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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: My Elves Are Different! I've never had that problem, myself ... as far as I'm concerned, what that world calls its X are its Xs, regardless of its previous connotations. Probably a combination of my regular playing of D&D, which has always taken mythological creatures and worked them over in a dark alley to fit the needs of the game, and a general lack of interest or concern about mythology in the first place. "In this world, vampires don't drink blood, they drain emotional energy," for example, doesn't bother me. That's a (Worldname) Vampire, which is different from a Mythological Vampire or a D&D Vampire or a WoD Vampire or a Champions Universe Vampire. No big.
  2. Re: My Elves Are Different! Well, they can play their same old elf ... but in this world, that would make him something of an outcast, because by being the same old elf, he's different.
  3. Re: My Elves Are Different! I personally like Eberron's Valenar elves, who are trying to provoke other nations into attacking them so they can die in the manner of their glorious ancestors (while fighting a brutal guerilla war against a numerically superior foe). One of my favorite images of Eberron is an elf and an orc squaring off, with the subtitle: "One of these is a savage, ruthless marauder. One is a member of a protective druidic sect. Guess which is which."
  4. Re: The cranky thread Just stepped on a piece of glass. Plenty of pain and blood to spare. F**K that hurts.
  5. Re: Flash Vs Darkness Flash is 'fire and forget'; you have to maintain the Darkness field. If you get knocked out or stunned, or move out of range, the Darkness falls (unless you bought a lot of advantages on it, of course). Secondly; unless you or your teammates have special senses, the Darkness UAA also protects the opponent because you can't see him either, whereas a Flash doesn't interfere with incoming attacks.
  6. Re: She kicks hard Perhaps, but I'm a big fan of simplicity. After three pages of debate, I would most likely just go with the basic, simple option even if it isn't quite what I was after.
  7. Re: Was this a real rule, or just a house rule? If you took Charges on the entire reserve, you had that many charges for the entire thing. So, something like a Star Trek Phaser; no matter which setting it's on (stun, kill, disintegrate), it's drawing from the same battery and, thus, the same pool of charges. On the other hand, something like Hawkeye-style arrow quiver has a set number of charges for each slot; you've got 4 of this arrow and 6 of that arrow. You just limit the slots as appropriate without putting a Charges advantage or limitation on the reserve. What you describe is a house rule.
  8. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "Okay, you can start the movie now."
  9. Re: She kicks hard Occam's Razor. This is the simplest solution, and thus, I think it has merit.
  10. Re: She kicks hard Not HA, extra STR. It would apply to leg-presses, for example, and other non-attack uses of the legs ... potentially some grapples, for example, involving leglocks, as well as leaping.
  11. Re: Is There a Canonical List of Stronghold Escapees? Thinking about it ... I may let Scatterbrain survive the Dagger misfire. I kinda liked her. Stinger can be replaced by Hornet, Death Commando by Lazer, and Arrowhead by ... I dunno, Morningstar?
  12. Re: She kicks hard Have we considered simply Extra Strength, Legs Only?
  13. Re: Is There a Canonical List of Stronghold Escapees?
  14. Re: Equipment stripping To 'disarm' that focus, you'd need to spend 12 seconds running around/teleporting around and grabbing up all the loose appropriate objects around, while the other person was unconscious or otherwise non-resisting so he couldn't gather some up.
  15. Re: Do you do full character sheets for NPC heroic suoers? I don't usually give full writeups to NPCs either. Unless I'm going to have need of their combat stats, I can usually just do an NPC on an index card with a description of their powerset, a couple of skill entries and important Disadvantages. Unless I actually anticipate the PCs fighting with the NPC, that's sufficient.
  16. Re: Eyes up here, soldier! How about OCV levels and/or extra HA, with limitations for appropriate target? Seems simpler and wouldn't require a Trigger or the like.
  17. Re: Eyes up here, soldier! The 5e Gadgets and Gear book had a gadget called 'Distracting Costume' that fits the bill; Bonus PRE, only for Seductive attacks, only vs targets of appropriate orientation.
  18. Re: They Say You Want an Evolutuion Most of my characters are already furries, so I think Vixen and War Wolf*'s transformations would be no-brainers. *Assuming it works on demigods and robots, respectively.
  19. Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement? Leap across a chasm, no. Step across a chasm, sure. If you have 6" of Stretching, and the chasm is 6" (or less) wide, why wouldn't you be able to take the giant step?
  20. Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement? ... what? No, that's just Stretching.
  21. Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement? I was basing my response off the 'Super-Stilts' gadget from Gadgets and Gear, which is simply a lot of Stretching and a lot of Running (with lots of limitations in that instance, but most of them are less applicable here).
  22. Re: Equipment stripping Well, firstly, there's the rules for targetting foci (Only accessible foci, if I'm recalling the rules, can be targetted by ranged attacks). He's not swiping any armor or the like; change some of the VIPER guns to OIFs like gauntlet-blasters instead of pistols, but not all of them so he's not completely nerfed. Secondly, there's the rules for Useable As Attack requiring a reasonably common set of defenses. Something as simple as a basic PD forcefield could interfere with his snatching stuff.
  23. Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement? You mean the 'stilt-walking' kind of movement? I'd say that's just walking/running while you're using Stretching on your legs.
  24. Re: How would you make a Possessed Minute Man Robot?
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