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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Magic Bow Using Monster Hunter Depends on the monsters they're hunting, really. KS: Occult Lore seems to be a no-brainer, KSs for various types of monsters (lycanthropes, vampires, zombies, goblins), Tracking, Stealth ...
  2. Re: Constant Shapeshifting disadvantage Accidental Change sounds good, perhaps with a point reduction that the character can potentially make an EGO roll to prevent the reversion.
  3. Re: The cranky thread Apparently not ... IIRC, the other two artists it gave were Wings (another DUHR) and The Monkees.
  4. Re: The cranky thread Extremely minor inconsequential one ... I love Pandora radio. "The following artists are similar to The Beatles ... John Lennon Paul McCartney George Harrison ..." Gee, YA THINK?!
  5. Re: Harpoon and Tow Cable from The Empire Strikes Back The Walkers would need some kind of Disad making them easy to trip, though, otherwise the Strength differential would make it impossible for the tiny Speeder to grab/throw the Walker.
  6. Re: Is there a 6th Edition? Sixth Edition has been released.
  7. Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HERO Probably also just some powers that represent summoning animals. RKA for a bird attack, Darkness for a swarm of butterflies, and the like.
  8. Re: Questions about Money Perk And you can pull a Mark Cuban and pay for your team's victory parades.
  9. Re: Does Range play a big part in your games? I had a sharpshooter character who had sufficient Skill Levels vs Range that she suffered no penalties on the entire map we use. I have to admit, that was a lot of fun ... but of course, I skimped on defenses so if someone did get to her, she got pasted pretty easily, so it panned out.
  10. Re: Questions about Money Perk I use it moderately often. Sometimes, my character concept calls for a multi-billionaire and I'll spend the 15 points just for the ability to ask which Rolls I'll be driving today.
  11. Re: Flash Mob That was the assumption I was working under, otherwise the power didn't make a lot of sense.
  12. Re: Does Range play a big part in your games? Seconded. Most fights tend to close to close range just because of range modifiers, of course, but there's always throwing things, smashing people into cars, smashing cars into people ...
  13. Re: Super hero one liners (Good for any explosive power) "CANDYGRAM."
  14. Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HERO From another perspective, that was the DM thinking 'Darn it, they foiled my plan ... well, I wanted a buffalo stampede in this game, and darn it, I'm gonna have one'. I have, in the past, had a DM who used NPCs* for just such a purpose; to be the party's Gilligan and ensure that the game stayed on its proper rails. *Or intelligent swords. I can't once recall having an intelligent sword that knew how to keep its metaphorical mouth shut ...
  15. Re: Flash Mob I think so. I'm not sure if Indirect on STR and Stretching lets you bypass barriers ... at that point, I think you're looking more at Telekinesis.
  16. Re: Flash Mob It does that, but it doesn't let you stretch through barriers. It just makes it so that you don't have an attackable appendage between your location and the location you stretch to. In 5e, at least. Not sure if 6e changed that.
  17. Re: The cranky thread I am sick to bloody death of my wife losing her glasses once a week. I keep telling her to put the damned things in ONE PLACE when she takes them off, but she won't ****ing listen and we tore the whole ****ing house upside down trying to find them, and I finally found them someplace she swore up and down she'd ****ing searched with a fine toothed comb. I suggested she get a second pair, but the insurance won't cover a second pair and they're really expensive (she has multiple eye problems), wouldn't that indicate that maybe she should take some further steps to make sure she doesn't ****ing lose the ****ing things?!
  18. Re: Healing without scars I would do that as 'not taking a Distinctive Feature for having scars'. In other words, you don't want scars, you ain't got scars; it's purely cosmetic.
  19. Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HERO I would actually not stat up Pinkie Pie ... she seems to be more of a plot device, omnipotent NPC kind of character rather than a PC. She's there to drop hints or help the PCs recover when they bomb their skill checks ... which is really not good DMing, I think, but it's another example of where something works in a controlled medium like TV but not a free-form medium like RPGs.
  20. Re: Best/Worst Characters? Hmm. Did he have Does Body on it as well? If not, he wasn't killing anybody with that power ...
  21. Re: Flash Mob The advantage doesn't let you do that, so the question is moot.
  22. Re: Flash Mob Stretching with the 'Does Not Cross Intervening Space' advantage seems like a no-brainer here, too.
  23. Re: Stereotypes about the Superhero genre It must be admitted, the superhero genre has, over the years, had a lot of phenomenally silly storylines and characters, particularly in the Silver Age. Furthermore, there have been a lot of silly superhero cartoons aired, some intentionally so, some not. Despite the fact that it hasn't had a new episode in close to 30? years, Superfriends remains a very enduring image of the superhero to many (and is why Aquaman can't catch a break), and that show's plots and science were positively atrocious (which isn't to say it wasn't fun to watch).
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