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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Anyone else hate Wolverine? Yeah, Wolverine's secondary mutation of 'Popularity Induced Mary Sue' activated some time ago.
  2. Re: Creating a "campaign doc" for players in a new/original campaign setting...feedba Assuming this is a supers game in modern day, any important differences between the real world and the game world other than 'supers exist' is good info. At least, any info that a normal person would have easy access to. Laws and other legal issues and technology being the main two I can think of; things like 'are powers considered weapons for purposes of assault' and that. I never have to worry about issuing character creation guidelines, I'm the only person in the group who knows the HERO rules better than half-assedly, and thus I have to build everybody's characters for them and then explain them to the player. One of the reasons I think I've been unable to get my butt in gear and run a Champions game again ... I'm literally going to have to do *all* the work. I typically prefer to deliver my campaign document info in a rather sanitized list-format rather than trying to be clever about it by being in-character or something.
  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "The only thing we learn from elections is that we learn nothing from elections." -- Hegel, paraphrased/modified
  4. Re: Examples of low-powered/street level supers not from comics
  5. Re: The cranky thread I know I should be more understanding here, but ... There's this kid about two houses down the block who spends all afternoon outside screaming ... something. It has a long A in it, but halfway through the A turns into a shrill, high-pitched long E. Think Minnie Pearl's classic 'How-DEEEEEEEE'. Over and over. For HOURS. EVERY. AFTERNOON. Now, I can tell by even a cursory glance from this distance that the kid is, shall we say, 'special'. He looks to be in his early teens and is riding a tricycle with a helmet on. But it is growing harder and harder for me to resist the urge to stick my head out the door and tell him to stuff a f**king sock in it.
  6. Re: Double Tap I'm not much of a firearms guy, but I had another thought; levels with guns with the limitation that it expends an additional bullet to use them. You could use them for either damage (both shots hit) or accuracy (at least one bullet will hit).
  7. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Bugs Bunny (holding a pie): "If I dood it, I get a whuppin'. I dood it!" (pie in villain's face)
  8. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Take the lamb, feta, and onion off half of that and I'll split it with you.
  9. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... It's a gargoyle!
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Yeah, a couple of years ago I hit Lady Gaga with a Flash against the Fashion Sense Group. She still hasn't recovered."
  11. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore In other pizza news, I just tried a Red Baron Buffalo Chicken pizza. While I'm sure many of you would find it pretty mild, it made my nose run and my eyes water.
  12. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I dunno, that hasn't filtered over here yet ... Hawaiian is just Ham and Pineapple (I have to add the peppers). I hadn't considered onion, though ... that sounds good. But then, I like well-loaded pizza.
  13. Re: Not sure how to apply the Power skill I often let people use their power skill to spend XP to buy new powers in mid-combat or mid-adventure when they need to on the spur of the moment. I apply a penalty to the roll equal to 1/10th of the cost of the power pre-framework. So, if a telekinetic character suddenly felt the urge to learn to make a Force Wall, he could try a Power check. If he was making a 60 AP power with -2 in limitations (which he can buy off later with XP, of course), he'd have a -2 to his power check. If he succeeds, he has a Force Wall.
  14. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Ham, Pineapple, and Green Peppers make an awesome pizza. I won't touch anchovies on a pizza because, well, I don't like them. Tried 'em, didn't care for 'em.
  15. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... The same angle I'm always playing ... I'm Right.
  16. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Stop being so obtuse.
  17. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I assume allergies.
  18. Re: Instagib Move Throughs? When a 3 happens, a 3 happens. This is one reason I have frequently considered not using the 3 and 18 rule.
  19. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "So, how's that goofy-silly thing workin' out for ya?"
  20. Re: Instagib Move Throughs? Unlike most other RPG systems, HERO has no internal balancing/limiting mechanism. All crazy stuff like that basically gets put down in one of two ways: GM to Player: "No, sorry, that's just crazy. Maybe if you're in some desperate, win or the world ends battle I'll let you do it as a heroic sacrifice, but otherwise, no." GM to Himself: "Well, it's basically just a disposable NPC, so it doesn't matter if he uses this power and dies, but I shouldn't be a d**k to my players like that."
  21. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... For all parties involved!
  22. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Yeah, I think my limit is about 400 according to that chart.
  23. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I recently heard (via an online friend) of a thing called the Four Horsemen Burger ... a burger with Jalapenos*, Habaneros, Ghost Chilis, and Habanero Sauce. It was on an episode of Man vs Food ... according to my friend, the dude had to wear rubber gloves while eating it or the spices would have burned his hands. *I have no idea how to make an n with a tilde online.
  24. Re: How would you do a wish? Pure plot device/justification for spending experience points. "I wish I was beautiful! Now I can spend 5 points and have a 20 Comeliness." "I wish I was rich! Now I can spend those 15 points on Wealth." "I wish I had superpowers! Okay, that's my origin story." Overly simplified, of course.
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