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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: The cranky thread If that's what I think it is, I'm not sure I could deal with having two tubes sticking out of a hole in my chest. Just ... creeps me out. Not in the 'ew, spider' kind of creeps me out, but in the full fledged 'jump on a chair, point, scream, and shriek OMFG IT'S A SPIDER IT'S GONNA KILL ME' kind of creeps me out. And really, this is the first time I've had a problem like this ... it's been pretty smooth for the last few months. It was just ... today.
  2. Re: The cranky thread Something was f'd up with my blood flow today ... dunno if it was needles out of place or what, but my machine wouldn't run very long without getting an error message, and there wasn't enough blood flow to get a good cleaning. So, they tried to rejigger the needle a few times during the course of the morning (ow ow OW ow), then eventually I was given the option of getting re-stuck, or coming back tomorrow to make up for the two hours or so I didn't get today. My access area hurt so much, I opted for going back tomorrow. So, yeah. Arm, pain, doing it all again ...
  3. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Mmmm, sacrilicious.
  4. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Exchange between my wife and I, after listening to the Colbert Report bit on Planned Parenthood funding and the budget brouhaha. Wife: "Seems to me, if you want to talk about restricting women's health, we need to elect more women to Congress and tell the men to go f**k themselves." Me: "Which would eliminate the need for abortions."
  5. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Win-win!
  6. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/381283/april-11-2011/thought-for-food---chocolate-air--denny-s---bacon-cologne
  7. Re: Partial protective life support Pretty sure it doesn't work like that. LS may prevent you from getting sick, but if you get sick while you don't have the power on (for whatever reason), you're hosed.
  8. Re: Obviousness of Telekinesis Yes, Strength is perceivable. How is it visible to the Sight group? You see the guy swinging his fist at someone.
  9. Re: VPP active point costs It's 90 active points because 60 (pool reserve) plus 30 (control cost without limitations) equals 90. HD is doing it right; since active points don't tell the whole story, that shouldn't be a reason for your GM to deny it out of hand.
  10. Re: Strange events...what do YOU (not your character) do? If I end up in perfect health, I definitely can't hide it because the first trip to the dialysis clinic will shoot it out of the water. "Well, you've finally lost enough weight to qualify for a kidney transplant ... but now you don't need one, because your blood doesn't need cleaning." I'd probably just ... go look for a job, since I'd definitely be off disability, probably use the powers for simple, mundane utility (flying to work, using low-yield energy blasts to mow the lawn).
  11. Re: Obviousness of Telekinesis I'd think Invisible to Sight and Hearing would cover it, with Mental being the third sense group. I suppose one could theoretically just do Invisible to Sight with Touch and Mental being the other two groups, but that might be a little sketchy. As an unrelated note, I think the only reason Jedi used gestures was so the audience could get an idea of what was going on; helpful, but not necessary.
  12. Re: Tactile Metal Control powers There are lots of options. The most inclusive one I can think of would be an RKA, NND, Does Body, No Range, with the defense being 'not made of metal'. It can break foci, damage metallic characters, it slices, it dices ...
  13. Re: How To Delay Effect Why not just bring the Time Delay advantage forward? Use the 5e rules for it, tweak them if there's an inconsistency somewhere.
  14. Re: The cranky thread Ouch! On an unrelated note ... I feel an overwhelming desire to break something. I have no idea why, but I have just felt incredibly angry and pissy all day long, and really want to engage in some Hulk Smash.
  15. Re: Free no character point equipment simulating not very powerful powers
  16. Re: What sort of technology do you use in yiour games? I use HeroDesigner for character sheets (hero and villain), and enter game logs and game notes into a text file. No computers or other gizmos at the table, though; not enough room at the table in question.
  17. Re: The Incredible Hulk That's one of the problems with converting from comics to game stats in general. In the comics, a brick is exactly as strong as the plot requires him to be, and will win or lose any given battle as the plot requires. If the plot requires Hulk to lose a fight to the Fabulous Frog-Man, he loses it. Best you can do is eyeball it.
  18. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "Pizza's here!"
  19. Re: The cranky thread Yeah, but Glenn Beck bought all their footage.
  20. Re: Paladin's Horse I would probably buy it as a power construct; some extra Running with the Physical Manifestation limitation. That way, you don't have to worry about it dying; if it gets 'killed' you can just re-summon it later.
  21. Re: The Incredible Hulk Rick also always carries a mini-parachute on him in case he needs to jump from a crashing Skrull spaceship. Banner: "Rick ... where'd you get the parachute?" Rick: "I always keep a parachute on me in case I need to jump from an exploding Skrull saucer." Banner: "That's ridiculous." Rick: "Why? I needed to, didn't I?" Banner: "... ... never mind."
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