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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Egg McGuffin I think all my characters would have handed the egg over to Dr. Silverback that night, so ... it's his problem now.
  2. Re: Powering Up With Multiform No, but the more I think about it, the more I like it. It eliminates a lot of the paperwork that comes with Aid and is a lot neater to deal with on a character sheet.
  3. Re: The cranky thread Some people deserve hating. I think this guy qualifies. Indulge yourself.
  4. Re: overmentalizing I don't think anybody's disagreeing with you. We're just saying there are better, more interesting, and more fun ways to deal with the issue beyond 'everybody on the face of the planet has Mental Defense' or 'Mooks programmed to go head-asplodey when mind probed'.
  5. Re: Sleep Deprivation IMX, the effects of sleep deprivation generally amount to clumsiness and confusion. Not sure what exact numbers I'd use, but it'd be a reduction in DEX, INT, and EGO.
  6. Re: Only while asleep Yeah, he was called Sleepwalker. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleepwalker_%28comics%29
  7. Re: Jokes These element puns are boron me. You've got some gallium to keep telling them. I might have to go to the palladium forums for escape.
  8. Re: overmentalizing I agree with the statement that a)that information isn't going to be nearly as useful as the mentalist things and b)grunts shouldn't know any more about the plan than they absolutely need to to complete their part of it. B especially makes it more useful, as that's your way to guide the PCs to the next stage of the plotline. I personally would not recommend the 'mindbomb' concept unless it fits a particular villain you're using. It stings too much of 'gotcha!'
  9. Re: Jokes I just formed a band called 999 Megabytes. We haven't got a gig yet.
  10. Re: Enraged Pricing I'd still suspect the results would be the same.
  11. Re: Extra DCV vs penalties I wouldn't give it a very large limitation, because it's something the character is going to want to do a lot. He wouldn't be trying to reduce the penalties if he wasn't planning on doing it frequently. 1/2 probably sounds right.
  12. Re: Enraged Pricing I don't personally see a problem with it. The first time he hauls off with lethal force on the teammate who happens to be standing next to him, that'll be worth 15 points. Or an innocent civilian or police officer, of course ... at which point, the character will probably be in jail, and the new guy will hopefully have a trifle more self-control.
  13. Re: Grabbing then Calling Shot I think Neck might have its own hit location now, as opposed to just being subsumed into the head location's 3-5.
  14. Re: The cranky thread I think my desktop is fried. We popped a circuit breaker last night while the computer was in sleep mode, and now it won't boot up. Asks me a question about 'resuming Windows', but neither answer helps. Cannot enter Safe Mode. Edit: Never mind ... I have no idea what I did, but it seems to be functioning fine now.
  15. Re: Grabbing then Calling Shot It's awfully hard to do, yes, but considering the power of the maneuver, I think it's an acceptable tradeoff (especially if you're using the hit location damage modifiers). Or, alternately, it'd be worth a BIG limitation value.
  16. Re: Grabbing then Calling Shot IIRC, you still have all the usual called shot penalties, but since the target's DCV is halved for being grabbed, it's still quite a bit easier.
  17. Re: The cranky thread Tonight, I shall spend a LOT of time sitting on the toilet. ><
  18. Re: Dwarves with No Spirits In my games? Spirits are alcoholic beverages and souls are nonexistent.
  19. Re: German for Fearless? You too?
  20. Re: The cranky thread I think I have once again forgotten my wife's schedule and accidentally made dinner too early.
  21. Re: The cranky thread In my case, it's a combination calcium supplement and phosphorous binder.
  22. Re: The cranky thread Having to take three Tums with every meal can have significant negative effects on one's post-meal enjoyment.
  23. Re: More Complications, Please Actually, for what it's worth, Vulnerabilities are usually the first Disad I look at. I find them preferable sometimes because they are raw mechanics; if you're Vulnerable to Electricity, and Megavolt shows up, you know what's going to happen ... it's all in the numbers.
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