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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Sting Like A Bee (5e) Vaguely similar, yeah ... but if you didn't have Continuous on the KA, how would you build the trigger for it? If the dog is 'summoned' next to its victim, bites him if he tries to move, then vanishes?
  2. My brain is locking on how Trigger works. The spell basically summons a wasp that stings the target if it leaves the hex it's in, but otherwise leaves it alone. I'm thinking this is an RKA with Trigger, but I'm not sure precisely how the Trigger should be set up. 1. The trigger only works once per casting; once the wasp stings, the spell ends and the wasp disappears. The spell can be re-cast, of course. 2. The spell can be cast multiple times, but only on different targets. What mods go on the Trigger here?
  3. Re: The cranky thread I probably shouldn't go into too much detail, but my friend Jeff's life is going completely crazy. It's gotten to a point where I can't see how any one person can handle it, and I really wish I could help, but there's nothing I can do outside of emotional support.
  4. Re: Equipment stripping Telekinesis, Only to Grab and Disarm Accessible Foci. The character dashes over, grabs the item, then returns to where he was standing. AE Selective version if you want to perform this on multiple targets at once.
  5. Re: Tapping into mental communication Invisible Telepathy.
  6. Re: Fairy Darts The RKA probably needs NND and Does BODY, or the victim's resistant defenses will apply.
  7. Re: Taming the Slayer Fictional character C who sniper-rifles both of them in the head, putting them out of our misery.
  8. Re: Fairy Darts Drain sounds right. DEX Drain, only affects the hands/manual dexterity, with a mostly invisible BOD drain.
  9. Re: How to explain healing effect? The special effects of her teleportation might matter, too ... something like a matter-to-energy-then-lightspeed-transmit-yourself might not work for the suggestions I offered.
  10. Re: The cranky thread I really need to stop being honest around my mother, but dammit, I am sick to f**king death of having to put up a stupid, banal facade every time I talk to her. My brother spent years treating me like s**t, mostly mental abuse with a few bouts of physical. I've forgiven him to the degree that I am no longer actively wishing him ill. I can treat him civilly. After my mother passes on, and we wind up sharing a bunch of property, I will be civil, I will be fair. If I have to be in his presence, I will be calm, and I will be cordial. Or, I will just sell my half of the stuff to anybody who will take it, and wash my hands of him and the rest of my family once and for all. But he and I will never, EVER, be friends. And I'm not joining his online game guilds, because I have no desire to put him in a position where he can boss me around again. I'm not interested in being in a position where he can boss me around again.
  11. Re: How to explain healing effect? I can think of two ideas: 1. Like the Star Trek transporter buffer, she can reassemble people in a previous, intact 'pattern'. 2. She teleports a miniscule amount of things like blood, bone, and flesh from people around her and places it in the victim in such a way that it replaces whatever's injured; transfusion of blood, filling in a bone fracture, that sort of thing. Since so little is taken from any one source, the unwitting donors don't take any damage.
  12. Re: Teleportation NND RKA and Focus damage A GM is supposed to tailor his opposition to the abilities of the PCs. You simply don't throw villains who rely wholly on their foci at this group all the time. Also keep in mind that some foci are Unbreakable and won't be fouled up by being damaged. Plus, there's the D for that NND that will prevent it from working en toto. The power he has works perfectly by the rules, though he may want the additional flexibility a Dispel slot would grant him.
  13. Re: Thrown weapons that return Just don't give the power either Lockout or Recoverable Charges, and you're golden.
  14. Re: Archery question If you aren't paying points for equipment, then it becomes easy to just not track the arrows; it becomes the equivalent of a Spaghetti Western six-shooter that never runs out of ammo and you never see the guy reload. If you are paying points, it might be better to buy it as Zero END rather than Charges, to just represent "I always have enough arrows; I either recover them, make them, or bought a ****load of them'.
  15. Re: Teleportation NND RKA and Focus damage Breakable foci are susceptible to damage from attacks, so there's no reason he can't just target applicable foci with the power as-is. A Dispel would be useful for devices not built as foci such as cybernetics, or Only In Alternate Identity pseudo-foci.
  16. Re: Archery question I'd say that generally, they should be allowed to recover most of their arrows, or else you'll just have characters trying to carry ridiculous amounts of ammunition so they don't run out at a critical moment.
  17. Re: "Ice Skating" I'd say just give the extra running the limitation Side Effects: Leaves big chunks of ice in the environment (-0), and maybe Physical Manifestation if breaking the ice-sheet from beneath him would be a hindrance.
  18. Re: What have you Summoned? I've never used the Summon power ... not a big fan of the extra paperwork of juggling multiple character sheets in the same combat (different from Multiform; you only need one at a time). I have used the special effect of summoning for attacks before, like a Fire Blast with the SFX of summoning a small dragon that breathes a gout of flame, then vanishes.
  19. Re: Adding/Gaining Equipment If it's functionally 'mandatory' equipment, I'd award it to them for free. Just extra XP that gets spent on their kevlar vest, radio link, and sidearm.
  20. Re: A Superhuman Registration World
  21. Re: Driving Under The Radar I would probably just not give the car Distinctive Features, perhaps along with the Disguise skill.
  22. Re: A Superhuman Registration World Considering the discriminatory nature of the legislation, I suspect it would get flattened in court sooner rather than later.
  23. Re: Egg McGuffin And puns just get more and more fowl ...
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