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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat You tell people you were once into golden showers, and you aren't referring to anything disgusting. NT: Might as well roll with it. Subtle signs that you're Ra and don't know it.
  2. Re: Master Villains in Champions that can survive a point blank Nuke I'm going to be a smartass and say 'Any of them with Desolidification'. On an unrelated note, where are you getting these stats for a nuke from?
  3. Re: VIPER help needed. I like Snakecharmer for a mentalist name, especially if you add in a flute to use for hypnotic powers.
  4. Re: Shield-Sword! If you get +3 CV with it, you should pay for it.
  5. Re: Who is that guy? No, Kinetic is the black guy with the lightning bolt costume; he actually appears in several pics alongside Visor-guy. I suppose it's possible he's just a generic, but usually generics don't appear repeatedly.
  6. Just got my huge stonkin' load of 5e books, been reading all night, but I have a random stupid question. In the Ultimate Speedster, there's a recurring character in the illustrationis; wears a visor, mask otherwise completely covers his head, and has little 'bit' designs on his costume. Who the heck is that guy?
  7. Re: 5th Ed Paratwa Followers would probably be the way I'd do it. I'm completely unfamiliar with a 'Paratwa', so I'm just kind of throwing things at the wall to see what sticks.
  8. Re: The Naming Game with twist: The Character Concept Game I was actually tempted to post a thread like this the other day, but decided against. I had a name and everything ... Psiclone
  9. Re: One Sun, Many Sungods? I generally take the Eberron tack for it, which is 'You call your god (X), we call our god (Y), but they're both really the same god', if I even bother with multiple (or even singular) pantheons.
  10. Re: The cranky thread Yeah, I suppose it was too much to ask for to get into the playoffs so soon after a one-win season, but still ... I think I'd've rather the Rams went 5-11 than get so close and then let it slip away. I still would have been able to go 'We're getting better!' without this horrible bitter taste in my mouth (apparently, the flavor of Seahawk droppings) after week 17. Edit: Argh. My wife really needed to call in sick today; she has ear infections, a sinus infection, and a sore throat/cough, but she got beaten to the punch; too many people called in sick before her, so she had to go in. And now, she's having to stay late. Bulls**t.
  11. Re: The cranky thread Hasselbeck, thank you. Couldn't remember his name to save my life. Yeah, something tells me Hasselbeck is going to have to work to keep his starting job next season.
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PtRb322MgY
  13. Re: The cranky thread F**K you, Rams. How the F**K did you lose to the frickin' Seahawks?!
  14. Re: 5th Ed Paratwa Buy the mind as the main character, then give it two Automatons to control?
  15. Re: Grand Master of Paek-Tu Am I the only person who reads the name of that martial art, and imagines Moe Howard? "Okay, knucklehead, Paek-tu." *PC points at two fingers* "One, two." *eyepoke*
  16. Re: I can't relocate the Bloody Thing Last I recall, it was just 'add up the defense for each location, divide by 16', innit?
  17. Re: Tanghal tower I assumed that was the 'old module' he was talking about. I didn't actually know that was reprinted from previous materials, having started with 4th.
  18. Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold To be fair, there's a slim chance that the inverse is the case; the GM is wanting to run a 'hunted hero' scenario where characters like the Punisher and Wolverine are the expected campaign types, and the other players are more traditionalists and have characters with CvKs. In either event, the issue of one of communications. Someone, somewhere, should have told somebody something.
  19. Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold That hasn't been the case for many, many years.
  20. Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold All PCs ever: Turn him in, after wondering how in the world he managed to get on the team in the first place. Heck, he would have gotten knocked out and turned in after that fight.
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