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Everything posted by Vulcan

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Can we get a pic to compare for ourselves?
  2. Re: What do you call "Four Color"?
  3. Re: Enhanced Senses = Flash Vulnerability I usually just RP my enhanced senses character getting a migrane from flashes. But then, he also had a fairly high level of Resistance as well...
  4. Re: Calm the Storm On the other hand, the Weather God in our old campaign bought AEH Radius Megascale Transform to change the weather. Just to get one up on all the 'mortal' weather controllers with CE. Yeah, it was really expensive, and sometimes took a while to overwhelm the CE effects (the GM ruled he had to exceed the AP of the opposing CE), but once it worked, nothing short of another Transform (or a natural weather change) would do.
  5. Re: Why do the Champions waste so much time being "good citizens?"
  6. Re: CSL's, while surprised and DCV question In a 16 DC game where the GM thinks 25 DEF is brick level () they are worth gold...
  7. Re: CSL's, while surprised and DCV question Ah. He was referring to an earlier post. One might want to consider how 'you do not get DCV Skill Levels when determining DCV' might be misinterpreted...
  8. Re: Hero is TK projection of kid in coma A bit like The Illustrated Man from one of the 4th Edition books...
  9. Re: CSL's, while surprised and DCV question When do they apply then?
  10. Re: CSL's, while surprised and DCV question On the other hand, Defense Manuever IV allows you to use your DCV levels while unconsious as well (that being the clear implication of 'Persistent')... Our group allows people with 5-point DCV levels to apply them all the time, so long as you are not immobilized or unconscious. Since you can't allocate them to OCV at all, not having time to 'place them in DCV' isn't exactly an issue.
  11. Re: Hero is TK projection of kid in coma The beauty of this build is that the kid can then have some 'reactive' defenses that go off when he is threated (a triggered FF, perhaps?) so that if a bad guy actually attacks the kid it's not an autokill. Sure, Captain Projection disappears for a bit, but that was going to happen anyway...
  12. Re: Spreading Good WIll Heck, changing attitues was the whole point of the game I'm currently in. It seems that every victory we have is overcome by a GM fiat setback. I'm about ready to walk. And now it seems that the world really is in danger of being destroyed because we never are allowed to succeed. Anyone GM's running a game in St. Louis? Preferably not Iron Age?
  13. Re: Make a Green Lantern Oath "I, (state your name), do solmnly swear not to screw over the character of the Green Latern in a vain attempt to sell more comics..." What? Oh, you mean for the character, not the writers....
  14. Re: Free equipment side discussion. That's the trick, because a .50 cal. pistol is a 2d6+1 RKA, +1 ISM according to Dark Champions. So it can do a maximum of 13 BODY and 78 STUN. I don't know about you, but a 78 PD is a bit high for most games I've seen. And even a lowly 9mm can do 35 STUN. 35 PD is still pretty high. Sure, the GM can just say that a guy with a pistol has no effect on Superguy, but what about the soldiers manning the heavy machine gun? Scaling the damage in the manner proposed isn't a bad solution for the 'bullet-proof super' problem in HEROS. Sure, it's not for everyone, that's why it's being proposed as an optional rule, not a default rule! According to your earlier point, why would a super bother with such a puny defense? It cuts the same both ways. Besides, a super with a bulletproof suit usually gains a lot more than a mere 5PD/ED out of it. Call it super-grade material and have done with it. Who says an RPG should do damage to a superhero? Lord knows Superman has shrugged off much larger 'normal' weapons in his time! Once again consulting Dark Champions, the M72A3 LAW (since the RPG somehow failed to make the book, so this is the closest equivalent I could find) is a 6&1/2d6 RKA Explosion () +1 ISM. That's 39 BODY and 234 () STUN! Somehow I doubt anyone's writeup of Superman includes a PD of over 200. 40-50 sounds more typical. But if he's a Cosmic scale superhero by the rules above, then the 'normal' LAW does 10 BODY and 60 STUN instead. Apply that agaisnt the 40-50 PD Superman and that's much more like what the comics portray. All right, fair enough. I don't know if I'd use it either, but as an optional rule, it's pretty cool to think about!
  15. Re: Changing the System: Action Points Then I would just ignore END entirely in your games. Do away with the Costs END & Increased END Cost limitations, the Reduced END advantages, and do away with pushing entirely (or reduce pushing to a simple EGO roll. I assume you mean AP caps - active point caps. I haven't found this to be a severe problem in the games I've played. Either one buys more END, REC, or Reduced/0 END on some of your powers. Or take the risk that you'll run out of END when you really need it, which forces you to burn STUN... Then you have a problem, because if you don't want to track END, but don't want to simply do away with END, that leaves very little room in the middle to find a way to make you happy. I suppose one could just track pushing END (if pushes are common in your game) and ignore everything else, or say some things still cost END while others don't. If that sounds like a good idea to you, go for it. It's your game after all. The reason you got shot down on the 'combined END & STUN' thing is that it leads to a very different dynamic in the game. The guy who goes first (high DEX) and hits (high OCV) has a HUGE advantage over the others because not only does he do damage, he also (by removing END) make it harder for the target to keep his defenses up, maneuver, and counterattack. So the slower guy now has to balance his END costs against the possibility of knocking himself out by using his own powers! Sure, it happens occasionally in HEROS now (when a character burns STUN for END) but by and large it doesn't occur directly because of enemy action.
  16. Re: .50 cal Longarm A 6-gauge shotgun? Holy cr@p!
  17. Re: .50 cal Longarm As far as game stats go: The .50 BMG (12.7x99) fired by the M2 Heavy Machine Gun and the Barret M-82 siper rifles is listed in Dark Champions at 3d6 RKA, +1 ISM. There are no stats for the 'light .50' (approxamately 12.5x44) rounds that are being developed, but since the NATO 7.62x51 is rated at 2d6+1 RKA, +1 ISM I would place the 125x44 at 2&1/2d6, +1 ISM. That of course assumes you are using Dark Champions stats for guns in your game!
  18. Re: Why do the Champions waste so much time being "good citizens?" I've never thought of Bribery as a combat skill before... That's good. I'll have to try and use that in game sometime. I can't wait to see the look on my GM's face...
  19. Re: Free equipment side discussion. I like that one!
  20. Re: Burnout in a Multipower - Defender's EB If Burnout is only on one slot of a MP, then mechanicaly only that one slot is affected by the Burnout. If I have Burnout on one slot, and the GM applies it across the MP, I'd want some points back for a limitation being forced upon me! Unless, of course, I rolled an 18 on the Burnout roll, or had a level of Unluck come up...
  21. Re: Trigger and multipowers? I would genrally use version 3, but if a player built his whole MP with trigger on it (version 2) just to circumvent the version 3 limitations I would allow it. He just paid a boatload of extra points for the capability, so as long as it doesn't violate any campaign limits then why not?
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