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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Surfer girl character name Wipeout. Riptide. Cloudrider. Skydive. Slipstream. Waverider. Jetstream. Seaspray.
  2. Re: The cranky thread I know this is nothing compared to some of the stuff that's come on this thread lately, but ... Why is my cat so stupid? He always falls asleep on the edge of a table or desk, or the arm of the couch, and falls off. Then gets right back up and falls asleep in the exact same spot, and does it AGAIN. He doesn't even bother with the whole 'I meant to do that' look. He knows we ain't buyin' it.
  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Removed, Satinkitty beat me to it.
  4. Re: How many character sheets is to many? Depends on the capabilities of the player, really. Some people can juggle sheets with ease, some can't even handle one.
  5. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore In this case, you need to add the sugar to the sweet potatoes to cover up the taste of sweet potatoes.
  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The NFL wants us to get enough L-Tryptophan in our systems that we sleep through the football games that involve the Lions and/or Cowboys.
  7. Re: 5E invisibility to normal sight only? I think the limitation would be the way to go, yes.
  8. Re: How would you do a copycat power? Why a Drain? He's just copying the other guy, it doesn't affect his abilities.
  9. Re: They were ants Sink 'em. On the other hand, this indicates the ants are intelligent, if not necessarily sapient ... get a telepath, see if these things have any kind of comprehensible to humans thoughts, see what they want.
  10. Re: How would you do a copycat power? Variable Power Pool with the limitation that it can only duplicate someone else's powers is probably the 'simplest'. Not really simple ... okay, least complicated.
  11. Re: They were ants Arsenal: Kill a few, extract pheromones, use said pheromones to make an ant trail to lead the rest into a large body of water.
  12. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I don't think that's been posted ... I think I'd recall the Thanksgiving Cake.
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Economics makes sense to you.
  14. Re: Visualising Block The mechanics of Block is 'make a roll, negate an attack'. Period, stop. The special effects are whatever is decided on as appropriate for the situation. If this is 'intercepts the attack with a body part', 'gets out of the way', 'uses a power defensively', doesn't matter. I would have no problem if a player described his character as batting arrows out of the sky if he were simply missed by luck of the dice without taking a defensive action. If HERO's so flexible, why limit your imagination on this?
  15. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I would get one of those pizza burgers and eat it for, like, three days. That looks awesome.
  16. Re: Un-Green Atlantis Actually, Atlantis making a gas that affects the atmosphere in general would work. We throw crap on the bottom of the ocean because we'll never go there; Atlanteans will never go above the surface of the water, so any kind of atmospheric pollution would fit the same bill. Back to what I think is the real issue, it does annoy me that it seems every other humanoid species in fiction either has zero environmental impact or has utterly and completely decimated the environment totally. But I guess when you're dropping an anvil, subtlety doesn't go very far.
  17. Re: The cranky thread I'm supposed to restrain my fluid intake to 48 ounces per day. That's everything, including drinks, fluids in foods (like soup), stuff that's fluid at room temperature (like ice cream or gelatin), sauces, everything. This is not easy. My impulse control is lousy on a good day, and I have absolutely no concept of measurements. Unless I have a solid measuring tool handy, I absolutely suck at estimating time, distance and now, volume as well.
  18. Re: Visualising Block A look through my 5e non-Revised book gives no indication that the Block maneuver requires contact of any sort. Furthermore, Damage Shield says the attacker takes damage from the Damage Shield on a successful attack; if the Defender blocked it, that attack is by definition not successful, so the Damage Shield won't damage the attacker. It's all special effects; the 'block' or 'dodge' looks like whatever it is you want it to look like as befits the situation. If my 8 STR Mentalist decides to Block a punch from Gargantua at full size, I am definitely not just holding up an open hand and catching the fist to stop it, because said fist is bigger than my character, much less my character's hand. It's getting out of the way, or perhaps using a different power such as telekinesis to stop it, or a quick bit of sleight of mind to make him miss.
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