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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Vote Bunneh or I kill you. Less a slogan, more of a promise, I admit ... NT: MORE Rejected Superheroes!
  2. Re: The cranky thread Due to the impending blizzard warning, the dialysis clinic will be closed tomorrow, so I have to go in for treatment tonight. I was planning on having dinner ready for my wife when she got home, and spending a quiet evening with her, maybe watching movies. But noooooo ...
  3. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Oooh .. cakeadelic.
  4. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Young Justice on Cartoon Network. Just up to 3 episodes so far, but ... damn. This is what Teen Titans should have been.
  5. Re: Skills. How much is too much? What did you start with? As a bit of a counterpoint, it's often hard for GMs to remember who has what skills. Instead of waiting for the GM to ask 'Does anybody have (skill)?' or calling on a skill check, you could be more aggressive in using your skills. Ask if you can make a check to attempt something, that sort of thing.
  6. Re: Lucking Into The Plot Oooh ... Variable Skill Pool actually sounds pretty good. Only problem would be that the player is not well-versed in HERO, so a full-blown VPP for his Luck powers would be problematic, but something like 'here, you can have 10-15 points of skills' should be manageable. Brilliant! I'd Rep you, but I need to spread it around some more.
  7. Re: The cranky thread So, I was watching 'old' cartoon intros and theme songs on YouTube just now, and looked at The Real Ghostbusters ... and ... in the comments ... I really hope this guy was just screwing around, but someone was all 'You know, they should make this into a movie. Who would you cast as ...' and my face hit the desk. I feel OLD.
  8. Re: Lucking Into The Plot Well, true. BD probably got Weirdness Magnet as a Disad. The particular instance that set the idea in motion was at last night's game; four teenaged supers, none of us with Streetwise, are intending to prowl Millennium City looking for members of a particular gang ... not necessarily while they're in the process of committing a crime, though. It does seem like the ability to 'randomly' bump into someone you're looking for could be worth a couple of points.
  9. So, in my wife's Teen Champions game, we have a character with luck powers. We were kind of talking about stuff he could buy, and one idea was the idea of a 'right place, right time' kind of power. Typically, when a superhero patrols, it's kind of a crapshoot; it's pure coincidence that they tend to pass by crime. Well, since this guy can load the dice ... how would you buy a power that lets you go looking for trouble and have a good chance of finding it?
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Best presented without context: "Gerbils make a fine salad dressing, and nobody's going to convince me otherwise."
  11. Re: The cranky thread Less 'cranky', more just kind of weird ... My cat Pharaoh is talking in his sleep. It's freaking me out.
  12. Re: Not Usable Without Ultraviolet Light....? That's how it worked in 4th, too. Not sure about previous editions, never played.
  13. Re: I Spent the Last 5 Minutes Defusing WHAT?! Concealment, skill vs skill against Perception or Demolitions or whatever's appropriate?
  14. Re: Skills. How much is too much? What did you start with? Some concepts, maybe. But someone like Batman or a super-scientist like Reed Richards? 3 skills? No way.
  15. Re: Skills. How much is too much? What did you start with? Well, really, whatever skills are appropriate is how many points of skills you should have. Some characters are going to have more skills than others, that's just character concept in action.
  16. Re: Chases and Races The Ultimate Speedster has pretty in-depth rules for races.
  17. Re: Powerball Make them out of some super-material that deforms on impact, but resumes its shape easily. Or, heck, some kind of contained energy that just gives you a little zap when you've been hit, but isn't a solid physical object.
  18. Re: Not Usable Without Ultraviolet Light....? I'm pretty sure that's an awfully big limitation value for that. On the other hand, he's an NPC so exact math doesn't matter much. A cursory websearch makes me unable to find any common materials that UV rays can't penetrate, though I would assume if he were englobed in a Force Wall that stops energy damage, he would be shut off from UV radiation. Or, you could simply pour a barrel of sunscreen over him.
  19. Re: Custom Limitation I don't think this would be much of a limitation at all. Maybe 1/4.
  20. Re: Legacy of Kain (Blood Omen) type healing Yeah, Transfer of Body to (whatever), only on a target that's bleeding (however you want to define that; presumably being at negative body, or having taken Body damage from a KA would cover it).
  21. Re: Greased Is The Word Wouldn't a Force Wall in front of Gomer accomplish the same thing? Either way, the bullets aren't getting past it into the street. Just sayin'.
  22. Re: The cranky thread Don't you love it when you try a new medicine, and its side effects are worse than whatever it is you're taking it for?
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