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Everything posted by Vulcan

  1. Re: Quick Question Is he still as nasty as he was in 4E?
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... She has a belly?
  3. Re: The Death Of Vinnie The Viceroy
  4. Re: Harassing the GM, your stories! There is always the option of 'walk out and find another GM'...
  5. Re: Surprisingly Effective Builds? I have had a surprising amount of sucess with the high-DCV 'egshell with a sledgehammer' builds. You know the type: High DEX and SPD, big attack, and 3+ DCV levels, likes to hold and dodge a lot, hits HARD when he does attack... Of course, that may be because our GM still thinks 25-30 PD is brick-level defenses in a 16 DC game...
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I actively fear what could be lurking behind that link...
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Lowered Intelligence was a power? And I though Traveller (where your character can die during character creation) was the silliest game-system I'd ever seen...
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Ahh, random power generation.... I only had to do it once, in the old Marvel FASERIP system (using, I think, the Ultimate Powers book). I wound up with a bunch of silly powers, including: Tunneling (just what it sounds like) 360-degree Vision (same) Claws (ditto) Whirlwind (basically this power means you can spin around really fast. ) Alter-Ego (think 'Hero ID') Invulnerabilty and some other subtle defense power which I forget off-hand. At first, I was having a hard time coming up with a concept, and petitioned the GM for a few changes - of course, he said 'no,' which irritated me to no end. Then an idea hit me.... I got the GM to boost the Invulnerability power to pretty ridiculous level by having it apply only to things the character ate. I think he was thinking of poisons and such; I was thinking of high explosives. Yep, you guessed it. I played the Tazmainan Devil in the game, and ruined his adventure in under 5 minutes. He was running the 'nuke hidden in Central Park' scenario, so I just honeycombed the area with tunnels seraching for it. One good roll later, I found the bomb and ate it. Sure, it knocked me WAAAAY out, but still.... From then on, all I had to do was tell that story when a random-roll powerset came up goofy. The GM's quickly allowed reasonable modifications.
  9. Re: What would your Character Be: Tiger Squad Intriguingly enough, Siberian Tiger was born in China - around 1880. His background revolved around being in the three-way battles between Chiang Kai-Shek and Mao Se-Tung and the Japanese. When Mao got the upper hand in '49, Siberian Tiger left the country for America - and has been working to undermine the communist regime ever since. In the world he was played in, it is highly likely the Tiger Squad was formed specifically to fight him...
  10. Re: The Death Of Vinnie The Viceroy To heck with the PC, I'm talking about the player!
  11. Re: Order of the Stick When I ran the old AD&D module G1 (The Steading of the Hill Giant King), the PC's liberated the giant's orcish slaves and gave them the fort - after the orcs swore an oath of feudal loyalty to the Knight in the party. In return for being allowed to live there, the orcs had the duty to collect lawful taxes on the nearby road (this was gone into in great detail), and to maintain a watch on the local area for invading armies, hostile creatures, etc. Since the orcs didn't want to piss off the players (who, through superior tactics, pretty much mowed down the giants), the orcs reformed pretty well... at least, for my game they did. Another group tried something similar with a black dragon in the marshs surrounding a major waterway. The dragon tried to claim "10% taxes" as the one boat out of 10 that had all the gold and gems, easily worth 10x the rest of the commerce that went down the river that day. They had to put him down...
  12. Re: Odd Swords -- Real or Fantasy?
  13. Re: The Death Of Vinnie The Viceroy At 7K points, there are very few PC's that should even be considering taking this villian on. I'd be looking for another dimension (i.e. game to play) to go to...
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "With God as my witness, I thought Vrocks could fly..."
  15. Re: Odd Swords -- Real or Fantasy? The picture depicts the same weapon from different angles. The middle one looks so different from the top one because of the odd perspective distorting the shape of the blade. As far as functionality: Well, so long as it has a sharp edge it can be dangerous. But with 440 Stainless Steel, it is definitely intended to be 'pretty' rather than functional. Design-wise, it reminds me more of a falchion than a khopesh. One thing I do know is that the short two-hander (anything katana-length or shorter) is of limited use in a real melee-armed combat - you're giving up the rather large benefits of a shield or (if you can coordinate it) an extra weapon to parry with, for a minor gain in leverage and power without any real gain in striking range.
  16. Re: One HELL of a poker game... Here it is, two weeks later, and my bad joke just got it's first groan... and that from a Rep, not a post.
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Are the girl hot?
  18. Re: Package deals I think a generic Police Officer package is in Dark Champions. As for the others, I don't think you really can make a package deal for them. Athletes and Scientist are way too diverse to be standardized into a package (A marathon runner is very different from a weightlifter, and both are a far cry from a gymnast; same applies to a geologist, a geneticist, and a marine biologist). And 'College Student' is more a phase of life than anything else. MBA's, the aforementioned scientists, doctors, lawyers, journalists, teachers, etc. etc. etc. would all have been College students at one time.
  19. Re: Powers to make life better I'd like my player to get me 15 points of wealth; I don't need the power to actually make the money. I'd settle for 10 points.. or even 5... please?
  20. Re: Watchmen: A GM's tale...or why we set campaign limits Don't forget the level defenses. It was pretty much assumed (even if it was never shown) that none of the others could possibly even stun him, much less KO him.
  21. Re: Unidentified Villains What about the unidentified mime villian in the beginning of the UNTIL Superpowers guide? Because a mime is a terrible thing to waste...
  22. Re: Watchmen: A GM's tale...or why we set campaign limits I look at the Watchmen and see a PC group - plus a bug blue plot-hook NPC...
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