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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Proportional area attack Hmm. You could give it -1 DC if there are two targets in the zone, -2 DC for four, -3 DC for eight, and so forth. Not sure how big a limitation that would be off the top of my head, though ...
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos All Greg Proops' entries from the Whose Line game of Hats/Dating Service Video. All dirty words bleeped as far as I know. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuyoQuH4Uh4
  3. Re: I need a Chinese Super Team. You could swipe the Four Protectors, and have them be corrupted by demonic influence Black Tortoise associated with North, Winter, and Water White Tiger associated with West, Fall, and Metal Red Phoenix associated with South, Summer and Fire (duh) Green Dragon associated with East, Spring, and Wood
  4. Re: The cranky thread I think my furnace just broke. Update: Furnace fixed. It has a safety switch that only works if the access panels are closed, but it went bad. The repairman bypassed it completely.
  5. Re: Academy of Super Villain awards: The Monnies Hottest Costume (female) Dorkiest Costume (both) Lamest Name (both) What Were You Thinking? (villain vs more powerful hero/team)
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Videos A great song, a bunch of funny people, and a trippy dance number.
  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Bad cop. No doughnut."
  8. Re: The cranky thread Slipped on a patch of ice going out to the car. Managed to avoid hitting the ground, but bashed my elbow on the hood of the car very firmly, and smacked my knee on the side as well. Hurts like a female dog.
  9. Re: Super Heroic Behavior While he phrases it far too harshly, I would also recommend against this kind of heavily mechanical system; if the players aren't on board with the kind of game you're going to run, they're going to subvert it, and if they are on board with the kind of game you want to run, you don't need it. I'm finding myself in a similar situation; someone has mentioned wanting to run a samurai game in another system with a codified 'do this you gain honor, do this you lose honor' system, and I'm seeking ways around it as well.
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat It's American. NT: Unexpected things to encounter during a spacewalk.
  11. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread New You Don't Know Jack! game. Is fun.
  12. Re: Calling all Doctors... Wasn't he from Villains and Vigilantes?
  13. Re: Brittlizing an Engine Not all applications of force cause damage.
  14. Re: Calling all Doctors... I read through Champions Worldwide (I think it was) last night, and saw reference to a Dr. Speed and Dr. Ka in other characters' backgrounds and disadvantages.
  15. Re: Brittlizing an Engine So, which is it? Are we discussing 'it got so cold it fell apart' or not? If we are, then there needs to be a damage-causing power involved somewhere. It's that simple.
  16. Re: Brittlizing an Engine The Nitrogen also has a linked RKA that only works against objects that it has brought down to 0 DEF.
  17. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Orko and Jar Jar Go To Hogwarts
  18. Re: Something fishy about this There is no more certain way to assure that a player will attempt something than to tell him that he shouldn't or can't. I have no idea why human psychology is this way, but it is.
  19. Re: Medusa of Psi in Practice Perhaps, but it's no fun for the player whose character is the one who basically gets removed from play. With a power like that, you can't even blame a lucky shot/high roll; even an average roll hoses you.
  20. Re: Brittlizing an Engine What about one of the core aspects of the HERO system: You Get What You Pay For? If you want to damage something, you buy a power that damages it. If you don't, then you don't damage things. It seems no more complicated than that to me. Claiming you can destroy a device with a Drain but no damaging power strikes me as no different from buying a Lightning Bolt as an Energy Blast and claiming you can blind people with it even if you didn't buy a Flash. I also don't think regular-weight humans deal appreciable damage to things merely by standing on them, or else we would simply sink into zero-DEF dirt by standing on it, which we do not, so a Zero-DEF Forcewall/Barrier would continue to serve as a bridge.
  21. Re: Brittlizing an Engine So, if I drain your character's PD or ED down to zero, he dies?
  22. Re: Brittlizing an Engine I'm with Xavier. With all their DEF depleted, the tires are going to be more susceptible to damage ... however, their DEF being depleted will not damage the tires in and of itself, even if the car is moving. By the same token, depleting the DEF of the engine renders it more susceptible to damage ... but that does not damage the engine by itself. If you want to break something, you have to deal damage to it (or Dispel, I suppose). If you want to freeze something to the point where it collapses under its own weight, link an attack to the freezing power with the limitation 'Only when target's DEF is zero'.
  23. Re: Does This Seem Shady? This freaked me out until I remembered that there was a Nova other than Richard Ryder. o.O
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