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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore No, I think you've got it. Eggshells are gas-permeable, but not liquid-permeable.
  2. Re: Mental Awareness AND Telepathy? I dunno if I like the idea of doing that. It seems like the old 'I'll take No Legs for 25 points and then buy Flight'. One of those something-for-nothing things.
  3. Re: Coming up with terminology for humans who turn into superhumans using "-thrope" Superhumanthrope?
  4. Re: Star Trek: How dangerous are phasers? You forgot Enterprise: Dork Age
  5. Re: Help with Transform Yeah, Transform isn't meant for use on oneself. Since birds are significantly different in abilities than a humanoid (no hands being the big one, meaning the character has different Disadvantages), I'd recommend the use of Multiform for the bird forms.
  6. Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad? Wolverine and Deadpool ... in hopes they get killed off for real (I know, wishful thinking).
  7. Re: Megascale Teleport Not to put too fine a point on it, but I think they're both screwed.
  8. Re: The Circle and M.E.T.E in 6e (or 5e)? I don't believe so, but it would be cake to add them to your own CU.
  9. Re: STR Minimum: somewhat overcooked? Probably because there's no point to bracing a melee weapon.
  10. Re: Stretching Yes. That's pretty much what the power is for. Note also that no matter how much stretching you're doing, you don't suffer range penalties to your OCV. It can be quite a handy little power.
  11. Re: Encyclopedic General Knowledge Technically a VPP for skills is illegal, but it's one of those 'it fits well enough and probably won't break anything' kind of deals; it crops up every now and again in official materials.
  12. Re: Opinions on the cost of Strength and Speed for superheroic You can also just cap it, of course.
  13. Re: STR Minimum: somewhat overcooked? Another call for the Brace rules, plus the whole 'you can use it, just somewhat less well' even if you don't meet the STR Min.
  14. Re: A "Save Spot" for a group of PCs I don't think this really need to be built, unless there's some way the PCs or bad guys can somehow interfere with the Save Point's functioning. It sounds like a pure plot device to me.
  15. Re: The cranky thread Back on anti-depressants. I don't want to, but my wife deserves better than how I've been recently. I hope they help. Edit: Okay, just read the side effects/warning sheet on this one. I believe this is the first medicine I've ever seen with 'May rarely cause a prolonged, painful erection'. I'm having second thoughts.
  16. Re: Encounter Balance I keep the PC sheets after a game, so I can look them over ... both for the sake of checking Disadvantages to come up in a game, and so I can check their stats. I usually write down a kind of chart with the PC names down one side, and a list of combat statistics across the top (DEX, EGO, SPD, Levels, DCs) which I then average, and use both the average and the high values to determine good opposition.
  17. Re: Opinions on the cost of Strength and Speed for superheroic I think they're just fine (and I play 5e, where STR also gets you PD, REC, and STUN at 1 point per). I'm not sure any superheroes would qualify for SPD less than 4; even the Hulk and the Thing, two of the bulkiest bricks around, have top-tier human reflexes (which is what SPD generally represents), even if they're only moderately better than normal in the agility department.
  18. Re: Limitation Value on Weaponmaster Hmm. The catch is, that might not always result in an 18 Body attack. What you might need to do is make it +5d6 KA, with Standard Effect, which will always add 15; if the base damage dice come up 3, then he still gets his 18. It would probably warrant a much bigger limitation in that case, however.
  19. Re: How does your Hero relax? Off Time Activities Arsenal is a gamer. Online, board, card, video ... whatever she can get her hands on. Vixen is a mall rat, as the expression goes. Hangs out at Millenium City's Galleria mall every spare minute she can.
  20. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Yeah, that works on the stove, but it's a little harder to manipulate on a grill. i typically just buy a box of pre-shaped burger patties these days, though it sucks when they freezer-burn together and I have to use a hammer and chisel to separate them.
  21. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I would want one of those burger-patty-press thingies just because, when I try to form burgers on my own, I always make them too thick, resulting in them being either burnt on the outside or too rare/raw on the inside (or both).
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