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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Multipower progression and a few other questions 1. Absolutely nothing, barring justification (the Human Torch buying a laser slot in his MP would probably not fly, but a new fire-based power would be fine). 2. Either works. A 'utility belt' MP with various tools and weapons is a fairly common thing for those kinds of characters. If he has a regular set of signature tools/weapons, then MP. If he can gimmick up anything he wants given the opportunity, VPP. 3. Yep. 4. Again, any of those will work, just with different quirks and benefits. 5. MPs are already kept in check by the fact that you only have so many points to throw around at a time. After a certain point, it may become more cost-effective to turn the MP into a VPP, though, if the combined slot cost is comparable to what the control cost of a VPP would be.
  2. Re: Electro Magnetic Pulse I usually do a Penetrating Energy RKA that only affects powered electronics.
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I can't recall if I've linked this already or not, but if not ... prepare to have 'La la la!' stuck in your head for weeks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SK4nPc1h1NQ
  4. Re: Suggestions: Giant Elvis Fight Whatever you do, do not give them an attack called 'Hunka Hunka Burning Love'. Please, just don't.
  5. Re: Suggestions: Giant Elvis Fight News reporter: "Ladies and gentlemen, Elvis has crushed the building!" Elvis begging for mercy: "Don't be cruel!"
  6. Re: Dr. Terror's not so terrifying PRE Important note, I don't know how this stuff works in 6e, I only speak 5e. One advantage of the Mind Control aspect is that it works well on people with low EGO but high PRE. Another option is to raise the price of Presence to whatever level you feel is appropriate for what it does. Not sure how high this would be.
  7. Re: The cranky thread I just realized how bad my birthday is gonna suck this year. I'll have dialysis that morning, then my wife and best friend will have to work all night, and my other friend will be spending time with his family, because it's also Thanksgiving. So, yeah, I am going to be very, very alone on my birthday this year.
  8. Re: Dr. Terror's not so terrifying PRE I've never observed a high PC presence to be an issue. There are typically multiple negative modifiers to the number of dice, and it only hoses someone for a phase as far as I know (after which, there's a recovery). The only time I ever got irritated with a high PRE was as a player, where the GM had a villain throw her 90 point Magic pool into +90 Presence, then houseruled that the Presence Attack table continued on, with every 10 over being another phase of frozen in terror without actions. Nobody got an action until something like Segment 8 of the second turn ... oh, and did I mention that this villainess was teamed with Dark Seraph and his 18d6 Explosions? Yeah, that kinda sucked. Anyway, I personally would just put a cap on it (of course, I cap every attack power). I'd also mention that putting 50 points into Presence is sixty active (base 10 + 50), just as a side note.
  9. Re: Teamwork, Multiple Attackers, and Coordinating Not always. There are some extremely well-oiled villain teams out there; Eurostar and the War Machine spring to mind.
  10. Re: DCV vs. beneficial "attack" That's how I do it. Beneficial 'attacks' succeed.
  11. Re: Teamwork, Multiple Attackers, and Coordinating Yeah, I don't even mess with that. I just let 'em coordinate.
  12. Re: Teamwork, Multiple Attackers, and Coordinating I've discarded the Teamwork skill and just let PCs coordinate with whomever they want. It's rare that PCs do it in my experience; more frequent is the AE Flash, Grab, Throw, or AE Entangle the target and everybody attacks them while their DCV is lowered. It also seems to be quite a bit more effective.
  13. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I dunno, my wife's schnozzola is significant and her sense of smell is pretty keen. I'm not sure I could eat one anywhere in the house without her knowing it (either that, or the house would smell like Lysol, Febreze, and scented candles).
  14. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I'd be tempted, but my wife can't stand the smell of the McRib sauce.
  15. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Because lots of people like it. McD's actually sells more McRibs when they have it as a seasonal item than they did when they had it all the time.
  16. Re: The cranky thread Cats whine they want out. I let them out. Five minutes later, they whine that they want in. I let them in. They start whining that they want out. Then whine that they want in. Make up your f**king mind you stupid annoying rat-biting little s**theads. I am TIRED of it.
  17. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread For the first time in Ceiling Cat knows how long, there are no dirty dishes in my house.
  18. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Okay, it's time to bob for french fries!"
  19. Re: Total... Drama... Champions! Okay, Foxbat as a contestant is even better than Foxbat as host.
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Golem: "Sure, I can bang one out in a couple of hours." Golem's Girlfriend: "That's ... good to know ..." (He was talking about typing up a request for a research grant.)
  21. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Thou shalt not believe it's not butter.
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