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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Would you allow this advantage? One option would be a 20pt Multipower with flexible slots, one with 15 PD Forcefield, the other with 15 ED Forcefield, thus able to switch between 15/5, 5/15, and anything in between.
  2. Re: Anubis? Well, as far as Summons goes, that's out for me; I don't like the extra bookkeeping for the Summoned creature's stats, plus Anubis reads more like a 'the dead should stay dead' kind of guy. Creating undead seems like the very definition of desecrating and dishonoring the fallen. I was going to look at what I created in HD last night, but for some reason the character got blanked.
  3. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Those are the roses that women buy when they want to apologize to men.
  4. Re: Everyman Complications I don't really see where those are 'everyman' disadvantages, because not everybody, regardless of setting, is going to have them. Obviously not everybody in a Japanese setting has 'Honor before life' or 'Obey your masters', because there were Ronin, for example. Guys like Copernicus and Galileo, I don't think would qualify for 'believer' or 'superstitious'. I sit duly chastised and corrected re the 5 to 6 issue of 'Everyman' Disads, though I play 5e un-Revised and have not found any reference to such in that book. So, House Ruled.
  5. Re: Everyman Complications Aaaaand another good reason for me not to play 6e. Thank you.
  6. Re: More Complications, Please I don't see this as the case. The character will still have a psychological profile, a personality; there's simply no mechanical basis for it (which makes it more 'pure roleplaying', from a certain standpoint; you roleplay your character because that's the way he is, not because you have certain things written on your sheet).
  7. Re: Anubis? Well, this is potentially a PC idea. Since the old Anubis was actually given power by Set, and this kind of honks Anubis off, it seemed like he might empower a mortal agent of his own to defeat the 'false Anubis'.
  8. Re: Everyman Complications I wouldn't call these 'Everyman Complications'. I'd call them 'stuff that is simply not major enough to get points for'.
  9. Re: Anubis? I will say this ... that is one fraggin' AWESOME picture. Dang it ... someone rep Pizza Man for me, pretty please?
  10. Re: More Complications, Please In my experience, 100 points of Disads/Complications isn't usually that hard if the character actually has much of a background. It helps that when I talk origins with a player, I make it clear that the character's origin is 'that which makes him fight supervillainy', not 'that which gave him super powers'. To use the obvious example, Spider-Man got powers from the radioactive spider, but his origin is the death of Uncle Ben and the power=responsibility epiphany. The last 50 points (I say, used to 100+150 or 200+150 builds) tend to be like pulling teeth, and often seem to require forced or extraneous elements to the character's background. One of the 6e things I do like is reducing the number of Disad points so you only get the important, 'core' elements.
  11. In 5e Champions, there's a villain, Anubis, who is actually empowered by Set. There is reference to this annoying the actual god Anubis. Outside of generic godly avatar attributes (strength, toughness, etc), what would be some actual powers appropriate to someone empowered by Anubis?
  12. Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo? There's also the question of whether or not your character is a 'modern-era human'. I play a lot of robots. They walk around naked all the time, because they've nothing to hide, and I can't imagine them blinking an optic sensor if someone else was hiking around naked, at least in terms of being offended. They certainly might wonder if that particular person is cold (or getting sunburned, depending on the season), but there would be no averting of the eyes or cries of 'have some decency' or anything of that sort.
  13. Re: Limited FTL Travel Another option would be FTL with the limitation 'Window of Opportunity'. For whatever reason (galactic flux, intervening space debris, space-time continuum warping), there are only certain times when the hyperspace routes between Planet X and Earth are open.
  14. Re: Counters to problems? (Such as AoE spam and magic overuse) The lowest AE advantage I can think of that lets you target DCV 3 is One Hex, which is a +1/2 advantage. Consider what that does to your damage output; if your Active Point cap is 60, you get a measly 8d6 out of it. Yeah, you're very likely to hit, but a character with average defenses will laugh it off, and even a soft, fast target won't be that badly hurt. Also, remember that diving for cover from a One Hex AoE power is cake for pretty much anybody. Yeah, in a Fantasy game, encumbrance is pretty much the reason not to use heavy armor. You may try to encourage your non-magician to buy 'super skills', that represent advanced combat techniques. Say, a AE One Hex, doubled radius, hole in the middle on HKAs, letting him skewer multiple opponents at the same time when surrounded, or Autofire on the HKA for multistabbing.
  15. Re: PRE attacks on PCs I'm in a weird middle ground. Part of me thinks that rule is there so you don't get the oddity of Captain Presence (PRE 75) telling the villains to drop their weapons and put their hands up, and everybody in the room does so, including his allies. Though, that might be funny in the right game. "Drop your weapons and put your hands over your head!" *clatterclatter* " ... not you, THEM!" On the other paw, I don't generally believe that PC-PC interactions should involve die rolls. On the other other paw, it does seem appropriate for a high-PRE PC to scare another one in certain circumstances. I generally assume that instead of 'not affecting other PCs' is intended to mean something more akin to 'not affecting your allies'.
  16. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "It's 3am and my food dish is empty. What's your malfunction?"
  17. Re: The cranky thread Today went better (I know, that's a non-cranky, but I figured I should mention it). I still have to go back tomorrow, though ... *pout* Edit: I may have spoken too soon. I've been getting this weird kind of stabbing pains (not that painful but still irritating) right around my fistula.
  18. Re: The cranky thread Actually, I'm not diabetic, just got kidney failure. Oh, SatinKitty ... I saw a commercial the other day for an anti-snoring thing, but I can't for the life of me remember the name of it. It's like a plastic mouthguard you put in your mouth when you sleep, and it shifts the position of your jaw for better breathing. Can't verify it's effectiveness, but I thought I would at least mention it.
  19. Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo? Not really, unless you're going for very harsh realism. Typically, the unarmored warrior is faster than the armored one, and hard to hit, whereas the armored warrior is easily struck but doesn't feel it much. Classic Martial Artist vs Brick confrontation. On an unrelated note, I would be kind of annoyed at a GM who made my character suffer a penalty just because body parts are being flopped around.
  20. Re: The cranky thread Yeah, that's the word! Younger person with active lifestyle is definitely not me.
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