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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Videos For once, Favre really needed someone to intercept this football. (Note: As near as I can tell, the video is safe for work. I am, however, watching it with the sound turned off.)
  2. Re: Need help for a low-level / street-level-campaign I'd recommend putting the onus on the player, and ask him what motivates his character and what kinds of adventures/scenarios would engage both the character and the player.
  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Well, you can dance if you want to. If you don't, nobody will. NT: Ways the Safety Dance could be made less safe.
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "And now, to accept the Nobel Peace Prize for his motto "Peace Through Tyranny", Decepticon Commander Megatron."
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Who you gonna call? Not who you think ...
  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat *five minutes of Man-Thing staring mindlessly at the camera*
  7. Re: Is 6th Edtion worth the money? I didn't think so, but it was simply a matter of not liking most of the changes made from 5e to 6e, and they were too integral to houserule (the big one being the removal of figured characteristics).
  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat DEATH TO ALL JUICE! (Seen on a protest sign in the Middle East ...)
  9. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Cyclops' visor.
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Instead of junk mail being addressed to 'occupant', it's addressed to 'expendable background character'.
  11. Re: The cranky thread So, my wife locked her keys in the car while going to pay the mobile phone bill. I do not have a vehicle of my own. Everybody we know is at work or otherwise unavailable. I have no cash to get a cab, and they're stupidly expensive in this town anyway. So, I start walking. This is about a 3 mile hike, sayeth Google Maps. I have one of the most sedentary lifestyles imaginable without being in a vegetative state, so I am now, officially, hot, tired, sweaty (it's in the mid-80s with no cloud cover and little shade between here and there), and tired. I am going to have a tall glass of ice water, and if the nurses want to bitch about my fluid intake tomorrow, they can kiss my ass. Edit: On the upside, I've figured out how to win every argument with my wife. Considering the state of my health, a 3 mile hike (though I managed to get a ride for the last mile or so) was rather ... unwise. When my wife asked me why I did that, I responded simply: "Because I'm stupid." She couldn't argue. Edit2: Holy s**t my legs hurt now.
  12. Re: Dark Piper's Dilemma The logical thing to do is talk to the parents and find out why they wouldn't want their kid returned. He might be, I dunno, possessed or something.
  13. Re: DCV Drain I can't really see why you'd ban it outright. There's still Power Defense, and I'm assuming Drain and DCV are sufficiently expensive that it would take multiple Drains to really hose someone's DCV. How much DCV would a 60 AP/12 DC Drain remove? There's also the fact that characters with a low DCV probably don't care if you Drain it, and characters with a high DCV are hard to hit with the Drain in the first place, unless you use Area of Effect, which means their DCV doesn't get lowered that much.
  14. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "You know that expression 'kill someone with a look'? I tried that yesterday and the dude burst into flames."
  15. Re: The cranky thread So ... sick ... of ... eating ... Tums.
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat You're alive. And if you want to keep it that way, you won't tick off Wonder Woman.
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Run like Hell, Mel.
  18. Re: The cranky thread I like the Buffalo Chicken Minis at Ruby Tuesday's. However, they do not like me.
  19. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Pfft. It's golf. Nobody cares about golf! Next you'll claim people care about soccer ...
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Videos How about some Popcorn Shrimp? (Make sure you watch it with closed captioning on.)
  21. Re: Examples of low-powered/street level supers not from comics That's a good call. Especially since it adds to the Energy Projector/Psychic count.
  22. Re: Examples of low-powered/street level supers not from comics The Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman are good ones, especially since they actually have superpowers.
  23. Re: Examples of low-powered/street level supers not from comics Would need a means of offense (probably weaponry), but not a bad starting point. Green Hornet's a good one that I do know. I'll have to take your word for the others.
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