you don't mind sharing. I just wish I could see the expression on your players' faces when they meet 'Bunny' for the first time. With just a little RP I had one of the PC's locking himself into the cockpit of our ship to keep 'Bunny' away. Just to make one thing clear: when I say 'wore black leather,' I'm not talking about a bodysuit like Luke in episode 6. More like something out of an S&M shop. Use your imagination...
  23. Re: Terrible Movie or Awesome Back Story It could be argued that Star Wars 1-3 were better as a backstory to Darth Vader than they were as actual movies.
  24. Re: Terrible Movie or Awesome Back Story One of our alternate GM's was going to run a modern 'dirty dozen' campaign, and the character I made was an 'earlier' The One - say, when they were 'The Ten' or so.
  25. Re: Opinion wanted about coverage of Detect Life Force power Perhaps N-Ray percption is involved?
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