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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Looking back over my past several characters, I've noticed that I have a tendency to play characters that are extremely versatile and flexible. -Arsenal is a nanite-shapeshifter and can form whatever weapons she needs. -Vixen could channel power from one of something like 15 celestial power sources (multiform with each form having different special effects for the powers; aka 'wind power' form, 'light power' form, etc). She was kind of a Ben 10 homage in that she didn't always channel the right power, but I digress. -Various power armor, robot, and gadgeteer type characters who can create and install myriad weapons systems when the XP arrives, from blasters to entangles to flashes ... I really feel I need to break this habit. It has to be frustrating for both the GM when I always have the answer, and for the players when it seems like I can do anything ... nobody says anything about it, but it has to be in the back of their heads somewhere. How do I break myself out of this without feeling horribly limited? It's not like I want to necessarily make a one-trick pony, but I need to stop making nigh-unlimited-trick ponies.
  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat You get an e-mail from your boss that says 'Thanks for the new doorstop'.
  3. Re: Stops the shrapnel but not the kinetic energy Sounds like regular Armor to me ... Resistant Defense stops the pointy shrapnel from penetrating, but you're still likely to take STUN from the force of the blast.
  4. Re: The cranky thread Entirely possible ... I believe the line was said by Curly Howard in a Three Stooges short.
  5. Re: The cranky thread Unfortunately, he's also a patient, so yeah, I'm gonna see him again. The nurses are going to give him a talking-to Saturday. He seems to be a little ... I don't know the word. Not 'slow', but definitely kind of thick.
  6. Re: The cranky thread So. F**KING. Pissed. I've got about 15 minutes of my treatment left. I can feel cramping kind of starting, but I know if I stay still and calm, I should make it through without cramping hard enough to make an issue of it. Discomfort, but not pain. In the meanwhile, the guy in an adjacent chair gets done earlier than I do, gets clamped up, bandaged, etc. On his way out, he decides he wants to tickle my foot. While I'm trying to keep my muscles from spasming. Cue the most painful cramp I have *ever* had. Plus, I absolutely hate Hate HATE getting tickled, so my whole body starts tensing up as I immediately get angry. At this point, I'm pretty much one giant cramp from the waist down. And that pigf**king c**kheaded s**teating thunderc**t cracker doesn't even say anything resembling an apology.
  7. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Holy crepe!
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Teen Champions night. Our PCs ... Chance (Luck Powers) Dynamo (Electrical Powers) Golem (Stone Powers) Arsenal (Nanite Shapechanger) against Generation VIPER. To open the battle, Dogfight does a moveby on Arsenal, and while at a DCV penalty from such, Dynamo lightning-bolts him from behind. We refer to this as him being shot in the ass, though it was never officially stated. "You know what really burns my butt?" *points at Dynamo* "Him." Later, Dogfight retreats when the fight turns against them. Arsenal: "Wow, he just lit out of here like his ass was on fire -- Sorry." Arsenal, after rolling a 4.5d6 NND which resulted in a mighty SIX damage, following an almost-as-lackluster punch attack (something like 18 stun on 9 dice) "Fifty zillion nanites and they all go on the fritz at the same time?!" Golem has opted to pick up Turnabout's 'get her out of VIPER' subplot, springing it on the rest of us by surprise and, as near as we can tell, getting us all in over our heads. Arsenal: "Okay ... your heart's in the right place. I'm not going to comment where I think your head is, but your heart's in the right place." Golem: "My head's right where I always keep it." (beat) "I didn't help my case with that, did I?"
  9. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore McDonald's Holiday Custard Pies have returned! They have sprinkles. SPRINKLES!
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Go Cowboys!" (around anybody I have Thanksgiving dinner with, at least)
  11. Re: Glacier? IIRC, they never actually give any motivation or origin for Glacier. He simply appeared and started walking forward and smashing stuff. He does basically look like a vaguely humanoid pile of ice and rock.
  12. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore My wife and I went on a road trip today, and ate at Steak and Shake. She ordered a side-by-side shake that was half mocha and half dark chocolate. I fear for my life.
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Replacing your entire music collection, physical and digital, with Justin Beiber, Ke$ha, and the Jonas Brothers.
  14. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I would be so tempted to orchestrate that and film it, if I knew anybody who actually looked Mexican. In other news, my wife found something interesting at Gamestop ... a DS cartridge (I can't call it a game) that consists of 100 books. If you don't know what you want to read, you can even prompt it to give you a little quiz that'll make recommendations based on things like genre and how long of a story you want to read. She frickin' loves it.
  15. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Nah, that might give you toe-maine poisoning.
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Harry Potter and the Stash of Playboys
  17. Re: My thief can't hit a firbolg? There's also the question of how much resistant defense the firbolg has. If he only has a couple of points of resistant, you'll still have a decent chance of dealing Body damage to him, and thus, hopefully, kill him before he kills you.
  18. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I am amused beyond words that, in town, we now have a steakhouse decorated to look as Texan as physically possible across the street from a Mexican restaurant. It would be funnier if the Mexican restaurant were south of the steakhouse instead of west, but I'll take what I can get.
  19. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Mmmm. Sole food.
  20. Re: The cranky thread It never fails. Every single time I try to time it so dinner will be ready about the time my wife gets home from work, she calls and tells me she's being held late at work.
  21. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Animal wants it back ... and you know what he'll do to get it.
  22. Re: Flying like the Greatest American Hero? Buy the Flight with Concentration Throughout, and Limited Turn Mode ... and I guess a limitation that he always lands prone would work as well.
  23. Re: How many character sheets is to many? Ditto. I had all my spells and abilities written out so I didn't have to consult the books in mid-game. Most recently, I had a character with I think 15 sheets; a Multiformer who switched between various special effects in a Ben 10 kind of way in that she didn't always tap into the right set of powers she wanted, but at least always got powers. It was easy to just turn the sheets upside down, shuffle them up, then pick one at random when I failed my Power roll to get the one I wanted. I eventually retired the character because one of the other players kept referring to my character as a 'novella' and it got on my nerves.
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