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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Tanghal tower Not that I can recall.
  2. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Today for lunch, I actually managed to get a medium well steak that was tender, juicy, and perfectly cooked. I haven't been able to do that in years. So ... damn ... good.
  3. Re: The cranky thread Man, Xavier, that could have been a YouTube sensation!
  4. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Good duck! Er, luck.
  5. Re: Best way to self destruct a vehicle. Buy an EB or RKA, Explosion (or maybe Hex or Radius), Time Delay, No Range, 1 charge that never recovers, with the Limited Power (or Side Effect) of 'Completely destroys vehicle when used'.
  6. Re: Examples of low-powered/street level supers not from comics
  7. Re: Examples of low-powered/street level supers not from comics
  8. Re: The cranky thread Aw, crap. I just realized I forgot to get my driver's license renewed ... it's expired.
  9. Re: The cranky thread Thanks to Christmas falling on a Saturday, I have to get dialyzed four times this week (though I suppose it's a fair tradeoff for only having to do it twice last week).
  10. Re: Powered Suits as Vehicles The former is probably the better, since not all wizards are going to subscribe to that same stereotype (if I was playing a wizard and this thing didn't screw up my spellcasting, I'd probably learn to use one if it was at all feasible).
  11. Re: Do Foci get the player's damage reduction? Foci don't get defenses that they do not provide.
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Which is a shame, since few instruments have been more deserving of incineration (the bagpipes and vuvuzela spring to mind).
  13. Re: How does flash work. AKA I am an idiot. What Arc Esu says. In THEORY, in 5e, if you added AVLD to a Killing Attack, you would need resistant Flash Defense to defend against it, but I've never personally subscribed to that theory.
  14. Re: The cranky thread I really hate it when I make a shopping list, go to the store, then realize the next day that there's something I forgot to put on the list.
  15. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "An Atari 2600 ... gee, thanks. Now we can go fish a copy of E.T. out of a landfill, and my life is perfect."
  16. Re: Powered Suits as Vehicles If I'm reading your question right, the answer is 'depends'. For STR, you use the vehicle's stat. A 10 STR character in a 60 STR vehicle gets to use the 60 STR. For DEX and SPD, you use whichever is lower of the character's or the vehicle's. A regular Sunday driver like you or I can't use a NASCAR hotrod at maximum performance, and Jimmie Johnson can't use his skills at their utmost in a Prius.
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Videos The Jibjab 2010 Year In Review. Not as good as previous ones, I think, but that's just me. And once again, I can't place the original song ...
  18. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Power Girl and her Conservative Office Attire.
  19. Re: Throwing Distance for Super Heroic Characters It's kind of a balance thing. I don't like to think of the implications of being able to grab a non-flying opponent and throwing him a mile in the air. Even if you don't just let him splat later, he's completely out of the battle while he falls. Options I can think of off the top of my head include allowing characters to Haymaker throwing things (adding 20 STR), and/or letting the character buy some extra STR only for throwing distance. Anyway, though, 56 meters, that's 183 feet. I'd think that'd be far enough to get the explosive high enough that nobody would be hurt by the blast.
  20. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Buy a coal-burning stove.
  21. Re: The cranky thread I have no impulse control. I went to the store to get milk, some cans of chili, and soda. Grabbed a sandwich, salad (which was lunch), some Pop-Tarts and a chocolate cake from the 'we baked too much' rack. At least I'm not so oblivious that I actually wonder why I'm fat ...
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