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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: What would you do for a Klondike bar? Well, War Wolf and Arsenal can't eat, and Vixen is incredibly vain about her weight, so they wouldn't do much of anything. Lightspeed would probably just shell out three bucks to buy one out of a convenience store freezer. Or buzz the capital of North Korea.
  2. Re: The cranky thread The bad news: I just went about 17 hours without electricity due to a wicked storm that blew through last night/in the wee hours of the morning. The good news: Power was restored 26 hours ahead of the estimate the power company gave me.
  3. Re: Here's the scenario I have to admit, that was my first thought. A lot of depends on just how fast he is; not in terms of DEX/SPD, but in terms of actual movement. If he can't generate a reasonable range penalty by running away, most of my characters can throw an AE Hex Entangle or Radius Flash of some sort, which would stop him cold since he couldn't Dive For Cover the same segment he blows past me. Lightspeed, on the other hand, might simply be able to overtake him; Lightspeed's got flight with no turn mode, so he's unaffected by terrain *and* can keep up if Cheetah starts trying to lose him by ducking into alleys and such.
  4. Re: Multiple Personality The main rulebook for whatever edition you're using.
  5. Re: Only vs Elemental Attacks Defining 'elemental' so broadly, I'd give you a -1/4 tops. It would cover every common energy type and several uncommon ones. Off the top of my head, the only things I can think of that wouldn't affect are radiation and raw magic. Plus, Air and Earth would be Physical, not Energy and require Physical DR.
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I have no idea what's going on here, but I about laughed my fool head off. http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6543765/yakety-cat
  7. What would you estimate the limitation value be for Extra Strength, only to increase throwing distance? Specifically, the extra STR does not increase damage or lifting capacity; he still has to be able to lift the item in the first place, and will still do only his base STR damage with it if it hits. It's intended to be more of a 'throwing people' power for Fastball specials or giving flyers a boost rather than a damage-dealing power.
  8. Re: Game Effects of Dying But ...when you're unconscious, you can't take actions to spend more END, so you can't try to spend STUN, so you can't expend more BODY, right?
  9. Re: All ghosts evil? Which means it's something even D&D doesn't do anymore.
  10. Re: The cranky thread I dunno if this really goes here or not, but ... My wife is out of town for the weekend, at a family reunion. It was impossible for me to schedule around my dialysis needs to go with her, so now I'm sitting in the house all by myself. Now, my wife and I have settled well into 'old married couple'. Most nights, one of us will be on the computer, the other sitting on the couch ... she might be reading a book or playing her Nintendo DS, I might be watching a movie or looking up some game stuff. To be honest, most nights we don't talk to one another that much ... we just zone in on our pasttimes, let each other have their own personal downtime. When we do this, we scarcely pay attention to each other. But she's not here now. And I can feel it. I'm still just looking at the computer screen, typing away on forums, listening to music streaming on Second Life ... but I can feel that she's not there on the couch, nose buried in a book that I couldn't get out of there if I used a crowbar. I'm lonely.
  11. Re: Game Effects of Dying Eh, you goofed. Just fess up, admit your mistake, apologize, and go on.
  12. Re: Eyes up here, soldier! Inspired by Derek's response in the 'Tow Cable/Harpoon from Star Wars' thread, I think this might be something better suited to being a reaction of the other character's Disads than an ability on the part of the attractive character. Someone with a Psych Lim like Womanizer or Lecherous would have to make an EGO check or suffer combat penalties (made worse if the attractive character were actually making an effort to be distracting, perhaps). I recall a Swashbuckling Adventures game where the DM arbitrarily gave every male PC a penalty to attack rolls against a female villain just because of her provocative attire. Since my character had never once been lewd, lascivious, or lecherous in the last, oh, six levels of play, it kind of annoyed me that he would take such liberties with my character's personality.
  13. Re: Group equipment MP or VPP Actually, important point here ... no, you don't. He should be willing to accept the fact that Hero doesn't give you stuff you didn't pay points for. If you didn't pay points for a gun, you don't have one. That's how the game works. That said, Hugh Neilson's idea has merit. He can buy all the mundane gear he wants ... but none of that is going to amount to jack squat in a super-battle.
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