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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Harpoon and Tow Cable from The Empire Strikes Back I'm willing to bet the Rebels didn't generally traffic in Weapons of Mass Destruction.
  2. Re: Harpoon and Tow Cable from The Empire Strikes Back The only wrinkle with the Entangle theory is that I don't think the walkers *can* stand back up after they fall. Which really makes me wonder what the Imperial Corp of Engineers was smoking.
  3. Re: All ghosts evil? Depends on the game world. It could well be that only people who are evil are punished by being forced to remain on the mortal plane instead of resting. It could just be that only evil ghosts create conflict and thus create stories. I recently ran a game where a spirit was haunting a manor house because his wife's body had been dug up and dragged off. Certainly not evil, but he was incredibly angry and lashing out at everybody and everything. My personal view, though, is that there's not an 'always evil' anything.
  4. Re: Game Effects of Dying 5e had rules for Bleeding beyond just losing one per turn (including ceasing bleeding). I presume that 6e also has them somewhere, you may want to use those. Losing Body equal to END is a really big number, considering that typical superheroic attacks burn at least 4 END most of the time (and that's if they're bought Half END). Something more akin to one additional Body lost at the end of the turn if you exerted yourself seems more appropriate, though I suppose it depends on just how lethal you want your game to be.
  5. Re: Game Effects of Dying House rule, though odds are you're not going to want to spend a lot of time catching your breath when you don't have many left.
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Jumping to the end of the thread, apologies if this has actually been posted:
  7. Re: Game Effects of Dying You are correct; I don't see a reason to change it. In fiction, characters regularly perform acts of heroism while dying on their feet.
  8. Re: Hit Locations I believe it is (at least in 5e).
  9. Re: Turbo-Boost Energy Drink Major public danger; even if they aren't running at literal supersonic speeds and breaking every window in town, they probably can't steer at those speeds and will be slamming into things and people. Fortunately, Vixen and War Wolf both have powers that create Area Effect Entangles, so they could hopefully prevent people from being a danger to themselves and others, so would try to corral as many of them as possible (and break the machines to stop them from vending more) while letting the rest of the team try to backtrack the stuff to its source.
  10. Re: Hero Scale Nah, easier to just use hexes than do either, for me at least.
  11. Re: Behemoth Although, if you want him in your Champions Universe, there's no reason you can't have him.
  12. Re: Super hero one liners A line I want to use if I get to play Lightspeed (flying speedster), after getting missed: "Please ... my actions are faster than your thoughts." (Beat.) "Then again, a jogging sumo wrestler is faster than your thoughts."
  13. Re: Hero Scale AE Cone and Radius work better in Hexes, and movement gets a bit odd with squares due to the Pythagorean theorem; if 1 square=1m (or 2m, or whatever), then technically you move faster diagonally than orthogonally (I think that's the right word).
  14. Re: Hit Locations 'Unrealistic' and 'Bad' are not synonyms.
  15. Re: Best/Worst Characters? Reminiscent of a character I heard of named Warhead, whose powers consisted of Duplication, Superleap (1 charge), and a No Range RKA Explosion (1 charge). At the start of a fight, he'd split off his duplicates (four, IIRC), then they would jump into a cluster of bad guys and explode, killing themselves (they had no improved defenses and 5 Body, to save points on the Duplicating). It wasn't until later that the group read the rules and discovered that you can't respawn dead duplicates. Points were shuffled to add Personally Immune to the explosion and a bit of extra defenses to the duplicates ... so they'd spawn, jump, explode, and then run in a blind panic back to the main body.
  16. Re: Character with a symbiote Extra Running, Constitution, Speed, Endurance, and/or Stun. Activation roll on the Armor. A Susceptibility.
  17. Re: Cat Up a Tree Vixen: Channel her Plant powers, and have the tree lower the cat to the ground itself.
  18. Re: Character with a symbiote From the top down ... Extra Strength Flight, Restrainable Armor, Visible Hand to Hand Killing Attack, perhaps with a little Stretching if the tail is long. Enhanced Vision, Night Vision, Telescopic Vision, Microscopic Vision
  19. Re: Ghouls that are not undead creatures Just ... change it. It looks like whatever you want it to look like.
  20. Re: AoE attack damage inside the backpack Unless the backpack is something akin to a Bag of Holding, I would say it would affect materials inside the backpack. If I have an attack that weakens your bones, it seems silly to claim immunity because your bones are beneath your skin, and the power doesn't affect skin.
  21. Re: Harpoon and Tow Cable from The Empire Strikes Back I've wondered that for some time, myself. According to Wookieepedia, the T-47 Airspeeder: "was an atmospheric vehicle designed for industrial cargo handling. Its cockpit featured positions for a forward-facing pilot and a rear-facing cargo manager. The cargo manager used the airspeeder's magnetic harpoon and tow cable to control repulsorlift cargo modules." So, the tow cables are for handling cargo; the use of it against the walkers was an improvised tactic.
  22. Re: Hero Scale I use one hex=2m unless I'm running an oddly large-scale battle but still want to use a map. Hasn't happened recently, though.
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