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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: The Incredible Hulk I don't know if this has changed since last I read, but last I knew 1. The Leader had to touch people to psychically control them, and 2. His mind control didn't work on other gamma-powered people ... considering how often his plots involve the Hulk, this is probably worth a limitation.
  2. Re: Government and the superhuman I could see the Department of Homeland Security being initially given the nod, before a specialized branch could be created. Particularly if some of the supers are in the Gravitar/Dr. Destroyer power range and thus qualify as 'People Of Mass Destruction'.
  3. Re: The Incredible Hulk I, personally, am good with the Hulk having Martial Arts to represent brawling. He's kind of an idiot savant when it comes to fighting, anyway ... I read something that claimed that he has never hurt or killed anybody in his rampages that he wasn't intending to (thus why his casualty levels are surprisingly low considering his high level of property damage). Except for the Savage Hulk, I'd even consider giving them some extra INT or something that's limited to 'combat cunning'.
  4. Re: Counter-stereotyping Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm talking about.
  5. Re: Armor from x-men type of brick. It can be overdone, however. A -1/4 limitation should only come into play once every four or five game sessions, or represent a rather minor loss in power. If it's becoming an issue constantly, then either the GM should increase the limitation value, or ... he's being a jerk.
  6. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Is it served in a bukkit?
  7. Re: Armor from x-men type of brick. I'm not too familiar with the character, but Linked sounds more accurate. Unified Power would drain the STR and CON and such if the FF were drained, but the stats would remain even if the FF were turned off.
  8. Re: Mega Knockback in 6th IIRC, in 5e, it was just a 'well, it doesn't really work by the rules, but we'll let it slide' application of the Megascale advantage on one's STR. I presume it would work the same in 6e, if the Megascale advantage exists. Just to mention, I wouldn't recommend allowing it. If the person to send flying miles away doesn't have a megascaled movement power, he's out of the battle with a single move. I would question the balance.
  9. Re: The Lost Cover Art Caption Contests: Issue #54 "What's missing? This dude's chin."
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Knowing the Cubs are already mathematically eliminated from the playoff picture.
  11. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I bought a little six-dollar personal battery fan today, to take with me to the clinic; I frequently overheat badly towards the end of my sessions, and they are no longer allowed to put the fans on the floor (water hazard, even though it would be easy to keep the electrical cords off the floor, and the engine housing is on top of the pedestal ... bleah). Looks like it's going to be a lifesaver; despite having a pretty bad fluid gain today, keeping that little sucker on me staved off the worst side effects of the treatment.
  12. Re: Speedster Shutdown (5e) I was thinking that (essentially, that's 6e's 'Unified Power' limitation, as I understand it), but thought I'd fish for other ideas. Related note, how much of a limitation would 'End Reserve must not be empty' be worth? Probably not too much, since EndRevs tend to be pretty big.
  13. Re: The cranky thread 5+ hours after getting out of dialysis, and my arterial access STILL hurts from when the needle came out. ><
  14. Mulling a character idea; short version, character is a 'running man' speedster who has a link to the Speed Zone, represented by an Endurance Reserve. It occurs to me that his enhanced DEX and SPD should go away if his Endurance Reserve is tapped out, and they should probably be considered 'speed powers' for the sake of Drains and such. I'm not entirely certain how I should build that drawback. Thoughts?
  15. Re: Using a D20 Of course, if rolling a 1 means something other than 'you missed', your GM is houseruling, and you have bigger problems.
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Tickets to a New England Patriots game. (I know, it's not funny, but there aren't words to describe how much my best friend hates the Patriots.)
  17. Re: to hex or not to hex Also slowing the game down, since the players don't have the numbers needed to do the computations. The GM has enough to keep track of, IMO; concealing that information from the players doesn't add enough to the game to warrant the additional hassle to me. YMMV.
  18. Re: The cranky thread Count your blessings. They may be painting themselves in perfume as an alternative to bathing ... which smell would you prefer?
  19. Re: to hex or not to hex Me: "Okay, Dex 26 ... 25 ... 24 ... 23. Thunderbolt and Arsenal go." Yes, the players then know the bad guy's DEX and likely OCV and DCV. So what?
  20. Re: to hex or not to hex I'm usually pretty forthcoming with the information, just because it's usually not too hard to figure out. They go on, say, DEX 23, so their base DCV is 8. Figure plus or minus 2 for levels in most cases, and you can eyeball it pretty well.
  21. Re: to hex or not to hex I like having some idea, before I attempt an action (be it combat or otherwise) what my probability of success is. I would not enjoy having the value of a critical combat modifier denied to me. That's just how I am; if your way works for you, knock yourself out.
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