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Everything posted by Vulcan

  1. Re: A snake tail instead of legs In the final analysis, every thought put forth here is a pretty good idea, and one should build this type of character however it best fits your vision of the character, as modified by what your GM will allow. BTW, I love the idea of the 'constrictor' tail. I may have to use that for a character some day...
  2. Re: Restrainable Limitation All right, here is the 5E definition for Restrainable (p.200) "A power with this -1/2 Limitation is generally by or based on an area of the body which can be restrained. Example include Flight defined as having wings or some HKAs defined as having claws. If that area or part of the body is Grabbed, Entagled, or otherwise restrained, the character cannot use the Power. When he breaks free or the restraint, or it is removed, the Power functions normally again" Soooo.... Clovis: yes, most HA and HKA's should probably be 'Restrainable,' since they would require moving the requisite body part to use the power. However, a GM might allow some special effects to bypass this (say, and ED HA 'Lightning Punch' which could concivably shock someone holding the wrists of the character). Sean: Sounds like your nightclub insurgent didn't take 'Restrainable' on his 0d6 HKA bite! On a serious note, characters with an effective bite attack tend to have exaggerated/extended mandibles that would make it easier to restrain the bite, and therefore could be restrained. If they don't take 'Restrainable', then perhaps the reason is that they retain a very 'human' jaw structure which makes it easier for them to get under the restraining arm. And for all: bigbywolfe is right. Don't let the rules get in the way of common and dramatic sense.
  3. Re: Restrainable Limitation Agreed.
  4. Re: Order of the Stick Close enough.
  5. Re: Restrainable Limitation That kind of thing is why I think bites should be Restrainable. But if the GM thinks differently, sure, I'll leave the limitation off. Just don't try and impose the limitation on me after the fact, during gameplay!
  6. Re: Order of the Stick Any questions?
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... It could happen. Of course, Mr. Fudd will be the one who winds up getting stuffed.... Oh, we're talking about teh bunny changing his ways? Yeah, that is totally not going to happen. "Look at teh bones, man, look at teh bones!"
  8. Re: Restrainable Limitation I consider restrainable a perfectly reasonable limitation for a bite attack. After all, if you are grabbed, the 'grabber' is unlikely to hold the 'grabbee' in such a way that they can bite him! - and thus it is restrainable. Of course, there are those who disagree. Check with your GM to see what he thinks. But if he says no, remember that then you can still bite your way out of a grab or entanlge, because the GM said that it 'couldn't be Restrainable'.
  9. Re: Order of the Stick Where all roads paved with good intentions lead...
  10. Re: Not "Secret", not "Public", just "Identity" No, being 'instantly forgettable' is an advantage as well, and should be purchased with points, in addition to the deleterious effects mentioned. Seriously, I'd add "Invisibilty, only to not be remembered (-1 at least)" to that guy. He's not actually invisible, but he tends to get overlooked and forgotten a lot. Which means the villians forget to attack him some of the time...
  11. Re: Not "Secret", not "Public", just "Identity" Actually, I think the book encourages GM's to give just those sort of freebies out to players as they earn it. It's just that not that many GM's actually do so.
  12. Re: Your Gaming Group's Jargon If he's not taking much damage from that x2 damage multiple from a head hit, then the PC's have no business fighting him in the first place. Because that means anything other than a head hit is going to completely bounce!
  13. Re: Not "Secret", not "Public", just "Identity" So what should happen to the PC who helps break up a major attempt by VIPER to take over Campaign City? Shouldn't he get 'Hunted by Viper' as a 0-point, 'earned in play' disad? And what makes 'Secret ID' or 'Public ID' immune to that?
  14. Re: You. Make. The Call.
  15. Re: Order of the Stick (Hijacking the thread momentarily to expound on Kristopher's point...) Pretty much all the 'demonology' of the Church is based primarily upon 'demonizing' various pagan gods. If you trace most 'demons' back to their root cultures, they were gods (some were even quite benevolent!), not demons. The Church 'demonized' them as a PR move to get their followers motivated to go invade their country and take it over - so the Church could move in and have more follwers.
  16. Re: Not "Secret", not "Public", just "Identity" On the down side, the GM is likely going to give you an effective 'secret' or 'public' ID in game play at some point anyway, and you won't get the points. Since you don't have a secret ID, it can be assumed that you take no special precautions to separate your 'heroic' and 'normal' identites, meaning that it won't take the villians long to figure out who you (and your DNPC's) are. Or a reporter might just do it instead, and announce your identity to the world.
  17. Re: Order of the Stick Still waiting for the four right words to the right person at the right time for the wrong reasons. Unless that last, halting line was supposed to be it...
  18. Re: A snake tail instead of legs A snake tail is marginally, (if any) less useful for locomotion, but fictional character with snake tails often use the tail to grab with (other functions like 'tail sweeps' and tail slaps correspond closely enough to legsweeps and kicks to be a wash). I'd go with the first build (extra limbs) if I intened to use the tail to grab with, otherwise call it a wash and go with disads.
  19. Re: Overcome Psy Limits: Wisdom of Elders Does the player of this character understand the conflict this could cause?
  20. Vulcan

    Build A Kaiju

    Re: Build A Kaiju
  21. Re: One HELL of a poker game... I would assume the Fool... because the World is not enough.
  22. Re: Inceptum Terminus World Book Good question. My suggestion is that under the terms of NAFA (amended during the 'troubles') Mexico and Canada are probably incorporated into the United States, although they might have different corporations (from the ones already listed) running them...
  23. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...
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