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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Gremlin Immunity is generally hard to do in HERO without houserules or handwaving. In this case, you'd just buy the character lots of ED, ED Armor/Resistant Protection, and Energy Damage Reduction, since electricity, radiation, lasers, and ion weapons are all 'energy attacks' already. Resistance to Stun would be Extra CONstitution with the limitation 'only to prevent Stunning'.
  2. Re: Golden Age: Past or Present? I prefer 'The Golden Age is here' of those two options, though I have a fondness for 'The Golden Age Is Coming' as well. I like the idea of barbarism fading away, replaced by civilization and enlightenment. In my last D&D world, f'rex, the 'savage humanoids' (goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, etc) had made serious advances in becoming more civilized; while still primitive, their culture of 'if you can take it, the other guy didn't really own it' is withering, with only a few hardliners (typically chieftains who use it to keep power) clinging to it. Most nations are ready to drop monarchies, theocracies, and dictatorships in favor of parliaments and republics, and equal rights for all is the order of the day. The PCs often have to deal with people who would try to plunge the world back into its Dark Ages.
  3. Re: Create Object? I would probably do support beams as Healing or Body AID only on structures. The Aid wearing off could represent the pillars eventually weakening because they aren't strong enough to fully support the structure in question.
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos In honor of my acquisition of Beast Wars Season 1 ...
  5. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them?
  6. Re: The cranky thread Most foreigners I've encountered on forums have better English grammar skills than Americans on forums.
  7. Re: The cranky thread Indeed. Without the ability to actually look at a person, how they post on a forum is pretty much the sum total of my ability to judge them. In other words, if you have the grammar skills of a six year old, I'm going to treat you like a six year old.
  8. Re: Create Object? This isn't just one power, HERO-ly speaking. Transform works for creating stone objects that don't replicate any other power, but creating slides is a separate power, creating a stone bat to wallop someone is a separate power, and so forth. You may be best served with a Variable Power Pool.
  9. Re: The cranky thread FOR F**K'S SAKE. It's 'one die, two or more dice'. If I see one more person use the word 'dices' in reference to anything other than chopping something into small pieces, I am going to find a way to reach through the computer screen and slap the stupid out of them.
  10. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them?
  11. Re: How does your hero celbrate the 4th of July? War Wolf would have a father-daughter picnic with Arsenal, but they're both robots so there's really nothing they can cook that makes sense. Plus, neither are technically citizens (of anywhere) so there's not that big impetus. I'm sure they both set off some minimissiles in a safe manner, though. Vixen is one of those 'pfft, whatEVar' sorts about it. She doesn't likely know enough about history to make herself care; she doesn't know her Bunker Hill from a hole in the ground, C- student that she is ... if there's free food involved she might go, but past that she'll likely be mall-crawling (like every other day she's not in school).
  12. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them?
  13. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them?
  14. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them? I suppose the theory is that the recipients of your good works will donate to your organization, so you're not really 'charging for services' so overtly.
  15. Re: Mathematics based mental attacks? I used that attack name on a character who could enter cyberspace. I also had 'Reboot To The Head'.
  16. Re: Mathematics based mental attacks? I remember Mathemanic. His primary powers seemed to be variants on Mental Illusions; he plunged Firestar into a featureless void, and attempted to make Terrax perceive timeflow differently, to slow him to a snail's pace.
  17. Re: Younger PCs; Older Players This is one of those 'depends on the makeup of your game group and what they want to do' kind of questions, I think. I wouldn't, but I don't do games with sex, drugs, and gritty violence in the first place ... rock and roll and corrupt politicans do happen, though.
  18. Re: Community Build Project - Doctor Thunder! (5th Ed Friendly Please!) When I hear 'Doctor Thunder', I get an image of someone with a power suit with electrical weaponry. Kind of like Iron Man with lightning bolts instead of repulsors.
  19. Re: shrinking characters At some point, I'm going to play a stretchy character who can compress himself with a Shrinking/DI combo.
  20. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them?
  21. Re: My Elves Are Different! I've gotten sick of them after 20-odd years of D&D and other fantasy games, myself. I generally have them in the process of crawling out of 'savagery' to the point where they aren't 'savage', but are still 'primitive'. Not that all of them have advanced, of course, but seeing a kobold or goblin walking down a city street isn't cause for alarm.
  22. Re: The cranky thread I used to love them, too. Then I saw a dog pick up a lit firecracker in its mouth.
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