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Everything posted by Vulcan

  1. Re: I killed a fellow PC last night...
  2. Re: I killed a fellow PC last night... 112 AP. Each (there were two of them). Yeah, that's pretty over-the-top. I won't say it's bad GMing because I don't know the whole story (like what the campaign averages are, and whether this villian was supposed to be an 'epic' villian, or what-all) but it does make me wonder...
  3. Re: I killed a fellow PC last night... Yeah, AF and Penetrating can be absolutely devastating. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't allow it as a GM - much less use it... I will say that, as a player, if something like that happens in game - that is, the villians take the gloves 'all the way off' - my heroes will up the ante as well. Beating each other up, captures, even deathtraps are just part of the superhero genre and is to be expected. Killing someone in combat, especially with such lethal attacks, means that this is no longer a superhero story, this is a WAR story.
  4. Re: Morty The Mugger Still Can't Catch A Break... ... or does that girl have powers based on the special effect of Luck (with Invisible Power Effect)? At any rate, Morty gets a pass on this one from me. I'll be too busy .
  5. Re: To gun fu or not gun fu? Well, that's one of those little things called special effect. For a Muay Tai fighter, then calling it 'extra force' is perfectly appropriate. For an ancient master, it can be 'chi-power infusing the strike.' For a fencer, then 'expert precision' is entirely appropriate. It all depends on how you define the power...
  6. Re: Cool Guns for your Games They went on to show that a bullet made out of frozen meat was viable.
  7. Re: Killing Attacks vs Stun Lottery Actually, it would only require a rewrite for charcters who currently depend on killing attack - unless you plan on reducing the level of rDEF for all characters... The STUN lotto is one of the single most broken things in the HERO System. Looking for a fix for this should be pretty high on everyone's list of priorities. I'm not certain this is it (if nothing else because it's not all that realistic - cops wearing kevlar vests often get the wind knocked out of them even when the bullets don't penetrate, for example), but surely some solution can be found.
  8. Re: To gun fu or not gun fu? As much as I love the MA system in HEROs (and I primarily play Martial Artists myself! ) I have come to a similar conclusion. They are just a little bit too point-efficient compared to the power builds they duplicate.
  9. Re: Order of the Stick I set up something like that in a D&D game long ago. The wife of one of my players wanted to get into the game, so for her magic item I gave her a luck blade (basically a magic sword with a limited number of wishes built in) and waited for the fun... Unfortunately, she never said the magic words, "I wish..."
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From another joke: "That you, Hans?"
  11. Re: Order of the Stick v * d * N = Y are you still here?
  12. Re: Social System Wow. Was it really that simple to find a solution? Or has everyone just given up on this?
  13. Re: I know what you are getting for Christmas (I've felt your presence) I've always thought that Presence attacks were one of the coolest things about the HERO System. Of course they can be abused, but really, how many things are there in the system that can't be abused when taken to extremes? Could it stand some cleaning up? Sure. Is it still one of the coolest things about the system? You bet! As to the OP: Way cool idea, Sean. I'm going to bounce that off my current GM and see if we can work it into our current game.
  14. Re: Social System Has anyone ever considered the possibilites of just taking the existing social rules and making them 'objective' (Hugh's term) and 'binding' (my term) on all the participants? One could even go so far as to designate 'stages' of sucess - make the roll exactly and the character goes along with it, so long as not too much is asked, make the roll by a ton and the character gives the con man his Social Security number...
  15. Re: Social effects And I think where we differ is that you see avoiding the third option as something the system should work to avoid, where I see it as something the particpants should work to avoid. Because regardless of how the rules are written, if the participants aren't working together to make a good game, then no amount of rules is going to 'make it all better.' Hence, my fighting anything that would make such a system the default for HEROs. Can it be an option? Sure, that's great. And if I think it actually does work, I might even use it (much to my embarressment after my struggling so hard not to like it here ). But I don't think such a thing is what the HERO System should base itself on. After all, the HERO System is - in spite of the ill-thought 'build anything, play anything' tagline - a system exquisitely modeled for resolving action-oriented stories, not hardcore social interactions.
  16. Re: Social effects Ah, the 'social = physical' argument again.
  17. Re: Social effects Whatever do you mean? Isn't it your position that a 'objective' social system should be part of the default rules?
  18. Re: Social effects Well, I thought it was amusing....
  19. Re: Social effects Serious discussions over what a detailed social system might entail are going on here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72348 . This thread inded seems to have devolved into a battlefield rather than any sort of meaningful discussion, so if you're looking for serious discussion then you might want to look there.
  20. Re: Social effects Someone please Rep Lucius for this! And his palindrmedary too!
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