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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Instead of coal, naughty children get rabbit droppings. NT: "I've got some good news, and I've got some bad news ..."
  2. Re: Just what is Luck to you? We use the variant where, at the start of a session, you roll your Luck Dice, count the 'stun', and can use those points to change your 3d6 task resolution rolls over the course of the night, in addition to sometimes rolling it for the sake of 'stuff happens'.
  3. Re: 5th Edition Version Of CU Character: Plasmoid ?? It wouldn't be too hard to change his origin to being an energy being from another dimension, or just a scientist who had a lab accident (or an intentional transformation), and so on ...
  4. Re: Independent multi-targeting? Can't you do that with Rapid Fire or Two-Weapon Fighting?
  5. Re: Rolling for initiative I'm of the opinion that HERO combat is slow enough without adding another roll per combatant every Phase. I can't imagine the benefits being worth the additional drag.
  6. Re: The fine Elven Mithril/Mithral Shirt from the Lord of the Rings movie
  7. Re: VPPs adjusting MPs Well, if the GM allows it, it then becomes legal. By strict rules-as-written, however, buying a naked advantage in one framework is not legal, and using one framework power to modify another one is also illegal. HOWEVER, IIRC, there is a way to use Aid to add advantages to a power rather than simply adding more dice/points. Not precisely sure what it is though, but I think I read it somewhere. Since that's not quite a direct boost in the way a naked advantage or just +xd6 EB would be, it might be permissible.
  8. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I know I've posted this before, but ...
  9. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat It's a Doctor Who movie. It really needs to be shot in 4D.
  10. Re: The fine Elven Mithril/Mithral Shirt from the Lord of the Rings movie Just ... Armor (or whatever 6e's basic defense is), OIF. Concealment check to hide it under your clothes. Done.
  11. Re: The cranky thread Ever been in a situation where the cure is worse than the disease? I've got a sinus infection, got some antibiotics prescribed, and I feel worse now than I did when I just had the sinus infection.
  12. Re: Rocky's One-Hit-KO Punch Craploads of HA with some limitations ... skill check, maybe a full phase, Concentration to represent that it's all-in and if you mess it up, you're toast.
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "It's a shoehorn I especially modified for you. It's to help you take the stick out of your butt. Happy Holidays, Nighthawk!"
  14. Re: The cranky thread Vet didn't find anything immediately, but y'know, tests and all that.
  15. Re: The cranky thread My cat Sphinx spent half the night staggering around like he was drunk. I've checked around the house and have been unable to find any food or chemicals that he might have gotten into. He seems to be all right now, but it was still damned peculiar.
  16. Re: The Edomite Hmm. Considering the nature of DEMON, somehow it make sense to me that you don't use INT for things Man Was Not Meant To Know.
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The Terminator. "Are you Sarah Connor?" " ... yes?" "You're fired!" (get it? Terminated ... like, Terminator?) NT: Famous movie lines as delivered by cartoon characters.
  18. Re: NND vs Barrier In general, I say that NNDs to not penetrate Force Walls (or Barriers as you youngsters call 'em). I might allow specific special effect combinations to bypass this, depending on the situation.
  19. Re: The cranky thread Remind me not to complain to you next time I have a headache.
  20. Re: The cranky thread *walks solemnly onto stage, turns towards audience* My arm hurts like hell. Thank you. *turns, walks solemnly off stage*
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Videos In 'honor' of the new Harry Potter movie being released, I present this demented little parody ...
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Now THIS could get me to sing Christmas carols. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q67VDx_KU0E
  23. Re: The cranky thread I have officially coughed and sneezed so much and so hard that my chest hurts. I am starting to suspect that I have pneumonia rather than a simple cold, but (fortunately) have no hard evidence to support that hypothesis.
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