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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Equipment stripping Well, here's the thing. If the special effect is 'teleporting stuff away', then there's not really a STR vs STR contest involved because you aren't struggling against the other person. If the special effect is 'zipping over and grabbing stuff', then there is. This is why I'd use the Teleport UAA construct for a teleporter and the TK construct for a speedster.
  2. Re: The cranky thread My wife hasn't gotten a raise in 2 years. Maybe 3. The company has said that there may be room in the budget for raises this year, IF the company can reduce its shrink (aka theft/loss). Meaning, keeping an eye out for thieves and other scams is taking a very high priority at her job. Except for one guy. Someone walked out with a Flintstones Complete Set DVD under their arm. That's $110 pissed down the drain. He SAW them do it. "Did you pay for that?" "Yeah." "Do you have a receipt?" "You can just look it up in the system." And he lets them leave ... WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP IN THE SYSTEM, which would have told him that the store had NEVER sold one of those. Over a hundred bucks of loss because this craphead can't be bothered to actually do his job, in my wife's department so that makes her look bad. I cannot believe she didn't rip him several new ones, especially after he said 'I did everything I was supposed to' to her, when he was supposed to make sure people don't prance out with hundred dollar DVD box sets under their arms! I suggested that she write him up for gross incompetence; even if he pops his cork and quits for being written up when he thinks he didn't do anything wrong, nobody's going to miss him.
  3. Re: How would you make a Possessed Minute Man Robot? First, I'd determine if a demon could possess something without a mind. (My answer would be no, and I'd stop there.) If yes, then I'd consider the effects of possession, which is simply controlling the body which the demon inhabits. So ... you'd have a Minuteman that a demon is controlling. Nothing else would change, IMG.
  4. Re: The cranky thread My wife just got home from work, and holy crud is she PISSED. Time for damage control. >.>
  5. Re: How much do you customize the setting? I typically use the CU pretty wholesale, if I'm doing standard supers ... I add things when I create original villains, or if my players' backgrounds include new elements, obviously. Most of them are somewhat familiar with the Big Two characters, for example, so their backgrounds will sometimes ask for 'a Human Torch-like character' or 'ran afoul of someone like Lex Luthor'. I look for CU analogues if possible, and if not, I make a new one. Yes, I'm horribly lazy.
  6. Re: Looking for rules for Rollerblades There were several skate-based devices in Gadgets and Gear (5e).
  7. Re: Generator Rex and cast The pool would need to be a lot bigger because he can run multiple powers based off the same build at once. Your example doesn't let him smash people with the wings of the Boogie Pack (HA), blow them away with a turbine gust (Double Knockback EB), or use the bolos (Entangle). I also question that he'd need a skill roll, since he never has trouble activating a build once he's figured it out (unless there's a plot device at work).
  8. Re: Generator Rex and cast My general thought for Rex would use Multiform for each machine build, since he has to switch between them and I think they'd be too complicated to each cram into one Multipower slot. IIRC (I've missed a few episodes ... c'mon, vol 2 on DVD!), so far he has: Smack Hands Boogie Pack Punk Busters BFS Rex Ride Slam Cannon Electric Whip Double-Maces/Flails Double-Axes plus having no builds active, which lets him use his nanites to manipulate machines and cure other EVOS. (He has once cured an EVO while having a build active, but I'm considering that an aberration until he does it again.) Some of these have multiple functions (for example, the Boogie Pack not only flies, but he can fire the turbines like bolos, smash people with the assembly, or blow them away with the thrust ... and it works underwater), which would make them clumsy to try to cram into a single Multipower slot (IMHO).
  9. Re: Generator Rex and cast It's been a casual project of mine for a while (because I abso-f***ing-lutely love the show), but haven't gotten anything completed yet because I'm incomparably lazy.
  10. Re: Knockback Attack Then they're hardly at zero mass, are they?
  11. Re: Archery question That's very true. How easy it is to re-equip depends on the style of game. A gritty low-fantasy game like, I dunno, Warhammer (never actually played) would likely make recovering arrows harder than a high-fantasy swashbuckling sort of game.
  12. Re: Knockback Attack I thought Cosmetic Transforms couldn't have combat effects.
  13. Re: Equipment stripping I wouldn't consider GL rings to be foci because the bearer can just go 'hey, ring, get back on my finger'.
  14. Re: The cranky thread And now, something less big. One day, I will learn that when my wife says 'I'll do some dishes soon', she doesn't mean it.
  15. Re: Knockback Attack Pure House Rules, but back in 4e my most frequent GM invented a power called 'Knockback Blast'. Basically the same as Energy Blast, but it did 1" (2m) of Knockback for each Normal BODY rolled on the dice, then modified for situation (such as adding 1d6 for the target being airborne). He had based it off 3e mechanics, where you could alter the base number of dice you rolled to determine knockback, and taking away the 2d6 of Knockback and making it deal no STUN evened out at a -0. Obviously, you couldn't just put Double Knockback on it, that'd be silly. Telekinesis, only to Grab and Throw is another, more book legal, possibility, but you said that already.
  16. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I'll bet that stuff would be awesome in chili, or over eggs ...
  17. Re: If powers were related to personality traits, what power would you have? I have positive personality traits? As far as negative goes, probably the ability to slow time, representing my laziness and lack of motivation to do things.
  18. Re: Nazi Ritual from 1938 spwning superpowers? I believe Champions Universe of 5e also gives that information.
  19. Re: Where is your campaign based? It's typically best to go with what you know, so yeah, most of my games are based in America. I usually just use the Champs U with some additions.
  20. Re: How to handle the Clash of the Titans Perhaps the Kraken has a Vulnerability to Transforms? Though, at the point where you are deliberately statting out enemies and such so that a single particular Achilles Heel is the only way to beat them, you might as well hand-wave it.
  21. Re: Sting Like A Bee (5e) I'm not sure 'how would you build the Trigger for the power if it was just a one-shot effect' can be answered by 'yes'.
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