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Everything posted by Vulcan

  1. Re: (WWYCD) Superhero Assaination... In our game it's a bit more complicatated, the President has been replaced by Malachite (we assume). How do we know the (acting) President isn't really the President? The President is a PC... but this isn't widely known.
  2. Re: (WWYCD) Superhero Assaination... I almost posted something snarky in response to Clonus and then re-read his post - he said murder, not killing. Refusing to murder is just obeying the law. Refusing to kill regardless of provocation (he's got a knife to my kid's neck and I have a clear head shot) could be construed as moral cowardice... But back to the OP: Someone's been bugging our game again... And the funny part is that my vigilante was against the assassination. At least, right up to the point where the President used his private thugs to murder everyone in a metahuman refugee camp...
  3. Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6? Hero: "Can you fly?" Villian: "I am a great villian! I have no need to fly, I will crush..." a few minutes later.... Villian: "aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" BOOM!!!!
  4. Re: Darth Vader vs. The Hulk Can't argue with that one. Of course, we're comparing apples to oragutans here...
  5. Re: Prefect Duplication? Buy duplication on your duplicates. Then get the GM to allow it...
  6. Re: Order of the Stick At worst, Belkar would die happy!
  7. Re: Sell my friends on DCV Yeah, I've been in my share of street fights, but I wouldn't mess with a ballet dancer trivially.... I mean, think about it. They lift toss those girls around like they're nothing. Okay, the girls aren't exactly heavy, but even 80-100 lbs isn't exactly neglibile either. Only that's exactly the way they handle the girls in ballet! Let's say the average ballerina weighs 100 lbs (45ish kg). That requires a 4 STR to lift, and a 7 STR to throw 6'. Add a point for allowing the ballerina to land properly and gracefully, so we're up to 8 STR. Now remember that's probably his casual STR. So that ballet dancer has something like a 14-16 STR in HEROS terms... Add the flexibility and agility and general stamina... I don't know, man. If he's had any combat training, he's going to be a real hard fight! (Maybe not against a combat-ready HEROS character, but for a normal he might be pretty bad-ass!)
  8. Re: Sell my friends on DCV Yeah, but the average gamer doesn't have a very high DCV either...
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Poor Unsuspecting Undead Abomination, I expect.
  10. Re: We'll call this Plan B Make it a Nerf gun, or (if you're outside) a paintball gun. They'll still get the point!
  11. Re: Missing Champion - Found Like I said, except in our game...
  12. Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6? If every attack was in that range, yeah, it would get old quick. In a more reasonable game, just being able to roll that many dice once a year is a hoot!
  13. Re: Missing Champion - Found ...Except in our game, where it seems that the majority of mutants are hiddeously deformed! Seriously, the only hawt babes in the game are normals, PC's, or (rarely) Silver Avengers. OK, I take that back. Two of the mutants we've faced (not quite full-blown villians but not on the side of good either) could be pretty good looking if we got them out of the 'mutant refugee' section of town and cleaned them up...
  14. Re: Missing Champion - Found Please tell me they are female and at least passably good looking... Otherwise -
  15. Re: Favorite Anti-Brick tricks? Well, we were a wee bit outnumbered (9 to 6, plus they had some summoned creatures...). And one of them was Gravitar... But I made good use of taunts ("You hit like a GIRL!") to keep the brick focused on me once he finally did some KB, to keep him from slaughtering the PRIMUS agents one more phase. Then came the roll that put me into comaville (and a lake). We'll see next game if anyone can come save me... and if the PRIMUS agents survive too.
  16. Re: Darth Vader vs. The Hulk So that's what the buzz is about!
  17. Re: Favorite Anti-Brick tricks? What screwed me was getting pinned down defending injured PRIMUS agents. I couldn't maneuver away without giving him a clean shot at them - and since he was swinging a BIG sword, I couldn't hope he would just rough them up; I had to assume he would kill them given a chance. No, I take that back. What really screwed me was a generic '4 SPD' cap on starting characters (unless you had practically no defenses). So pretty much everyone has 4 SPD, and being outDEXed is a HUGE disadvantage. If the GM didn't come up with such neat stories, I'd be seriously considering finding a new one. I'm getting tired of playing punching bags...
  18. Re: Time to Find Crime Pretty good exposition, even if you did steal the name of my favorite character...
  19. Re: Missing Champion - Found French Ninja Waiters... http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff1100/fv01077.htm
  20. Re: Favorite Anti-Brick tricks?
  21. Re: Favorite Anti-Brick tricks? 18 DEX isn't all that clumsy, it's 'professional dancer/athelte' level. 21 DEX is olympic athlete. I was trying to keep my guy in the 'normal, if just barely' range of characteristics. So much for that idea. And life support is totally out of concept. Even more so with his FF down... Might be an idea for a replacement character, though. Some type of intelligent undead. With Afterlife Support.
  22. Re: Favorite Anti-Brick tricks? I was planning on spending XP on some character development stuff - Wealth (went from Chicago Paranomal Crime Division to 'Chief of Secuirty' for the Stark Enterprises clone in our game), noncombat skills, etc. Got pinned down by a brick while trying to defend injured PRIMUS agents. The SOB had a higher DEX (by 1! - and I have a 20 in a pretty low-powered PC game) and the GM doesn't allow Hipshot and Hurry anymore. So I spent two turns "Pushing the Red Line" on my FF to fend him off just a little longer... My role in the fight ended when 13d6 came up 7x6, 2x5, 3x4, 1x2. WAY out and knocked back into a lake. If no one get to him soon, Red Line is going to have a permanent place in Davey Jone's Locker... So if he survives, I think raw DEX and/or Lightning Reflexes is the way to go. When you get outDEXed by a brick...
  23. Re: Darth Vader vs. The Hulk Yep. But that never kept me from applying logic (comic book or otherwise) to a 'who would win' scenario...
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