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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Viper: From Hydra To Cobra?
  2. Re: Viper: From Hydra To Cobra? I don't know if I'd call VIPER a Cobra homage anymore, because they generally lack the incompetence that Cobra was renowned for. VIPER used to be famous for that, but they definitely got their snakes in a row; anybody who underestimates VIPER now is seriously asking for it. I've considered disallowing taking VIPER as a Hunted ... it's one of those 'signing your own death warrant' things.
  3. Re: Greased Is The Word My characters would all realize how horribly, horribly wrong this is about to go as soon as he went past the jewelry store towards the gun shop, and prevented him from going inside, so thus the rather ridiculous 'everybody present is armed and loaded and psychotically triggerhappy' part would never have come up.
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I've probably linked this before, but what the heck.
  5. Re: Simulating Powers from TV/Movies There are a variety of ways this could be simulated in HERO. Obviously, Missile Deflection is one. In the case of Power Girl, it could have simply been a narration of how Starfire missed. The Superman one could just be him digging in against Knockback and walking forward, sucking up the damage.
  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat He thinks they can actually win a game against a junior high gym class. (Yes, our basketball program is that bad.)
  7. Re: Rescue/Kidnap Teleport It does? My reading of Usable Simultaneously is that you both lend the power to someone else, and retain its use for yourself; the other character must still activate the power with his own actions, his own Endurance, and so forth. So if he's unconscious, he isn't going anywhere.
  8. Re: How To Build: Unwanted Familiar I wouldn't call it a DNPC, because it sounds like the wizard has no interest whatsoever in its well-being and wouldn't care if it was destroyed. The Master List of Limitations has a social limitation called 'Biggest Fan' that seems similar in some ways; you have someone constantly hanging around who tends to get you into trouble.
  9. Re: Civilian Rescue Power? I'd take a different tack ... buy a Force Wall or Entangle or TK Grab (your option) based on running circles around the villain so he can't threaten the civilians (at least, not as effectively) and let them haul out on their own. Or maybe a bunch of extra strength, only to throw (defined as a kind of Olympic hammer throw; you spin around a whole bunch, then fling him). It may be easier to get the villain away from the civilians than the other way around.
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Superman looks at Batman and says, "Bet you fifty bucks I can drink you under the table." Batman says "You're on." Superman grabs a beer, starts sipping on it, then rips the table out of the floor and holds it over Batman's head. "Pay up."
  11. Re: Rescue/Kidnap Teleport This is a pretty clear case for Teleport, Useable either By Others or As Attack. If he uses 'by others', then the recipient of the power can teleport away on his own turn; if it's As Attack, the firefighter sends him away immediately. Since the target has to be conscious to activate the 'by others' version, which may not happen, I think As Attack is better. For further fun, you can buy it with the limitation 'only to floating location', then buy a floating location. Set the location it outside, near the paramedics, and mark it with a big X so people know not to stand there. You teleport the victim, and they can get instant emergency medical treatment.
  12. Re: The cranky thread Six or so inches of snow to greet me before the buttcrack of dawn tomorrow morning, to go get my blood filtered. I think Monday slept in and saved it for Tuesday ....
  13. Re: Would your hero register his Secret ID with Primus? Most of my characters don't really have secret IDs; I play a lot of artificial characters like robots and the like. To date, none of my characters have registered.
  14. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Why do I have eighty-seven pairs of purple pants?"
  15. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Grond not smash." *SMASH*! "Grond held resolution longer than last year, at least."
  16. Re: Who is that guy? I believe the original SST was called the Concorde, yes.
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "I resolve to polish all the shoes on the Centipedemobile."
  18. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Lindsay Lohan.
  19. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat They launch a new talent/reality show called 'Czar Search'.
  20. Re: The cranky thread If I get any clumsier, I'm going to have to replace every ceramic or glass dish in my house with a plastic equivalent. I just washed some dishes and broke THREE.
  21. Re: You ARE Dr.Destroyer I'd be torn. The whole 'turn myself in' thing sounds nice, but ... Dr. Destroyer's power, technology, infrastructure now used on the side of good? That would probably be too big of an opportunity to pass up. Just rig up an alternate identity so you can pretend to be Destroyer when you're baiting a trap for a villain, but still parade around at full power as Professor Preserver (or whatever).
  22. Re: Can you summon a vehicle? When I asked this to Steve many years ago, the answer was 'Yes, but you have to buy it with the Maximum Loyalty modifier'.
  23. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://bobshouseofvideogames.com/2011/01/07/funny-video-game-photos-haggar-is-in-mvc/
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