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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Have any of you played a Champions Hero with Summoning? I've only rarely seen a character with a Summons, and typically it wasn't a combat-helper; more like a spy, or summoning a creature that represents a self-guided missile. I've seen a few character who use summoning as a special effect, though ... an Indirect RKA to represent summoning a fanged beast which attacks and promptly disappears, for example, or a fire blast described as a small dragon appearing on his shoulder, breathes, and vanishes. As far as balance goes, the GM should simply take into account your ability to summon these things, as he takes into account everybody's capabilities when designing encounters. If it turns out that they are unbalancing beyond the point where he can keep things on an even keel, then you and he should work together to modify the power so it's acceptable (say, changing it into a 12d6 EB with 3-shot autofire; you summon the dogs, they fire, then get unsummoned immediately).
  2. Re: The cranky thread My wife and I had planned to go see a movie Friday. Her mom called earlier that day and needed her help with something, so we had to skip. We had rescheduled for today. My wife has gotten sick with a nasty cold or allergies or something, and we're having to pass again. There's usually only two movies in a whole year we both want to go see in the theater. Does life HAVE to interfere?
  3. Re: Mental Awareness AND Telepathy? European Enemies was about 87 different shades of borked in any event. The powers in that book were either nonsensical in representing what they were supposed to, or just flat out illegal (IIRC, at least two characters had +1 Stun Multiplier advantages on their Energy Blasts).
  4. More of a philosophical question than anything else ... if you run Fantasy games with gods, do you have a god of magic? It seems to me that having a god of magic blurs, if not erases, the whole 'arcane magic' vs 'divine magic' thing. If the source of magic is divine, doesn't that make all magic divine?
  5. Re: Ward to keep out vampires Maybe. I'm just starting to feel like the 'Change Environment Ability Check Penalty' thing may be too cheap for its use. I've observed a character with it in a game (the Luck Powers 'Slip, Trip, and Fall') and it's a rare day when he doesn't drop people on their butts or make them drop their weapons at will.
  6. Re: Ward to keep out vampires I would think that Force Wall/Barrier would be more appropriate, myself.
  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Lots and lots of sneezing.
  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The Key to the Plasma Energy Chamber! http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Key_to_the_Plasma_Energy_Chamber
  9. Re: 5e FH Grimoire Alchemy Q That was what I thought, but I've never once seen the Delayed Effect advantage in use before and I couldn't quite wrap my skull around it. And it certainly seemed like being limited to 8 overall charges wasn't much of an advantage. Thank you.
  10. Re: Clinging w/Damage Shield Advantage? That doesn't make sense to me, because there's nothing entangling the victim. If I punch The Blob and my fist gets stuck, the rest of me is fully exposed. There's nothing someone else could attack. I also don't see how that would adhere the victim to the other person ...
  11. Re: The cranky thread Being so tired you can't sleep blows.
  12. So, in the FH Grimoire for 5e, the rules for Alchemy state that you can have INT/2 potions et al ready at any given time (more with increasing the Delayed Effect advantage, of course). Now, most of the potions have multiple charges. Is the number of potions computed per 'batch', or per charge? If an alchemist has INT 16, can he have 8 batches of different potions ready regardless of how many charges each batch has, or is it 8 total charges?
  13. Re: Is it possible to build.... NNDs normally do neither Body damage nor Knockback, so neither of those would be a valid limitation on an NND.
  14. Re: Clinging w/Damage Shield Advantage? I think this is really too cheap for its potential benefit; I would prefer to buy it with a TK Damage Shield.
  15. Re: 4E D&D Converstion It would likely be far too cheap, but in 4e Ninja Hero there were rules for buying Martial Arts Strikes with the Abort element (with a BIG GIANT HUGE STOP SIGN attached); I recommend going with IndianaJoe3's idea. It makes sense to me to make people pay for it; people who aren't melee-based wouldn't learn to take advantage of those openings.
  16. Re: The cranky thread My wife is talking to a couple of Mormon missionaries at the door. I am biting my tongue to not shout 'F**king magnets, how do they work?' I am a terrible person.
  17. Re: Is it possible to build.... For better or ill, there's a lot of that in HERO. How common or uncommon an occurance is varies significantly from GM to GM, or even just campaign to campaign.
  18. Re: Is it possible to build.... 6. RKA Damage Shield. (BTW, we're using 'for a while' because we don't know how long you'd want it to be for. On the sheet, it would say 'for a turn' or 'for a minute' or 'for the rest of the day' or whatever was deemed appropriate by player and GM.)
  19. Re: Need another name for Juggernaut... A variety of construction/demolition devices might work ... Piledriver, Bulldozer ... perhaps an evocative noun-verber combo like Bonecrusher?
  20. Re: Teleportation limitations on locations. I think in 4e you usually put the locations as part of the teleport, but that changed in 5 and 6.
  21. Re: Adjusment Powers versus Defenses It's a matter of balance; in a typical supers game, you have 30 max points of defenses against 60 or more points of attacks. A 30 PD brick is damn tough; but a 6d6 Drain would, on average, reduce his PD to 9, leaving him susceptible to Body damage from an average attack. That's WAY too swingy for 1 attack action to cause.
  22. Re: Is it possible to build.... 1. Sure. Extra damage for the power with a massive Increased Endurance Cost limitation so that it is guaranteed to eat up most or all of the character's Endurance when he uses it, or perhaps a general Limitation that he can't use any powers for however long afterwards. 2. Just apply a Limited Power (only vs X) to the powers as appropriate; how big the limitation is depends on the frequency of the target group. 3. Variable Power Pool. 4. Sounds like a Multiform with conflicting Psych Lims; give the unpowered form something like Pacifist, and he'll need to make an EGO roll to change into the form with Loves To Fight except in dire circumstances. 4a. An Aid to all powers with a Side Effect of increasing an extant Disadvantage or adding a new one. 5. Hmm. Sounds like a Multipower with one slot Indirect, one slot standard, and the third slot No Range.
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