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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Redundant Organs Is that legal for a non-Automaton to take in 6e?
  2. Re: The cranky thread Have I mentioned how much I hate fireworks? Loud, obnoxious, and they stink up the whole town. (Insert 'metaphor for Americans' joke here.)
  3. Re: Brick Depends on how strong your GM thinks Hercules is. In my game, he'd have about a 40.
  4. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I'm quite sure it isn't. Not from direct observation, but ... I can't see any reason to doubt it.
  5. Re: Spring Heel Jack Which doesn't answer the basic question, 'where is it?'. If it's somewhere on Earth, you use Teleport. If it's in another dimension, you use Extra-Dimensional Movement.
  6. Re: Spring Heel Jack Well, for example, if you're immune to Zootoxins and Phytotoxins, that would include 'very common plant/animal toxins', 'common plant/animal toxins', and 'rare plant/animal toxins'.
  7. Re: Spring Heel Jack I'm not sure what an 'Unseelie Court' is, but from what I can gather, that's probably Extradimensional Movement.
  8. Re: Spring Heel Jack I'm certain it can't be 81 points, but yeah, basically like that. I think many of your Immunities are redundant.
  9. Re: The cranky thread My wife couldn't sleep the other night. I asked her why she didn't take one of those sleeping pills she has, or some Tylenol PM. She said she didn't think about it until it was too late. Maybe it's just me, but she didn't have to be at work until after 3pm. By the time 6am rolls around, you should realize you're going to have problems. *grumble*
  10. Re: Spring Heel Jack Life Support with all options selected.
  11. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them? Not really. Economies are very complicated things, and making one that would be completely internally consistent, especially considering adding magic to the mix, would qualify as 'too much work for too little return' in my personal book. I'm not even willing to fart around with exchange rates of coins between different countries.
  12. Re: Brick All you necessarily need for that is Extra Limbs. Additional powers could include: Extra Speed only for punching Extra HA to represent multiple punches Autofire on HA or STR
  13. Re: Redundant Organs Sounds like extra CON and BODY to me. Maybe PD and ED because an individual wound can't really do as much real damage ... and a little innate Damage Resistance.
  14. Re: shrinking characters Unless a lot changed with Shrinking in 6e, activating the power changes nothing other than what the power says it does. Your movement, defenses, Strength, etc. all remain the same.
  15. Re: shrinking characters I've only seen a handful. One wasn't so much a 'Shrinking Character' as simply a midget, so he had 1 level of Shrinking Inherent and Always On. One other had Shrinking with linked Density Increase, so he got smaller and stronger at the same time. Also had Flight, and did a lot of Move-Throughs, so called himself 'Bullet'.
  16. Re: The cranky thread You'll need a really LONG running start.
  17. Re: The cranky thread Dear Guy Behind Me At The Traffic Signal ... I understand getting impatient at a red light. I do. However, I have actually been here longer than you, and would appreciate it if you would give my foot time to go from the brake to the accelerator before honking your horn and raising middle fingers at me.
  18. Re: Trek HERO Netbook? That's it! Set phasers on rep!
  19. Re: can someone help me with the name of a character? Yeah, that's Crossbones.
  20. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I now possess Beast Wars Season 1 and Reboot Seasons 3 and 4. Mmmm, CGI animation goodness.
  21. Some time ago, I came across a rather large PDF of racial templates, ships, technology, and so forth for 5e for Star Trek. Unfortunately, I can't find it now ... I suspect, if I ever saved it, it went out a couple of computer failures ago. Does anybody know whatever became of this? IIRC, it was called the Trek HERO Netbook.
  22. Re: Animal Sacrifice Depends on how hard the animal in question is to find, capture, transport, and kill. You're getting a lot smaller limitation for a rabbit than a rhino.
  23. Re: What would you do for a Klondike bar? Well, War Wolf and Arsenal can't eat, and Vixen is incredibly vain about her weight, so they wouldn't do much of anything. Lightspeed would probably just shell out three bucks to buy one out of a convenience store freezer. Or buzz the capital of North Korea.
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