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Everything posted by Vulcan

  1. Re: Floating Figureds And HEROS rapidly devolves into another game entirely from there. If that's the game you want to design and play, feel free to go for it. I will remain with the cruchy greatness that is the HERO System (1st-5th Edition; we'll see about 6th).
  2. Re: Painted into a plot corner and the muse has fled! Or David Lo Pan...
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Disgraced and/or really old warriors who are used as the cheapest sort of cannon-fodder infantry.
  4. Re: Order of the Stick Remember, guys, the oracle predicted his death would come within the game year. This could be it coming up. Sure, he's waded through the low-end minions; but the higher level ones went after Haley. There's still enough of them to take Belkar, if they coordinate. And it looks like they're smart enough to actually do so.
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... There's always the dezgra...
  6. Re: Superhero X and the Fur Con of DOOM! Wow. That's.... evil!
  7. Re: Superhero X and the Fur Con of DOOM! Siberian Tiger(being a weretiger) would have been in a half-animal form already; he might not have been affected. And even if he had been it's a distinct possibility he might not notice for a while, until he tried to revert to human form... Would the 'shapechange' power have been effective in countering it? But then he was already operating under a slow transformation - becoming more beast than man, as it was. This might just accellerate the process. In Vigil's world, many of the 'changed' people would be lynched by a rabidly anti-metahuman society. The villian would likely have escaped completely as the heroes tried to save the innocent bystanders from mobs of paniced, frenzied normals. Given the power levels, we likely would loose a couple PC's in the process. Not to mention a lot of the innocent bystanders.
  8. Re: Power cost calculator? Hero Desinger is your best bet. Second best is a cheap ($2) pocket calculator and a thorough understanding of the powers rules.
  9. Re: WWYCD: Island Paradise Aside from the beastly tropical heat, Siberian Tigerwould love it and stick around for a while. With a 30 CON and 7 SPD, swimming home is an option; he'd just need plenty of water. Perhaps a raft and a lot of waterskins (made from the resident pig population?)... Vigil would likely retire there... effective immediately. This 'the whole world hates supers, even the heroes' BS has gotten really old.
  10. Re: R-O-L-E or R-O-L-L I agree. Both R-O-L-E and R-O-L-L have their places in the game. If you are a dedicated ROLEplayer and sacrifice all to concept, it can be easy to make a completely (or mostly) ineffective character whose only role in the group is to be the plot hook for the game. If you are a dedicated ROLLplayer with no time for charcter interaction, you often end up being an obstacle for the group, not an asset. After all, even Belkar (a combat GOD who'se evil is measured in kiloNatzis) shows some loyalty for the rest of the OoTS (who are mostly GOOD). A middle ground is called for. That gives the best group dynamics, and for most RPG'ers, the most enjoyment.
  11. Re: Painted into a plot corner and the muse has fled! Simply taking out the main communications hubs cripples the disaster coordinator's ability to deal with what's going on adequitely, I would expect. No need to kill the poor guy, and his top assisstants.
  12. Re: What was your favorite beginning for an adventure? I'm currently running a D&D game with a similar premise. A wizard summoned the greatest heroes of the past to fight the Evil Overlord, but he flubbed the spell and got them at 1st level...
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I understand the "Foxtrot". What's the "Oscar" and "Mike" stand for?
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... In that it's not obvious that it's armored. Not that the costume (what of it there is) is subtle. Think IIF.
  15. Re: What was your favorite beginning for an adventure? In an old D&D game, during charcter creation, we all wondered why the GM allowed us to have whatever equipment we wanted, even high powered magic items. The answer? "You all wake up naked, chained to an oar on a slave ship....":D
  16. Re: "Uh ... you can *do* that?" In our game, it's more like the GM says, "I allowed that?"
  17. Re: Mind Scan confusion I kind of agree that CoM is a rather poorly written rule. However, it does have some value in that it shows new people how to use mental powers for certain uses (access computer memory, in the aformentioned example). Turning on a TV would not work with Mind Control MCoM, since TV's do not have a rateable INT. TK works just fine though!
  18. Re: Power Null If that was the ONE AND ONLY power the character had, I might let it go. I would probably also wave bye-bye to AP and DC caps for that power too, and let the player go for the gusto on it. Sure, you can have as big a power as you can afford, and I'll even be rather generous in letting you apply it! Because if the character gets out of hand, well, a VIPER agent or two with their weapons and armor should be able to take the character out quite handily.
  19. Re: Order of the Stick Cry 'Belkar,' and let loose the dogs of war!
  20. Re: Xena, Gabrielle, Joxer and Autolycus ...who got punked every time he showed up on either show. God of war, indeed! That's what you get for messing around with my wife, you arrogant so-and-so! Now history remembers you as a joke!
  21. Re: Have you ever built a powered armor character... One time my martial artist got to borrow the power-armor guy's suit as a disguise, and then a fight broke out. It was gross - my character had a 20 STR and with martial arts threw around 10-12d6. The power armor added 50 STR...
  22. Re: "Neat" Pictures That's not a dog, that's a pony in disguise!
  23. Re: You were supposed to turn left! Hunh. I always looked at 3E Neutral as more 'selfish' than 'apathetic.' But ignoring a child in distress could be argued to be an outright evil act, in my opinion anyway. And then the next day when the kid's parents - say, a retired assassin and a high-level ex-monk - show up and find out this guy saw what happened and didn't do anything... Of course, even if they're just 20th level Commoners, in 3E that can be pretty formidible against low to mid level parties...
  24. Re: You were supposed to turn left! Yeah, that's a rough one to overcome, once you make the mistake of pointing to the wrong place on the map. The best thing to do at that point (IMO) is to let the PC's have their victory and say the ambush didn't happen. Then set up another one in another location (say, an entry hall with little cover and a couple guys with fully automatic shotguns firing though loopholes in the walls...)
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