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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Brittlizing an Engine Making a car engine so cold it would fall apart or stop working would be a different power (Dispel? RKA?), I'd think. A DEF 0 object doesn't automatically fall apart.
  2. Re: Does This Seem Shady? Heh. Are the GM and the 'son of Superman and Wonder Woman' player dating?
  3. Re: Does This Seem Shady? Seconded.
  4. Re: Does This Seem Shady? Yeah, a -2 limitation is basically 'this power is almost never usable'. Is the GM also new to HERO? It's possible he may have misunderstood how power limitations work.
  5. Re: Question on resistant PD/ED? Psychic attacks are typically only affected by Mental Defense, a separate power. Energy Defense includes things like fire, electricity, lightning, cold, lasers and so forth.
  6. Re: The cranky thread I don't know if it's a stomach bug or something I ate, but I've been raging against the latrine for close to a day now. ><
  7. Re: Create Light and the 17 Point Light Spell that isn't The PER modifier on the images power are used to determine if the Image is fake; seeing through the illusion, as it were. That's not an issue given the special effect of the power, as nobody's going to try to say it's not a real light, so there's no need to expend points on the PER modifier.
  8. Re: Ben 10: Ultimate Alien And, of course, he can survive unassisted in space ... can't recall if we'd seen that before or not.
  9. Re: Create Light and the 17 Point Light Spell that isn't Admittedly, I'm still in 5e, but the official way to create Light used to be Images, however big was appropriate, only to create light. In 4e, it was Change Environment. The problem I see with your construction(s) is that I can't see why the recipient would need to be close to the grantor, or how the grantor could rescind the power at any time; if I'm holding a flashlight or torch, anybody can see what it illuminates, whether or not they're standing near me, and I can't make other people unable to see without dousing the light and turning off the power entirely.
  10. Re: Ben 10: Ultimate Alien Well, new power for Jetray. He can jump to hyperspace.
  11. Re: Silly aliens from Champions 1990 Awesomeful?
  12. Re: Medusa of Psi in Practice I would definitely tone Medusa down, or alternately hold her in reserve for emergency situations. As a team of mentalists, PSI tend to be hard to judge against PCs, in my experience; just the presence of a PC mentalist can affect their efficiency considerably. One thing I do for Mental Entangles is give bonus breakout dice based on Psych Lims, if appropriate. +2d6 for a Strong Lim, +4d6 for a Total, assuming that obeying the Lim and breaking out are compatible. So, if someone's Afraid of Fire and has been paralyzed, and then a fire breaks out, they get a bonus to escape.
  13. Re: Kill, jail, or rehabilitate, what happens to your villains?
  14. Re: What would you do as GM when our intrepid . . . . . . I'm with Yukonhorror on this one, though I probably wouldn't make it quite so debilitating (I'm not a fan of fumbles). Perhaps a mildly humorous scene a few hours later when suddenly everybody has to go 'do their business' at the exact same time, but I wouldn't apply any statistical penalties.
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Here, have some Muppets.
  16. Re: Kill, jail, or rehabilitate, what happens to your villains? Would *you* build a deathtrap you couldn't escape from?
  17. Re: Kill, jail, or rehabilitate, what happens to your villains?
  18. Re: The cranky thread Attempt to make honey mustard chicken for dinner ... FAIL.
  19. Re: Kill, jail, or rehabilitate, what happens to your villains? Typically Jail; most supervillains are too nuts or self-absorbed to truly be rehabilitated, though every so often one does (which can be very rewarding for PCs). We don't allow killer PCs in our games, so that never happens; in theory, a villain could get capital punishment, though it's never come up.
  20. Re: The cranky thread Is the belief that I would rather live a shorter, more enjoyable life than a longer one that I enjoy less really something that should be sending up red flags with people? I fail to see where this is an indication that I am in need of therapy or medication.
  21. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "Forsooth, all-Father, the God of Thunder doth need changing!"
  22. Re: Ben 10: Ultimate Alien Are you going to do a write-up for him too? His PS: Pull Stuff Outta My Butt skill must be through the roof.
  23. Re: Question on resistant PD/ED? Damage Resistance (13PD/13ED) linked to the Density Increase.
  24. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat On the HERO Boards, natch.
  25. Re: The cranky thread Mother Nature used Blizzard! It's super-effective!
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