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Everything posted by Vulcan

  1. Re: You were supposed to turn left! Sounds like an instant alignment change to me...
  2. Re: What powers frustrate u & disrupt your campaigns? I had often wondered why Green Lantern (any of them) didn't just take Sinestro's ring (on any of the multiple times they beat him) and use it on those rare occassions where they had to deal with something yellow...
  3. Re: You were supposed to turn left! This has happened to me a lot. Usually I just run with it - in fact, I take great pride in my ability to go with what the PC's want to do and tie it into the ongoing plot. But sometimes they come up with something that catches me so flat-footed that I really can't compensate for (usually because we play late at night/early in the morning...). So shortly after my players get 'so far off the path they can't see it anymore' I have them find a pond, lake, stream, fishtank, or whatever water feature is appropriate and tell them... "You see some little red fish. They sorta look like herrings...":D That usually gets them back to someplace I can work with pretty qucikly.
  4. Re: How do mutants work out? I'm stuck in game #3, and it looks like it's mutating into #4, and I HATE THE WHOLE MESSED-UP TROPE! Sorry, I just wish my GM get a clue....
  5. Re: How do mutants work out? Sure. Vast numbers of reps on 'lift fork'...
  6. Re: Lady Liberty So when do we meet Batmanuel?
  7. Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman In the closet, nothing! He's hiding in the storm sewers much of the time. Which might explain why he doesn't have much of a social life, now that I think about it...
  8. Re: How do mutants work out? This whole trope comes out of Marvel's anti-mutant discrimination, which I would guess was Stan Lee's way of striking a blow, in his own way, against the racism prevalent in the 60's - which was when the X-Men were created and first published. Now it is so overused (IMO) that it isn't even interesting anymore. Of course, it doesn't help that my GM is obsessed with the whole thing, and has expanded it to all supers (like Marvel recently did), and makes being a superhero of any sort a lot less fun.
  9. Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman Vigil would love to be able to date again. The problem is that his background as an ex-supervillain means he has a few too many secrets to risk doing so...
  10. Re: Order of the Stick Just because one is evil doesn't mean one doesn't have friends...
  11. Re: Tentacle Sheath When I was looking at doing something similar, I was torn between a BODY Drain (and a limitation that if you broke free you got all your BODY back - but if you didn't you were drawn into the other dimension when you 'died') and a Transform Grabbed target to Dead.
  12. Re: No shadow kick! If you're allowing that kind of build, then I assume my character is going to be just as cheesy as well...
  13. Re: Invisibility Shapeshift: Taste works just fine in a fantasy campaign. Say, PC to tastes terrible to monsters... Now they won't want to continue fighting him after the first bite! And we ran 'Invisibility, Invisible Power Effect' as a social Invisibility. Nothing stops people from actually seeing you, you just get overlooked. In short, no one pays any attention to you. And if it's fully Invisible, then you don't show up on 'Detect Invisible' either. (We actually put an extra +1/4 onto IPE for 'Detect Invisible' for that very reason...)
  14. Re: Xena, Gabrielle, Joxer and Autolycus Joxer's simple. Take the normal template (the "all 8's" one) and add a couple relavent skills. Mainly he's the GM's foil to keep the PC's from accomplishing things too easily. Unless we're talking about "For Him The Bell Tolls"...
  15. Re: Sword Oriented Martial Art One of the nice things about the HERO System's martial arts is that they can be used to simulate just about everything. Fencing has been published in the Ultimate Martial Artist (p.24-26), along with Kenjustsu (p.35-37) and the more general 'Weapons Combat' (p.59-60). However, making your own martial art is pretty easy. For an armed combat style, the default weapon group becomes 'sword' (and based on your description you're talking about either a battle sword - colloquilally known as a bastard sword - or a greatsword). The maneuver you describe (using the leading hand to grab the sword at the ricasso and stab) sounds like a Defensive Strike - sacrificing power for accuracy, and a stab threatens a longer range than a slash which translates into a higher DCV pretty well. Grabbing the blade and swinging the pommel at the opponent is of limited use, but with the right power build you could take advantage of a feature sometimes seen on battle swords - a crossguard that tapers down into a very narrow, almost pointed end. This can be (and occasionally was) used as an improvised warhammer or pick. The classic movie 'high guard into downward strike' makes a good Sacrifice Strike - high guard leaves you open to being stabbed, or even slashed by a faster weapon/opponent. And the good ole' 'swing for the rafters' slash could be an Offensive Strike. Out of curiousity, are you the GM making this for your players, or a player hoping to get GM approval for this?
  16. Re: No shadow kick! By the time you add both, there's a good chance the damage is so low even a tissue-paper martial artist can withstand it...
  17. Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....
  18. Re: Who was WWII's most important leader? That may all be true. But the loss of the tank farms and repair facilities at Pearl Harbor would have hurt our war efforts more than the mere loss of ships did. Ah, heck, perhaps Yamamoto just missed that. He was good; he was not omniscient.
  19. Re: A bit of advice for fellow newcomers... That's how I try to make my characters... don't always get all the way through it, though, usually I start jotting down power builds prematurely and then it's a mad dash for the computer and Hero Designer...
  20. Re: Who was WWII's most important leader?
  21. Re: Smarter than your average Brick Good idea there. Realsitically you're probably right, but then again this is a comic book... Exactly right.
  22. Re: So, what do you need? I think this approach could work. Any way we can polish this up?
  23. Re: New Advantage: Stunning And asking for a power that will reliably Stun any target strikes me as no less silly than a power that will reliably kill any target. If, in games you run as a GM, you want to house-rule in such an advantage or power, go right ahead. But it doesn't belong in the core rules any more than any other Absoulte.
  24. Re: THE BOOK OF DRAGONS -- What Do *You* Want To See? Statting out is probably unnecessary - if the GM intends to have the PC's fight such a legendary monster, then he would need to take the capabilities of his PC's into account and would likely re-write the monster anyway. A general overview of the legend's theoretical capabilities, outlook, attitude, and personality would probably serve quite well.
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