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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: The cranky thread Is it so much to ask that my wife actually get off work on time EVER?!
  2. Re: to hex or not to hex That would drive me up the wall, personally.
  3. Re: to hex or not to hex I'm all for hexes.
  4. Re: God of Magic Interesting stuff. Thank you.
  5. Re: How compatable is GURPS to Hero? Seconded.
  6. Re: A power to swap places with someone. Why not a Side Effect on the Teleport UAA that you teleport to where the target was?
  7. Re: The cranky thread Uh ... highly unlikely.
  8. Re: Dangerous Beauty How about bonus PRE that only works for limited forms of Presence Attack/Skills? The Distracting Costume gadget in 5e Gadgets and Gear was built like that.
  9. Re: The cranky thread My wife can count the number of times she's thrown up in the last 20 years or so on the fingers of one hand. Two of them were last night; she didn't manage to get any sleep until about 6am, and she still got up and was at work at 11. She's going to try to get someone to cover as much of her shift as possible, but I don't rate her chances.
  10. Re: Quick character reviews: Malice and the Wonderland Gang Interesting idea ... I might have to steal and adapt it (maybe have Cheshire Cat get kicked out of GRAB for being too lecherous, so then GRAB decides to go all-female, perhaps ...)
  11. Re: The cranky thread It's, like, four days into spring and there's snow on the ground. What the ****.
  12. Re: Would your Hero endorse a polititian? 20,30 years ago, maybe. In the modern political climate (aka 'nonstop s**tstorm'), aligning oneself with a politician is just asking to get raked over the PR coals.
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat United Nations Tribunal on International Leprechauns. We need to take their pots of gold and put it back into the economy!
  14. Re: Paranormal threat levels In 5e, I think it was a simple four-point scale of Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Omega level threats, with Alpha being the most dangerous world-beaters.
  15. Re: Reactive Damage Shield Another vote for Damage Shield with the limitation that it matches the DCs of the incoming attack.
  16. Re: Counter-stereotyping One of my personal favorites: "What animal instincts?" The bestial character, whether were-creature or non-changing anthropomorphic, who does not demonstrate any behaviors stereotypical of their appearance.
  17. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share your ideas! Shamelessly stolen idea from the Chaotic cartoon ... SUPERDOME! The Superdome is the ultimate virtual reality game ... you can play as your favorite hero or villain in one-on-one or team competition, with sci-fi style VR; total sensory input, like your mind is inside the supers' body! But to get a supers' abilities in the game, you have to scan them in the real world with a handheld device first, giving your avatar their powers, skills, and fighting technique. Will villains or very private heroes let you get away with scanning them? What if this is all a big plot by a mastermind to learn how every super on the planet fights so he can discern their strengths and weaknesses? Perhaps aliens are using it to find the best of the best to abduct for their gladiatorial games?
  18. Re: "The orcs stole your underwear again..." I was in one game that tried it, but it ultimately didn't work because the group didn't have a lot of 'humorous interests' in common ... in other words, we didn't all find the same things funny.
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