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Everything posted by Vulcan

  1. Re: Immunity to Electric Attacks The thing to bear in mind is that electrical attacks can be built as E-Blasts, RKA's, Drains, Supresses (Supress Body as a 'heart stopping' effect), or even Entangles (Tasers are a prime example of this). Just something for GM's to bear in mind. If a PC has paid points for ED vs. Electriciy and expects to be immune to electricity, either tell them up front that tasers will still leave them twitching on the ground (since it is an Entangle or Drain), or allow them to be immune to the oddball electrical effects as well...
  2. Re: The Joker Scenario Most of my characters lack CvK, so I'll concentrate on the one that (kinda) does. Redline is a member of the Chicago PD's Paranormal Control Division (and team liason to the Watch, so this kinda thing is just what he'd be assigned to. And while he does not have a formal CvK, his 'Policeman's Code' would function similarly in many respects. In the Monster scenario, if he knows the monster is not 'truly' alive, then a crimson coup de grace is in order. It would be no more against the rules than wrecking an out-of-control car to stop it. Caine, on the other hand, would be cuffed and brought in. And Redline would personally guard him 24/7 thorugh the whole process until he was executed for his crimes. Although if Caine dies in battle no tears will be shed, but Redline would arrest a helpless person rather than execute them. If he manages to escape before he's convicted, same thing. If he escapes between conviction and execution... that's a little different since he's already had his day in court.
  3. Vulcan


    Re: Unmaking This whole scenario sounds like my GM's 'timestream-fixing obelisk' scenario. It usually ends with all the PC's taking one in the neck - along with the one PC whose temporal shennanegans started the whole problem. (And the temporal shennanegans don't necessarily mean that the PC has time powers, just that he has an origin of being 'out of time,' or had disads that the GM made into temporal shennangans...) And if you think just going back in time will fix the problem, well, in the game I'm in it doesn't. By the time the obelisks show up, the timestream is so 'muddled' that attempts to time travel wind up with you going into the obelisk... Which is almost always a one-way trip. The last time they showed up, the only survivor from inside the obelisk got out because he made a sacrifice of the best of mankind's technology that was literally decades ahead of it's time - Mechanon! Win-win situation, right? Wrong. The next time the obelisk showed up, it used Mechanon as a tool to set up the destruction of the world so we'd stop mucking up the time-stream.
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Well, duh, since I wasn't the one who posted it in the first place, just someone randomly commenting on it...
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  6. Re: END Reserve that starts at Zero I think the triggered Aid is the best way to handle it, on a 0 REC End Reserve. Since the Aid is the only way to feed the Reserve, then by default as the Aid fades, the Reserve empties naturally. Although as a cheaper alternative, bypass the Aid and put the limitation 'Only In Battle, -1/4 (at most)' on the REC of the Reserve, and 'Reserve looses 5 AP per turn (-1/2ish)' on the Reserve itself.
  7. Re: Body for focuses Bear in mind that under HEROS rules, you specifically have to target the foci to damage it. So simply doing BODY to someone wearing armor isn't going to destroy the armor.
  8. Re: Code vs Killing, but Gods a little fuzzy about kneecaps. I conceeded several posts back that torture would only be effective if the GM wanted it to be. The current discussion is about whether threatening to torture someone could or should be sufficient to get the generic thug to crack. If you are going to comment on what I'm saying, please try to keep up with the conversation.
  9. Re: Superhuman women and normal women
  10. Re: Code vs Killing, but Gods a little fuzzy about kneecaps. If even the most basic, simple thugs are willing to undergo extreme pain rather than talk, well, then simply dangling them off the side of a building isn't going to make much of an impression, is it? So how does Batman do his impromptu interogations then? Obviosuly he can't, he'd need to drag the thug back to the Batcave and throw him in the Bat-interrogation room and play 'good-Bat/bad-Bat' and use other conventional interrrogation techniques until the guy finally cracks. In the meantime, Supes just sweeps the city with his x-Ray vision and takes care of the problem himself. "So, Bats, what kept you?" Thugs should generally crack when threatened. It's in-genre for the detective characters to threaten thugs, then the thugs crack so the character doesn't have to follow up on the threats. It is demonstrated countless times in comic books, even through the Silver Age!
  11. Re: The Mentalist Wrestler So he's got a more limited form of "No Range" then? Sorta like Spock?
  12. Re: teleporter attacking fliers Another thing to bear in mind is player expectations. The player obviously expects this to work, an built his character around it. If you're going to cripple the ability with 'realistic' limitations (on a guy who can teleport? ) then the player should be told ahead of time so he doesn't waste points on something that won't work. That way he can buy the 'Streaching' construct to duplicate what he wants to do, and is 'more accurate' to what the GM wants to see.
  13. Re: Order of the Stick V's gender and orientation has been a closely guarded secret...
  14. Re: The Spy Factory Well, thank you for assuming that the lot of us are all a bunch of incompetents. I think I'm done with this thread.
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  16. Re: Code vs Killing, but Gods a little fuzzy about kneecaps.
  17. Re: Funny thought: Plot seed That's... positively diabolical. Mad scientist kidnaps baby and waits for the press to get a running start about the kidnapping. Then he 'inflates' the kid and sets him loose. The mystery of the missing kid is solved, sure... But how do the supers keep him from destroying the city without hurting him - or even looking like they're hurting him?
  18. Re: Super-accurate with ranged attacks It does the same thing as Combat Running - that is, +X" Running, Only to make half-moves in combat (-1) - for a lot less points.
  19. Re: Order of the Stick The right four words approach, I think!
  20. Re: The Spy Factory Well yeah, sure, he has a thing for the ladies, but then again... he's not married! And that's why Clinton had sooooo much trouble with the other party (Aside from generally being a sucessful president). Fielding, I might also add, is suspicious enough to quietly send some investigators around to ensure NSA's cooperation. Say, have the team mentalist move in a block away from the NSA director's exexcutive secretary. A move like that would be a rather bad idea on their part. At least in our game anyway.
  21. Re: GM: Opinion on multiple Distinctive Features One distinctive feature is fine. In fact, I've always thought that most superheroic characters should have one pertaining to their power source (Registers on Mutant Scanners, Detectable by Sense Magic, etc...). A second one, applicable under entirely different circumstances (like Grond's being a big, green, scaly, 4-armed monster, or the aformentioned duck) can be fine as well, but should definitely earn a second look from the GM. More than that should be treated as a Stop Sign - nothing says you can't allow it, but it should be carefully scrutinized.
  22. Re: Code vs Killing, but Gods a little fuzzy about kneecaps. Fair enough.
  23. Re: Code vs Killing, but Gods a little fuzzy about kneecaps. I do find it interesting to hear 'Torture never works in real life,' when we're discussing a game where people can lift a battleship. And for that matter, a world where UNTIL is effective and not overwhelmingly corrupted. The bounds of real life are long gone in Champions, guys. Sample power for the 60 STR Brick: Beat it out of you: 12d6 Telepathy, Mental Power based on CON (PD applies), Requires an interrogation roll.
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