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Everything posted by Vulcan

  1. Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction You misunderstand. By the RAW, that's how it works. Period. Granted, it's not particularly likely (only one roll in 6 is going to cause any knockback, with a further one roll in 9 causing knockdown). But that is the rule. Anything else is a house rule. Now how that relates to "Hearing Flash does KB" vs. a deaf target is up for interpretation. But an E-Blast can still do KB, even if it bounces entirely off the target's DEF.
  2. Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction BUT . . . A 5d6 E-Blast cannot do damage to a target with 30 ED. But if you roll average BODY and snake-eyes on the KB roll, he's still knocked back 3"...
  3. Re: Help with plot An alternate thought: allow him to keep hiding on the ship. Just make sure nothing of interst ever happens on or near the ship. Not only will he get bored (which might just get him out of the ship on it's own), but he also won't be earning any XP either...
  4. Re: Code vs Killing, but Gods a little fuzzy about kneecaps. In my opinion, there is little in CvK that would prevent a character from torture. The only thing that comes to mind is that the character would not inflict life-threatening harm on the person being tortured, or if torturing a victim might result in a stroke or coronary (use care when torturing older victims). As has been said before, it's the character's other psych limits that will determine whether torture is a viable option. Having said that, there is also the little detail that America (the country a majority of Champions players are from) views torture as, well, villianous. So a character that indulges in torture could quickly find himself with a very bad reputation, no matter how important the information obtained turns out to be. This is especially true if there is an antagonistic reporter waiting in the wings to interview the victim... So, in general, I don't reccomend torture as a means to gather information if you have a CvK. Because the best way to keep it a secret is to make sure no one ever finds the body...
  5. Re: Help with plot A further thought: Now they owe whoever paid the laywer a big favor...
  6. Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction Hand them a cracker to go with a) their cheesy character, and their whine.
  7. Re: Help with plot Looking back to the original post: tells me the authorities should be coming after the legal owner of the ship - Ontiveros! After all, he only let the other guy borrow it, so the authorities likely think he's involved with the assault! If that doesn't motivate them into trying to find out what's going on, then let them roleplay a week in prison while a lawyer straightens things out for them.
  8. Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction Wow. It is amazing how many really munchkinesque suggestions have been made here, especially since this thread started with...
  9. Re: WWYCD: "Dear Superhero" (Warning: Ugly situation) I think in the final analysis, most of my characters would move heaven and earth (to the limits of their capabilites, anyway;)) to resolve the issue. Legality means little when people are being killed/robbed/raped without any legal recouse. So when law means "I have the gun, so what I say is law!" my characters generally have little problem reminding these goons that there is more to power than that which comes from a weapon.
  10. Vulcan

    Little Powers

    Re: Little Powers I think I had a class with Dr. Time in college!
  11. Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction I'd argue that, but as you say, YMMV.
  12. Re: Order of the Stick Waaay early in the series. It was the first major foe the OotS fought. Varsuvious disintigrated it twice. The dragon (obviously) failed the second save. That bloody little Imp is clever, though. Notice he tried to warn V...
  13. Re: WWYCD: "Dear Superhero" (Warning: Ugly situation) That's my point (he has bitten quite a few, after all). There are sooooo many animals tastier than... pig. As far as begging for mercy? "Wherrre was you'rrre mercy when these women and childrrren werrre the ones begging?"
  14. Re: Code vs Killing, but Gods a little fuzzy about kneecaps.
  15. Re: WWYCD: "Dear Superhero" (Warning: Ugly situation) Siberian Tiger: Well, with a name like that, it's pretty easy to figure out what he'd be doing... Let's just say that the next time that bunch of soldiers came to raid that villiage, not one of them would ever be returning. And with a 30+ PRE, surely one of them would talk when threated with becoming Tiger-Chow. (He'd never actually do it, people taste terrible and there are sooo many tastier critters running around Africa...) So from there it's go find whoever issued the orders, then wash, rinse, repeat. Not terribly heroic by some people's standards, I'm sure. But it would solve the immediate problem. Probably not the long-term ones, though.
  16. Re: Martial Arts versus Powers with Martial Arts1 SFX?
  17. Re: Changing Into The Powersuit Michel Roche, 6 generations descended from the famous French phyiscist Édouard Roche, had a slight mishap while using a large particle accellerator for research, and accidentally collasped several tons of the machinery and the surrounding rock into a point singularity - which was held in place by the other surviving magnets of the accllerator... You get the picture form there...
  18. Re: Missile Deflect A Big Thrown Object Good or bad, it's better to let the GM call it and get on with the game than waste a bunch of time arguing about it. HOWEVER, I would take great delight throwing a large, heavy object at the next Missile Deflecting NPC we fought....
  19. Re: Code vs Killing, but Gods a little fuzzy about kneecaps.
  20. Re: Which is your least favorite archetype to play? Fair enough; I hadn't taken that into consideration. Thanks for pointing that out!
  21. Re: Missile Deflect A Big Thrown Object ...And that limitation wouldn't have even come into play since the container was eaily within the deflector's capacity to lift. In the final analysis (for this incident) the GM made a call, everyone came through okay, and the players should anticipate that next time the characters cannot deflect any AEH or explosion attacks, purchased or not. And then make use of it the next time the group encounters a missle deflecting villian...
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