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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: The cranky thread Agreed. In other news, for some reason, I cannot look at the word 'white' when I type it without thinking I spelled it wrong, even though I know I haven't. It just ...looks weird. Edit: In semi-related news ... seriously, guy on D&D forums? How can you play D&D for as long as you claim and not be able to spell the word 'Ogre'? It's not even a hard word to spell! If you were trying to spell Ixitachitl, I might understand. But you spelled Ogre with the 're' reversed five times in four sentences. WHAT THE HELL?! And this post ... really? It's HONOR, not HONER. Geez.
  2. Re: How To Build: Split Personality character
  3. Re: OK, so I ordered 6E Fantasy Hero How (or if) alignments are done is dependent on setting and GM and such. I wouldn't let you do 'only against evil people' because morality isn't a codifiable universal force in my game. Only vs Undead, Only vs Demons or stuff like that, sure, but 'only vs evil people'? No dice. My suggestion: Buy the spell as AE selective.
  4. Re: Corrupting influences in 6E? Basically, seems like a Transform (you get all evil and twisted and crap), though in most of those settings once you're fully Transformed you're as good as dead, so you go to NPC-ville. Obviously, you defend against it with Power Defense (in L5R, you'd have protective spells or Jade that provides it).
  5. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them? Or it could simply be acceptance of the conventions of the genre. This is a game, you shouldn't have to micromanage like that; at that point, it goes from being fun to being work. It doesn't need to be realistic, it just needs to be playable.
  6. Re: The cranky thread Editorial Note: I don't actually believe this. I swear, I must be a jinx. The two people who regularly sit adjacent to me at the clinic have both had to go to the emergency room in the last month.
  7. Re: When, if ever, would your character kill? Seconded. At the very least, this qualifies as negligent homicide.
  8. Re: How To Build: Split Personality character Multiform will probably be simpler, plus you can account for the different personalities because it lets you chance Psych Lims.
  9. Re: OK, so I ordered 6E Fantasy Hero Multipowers are allowed if your GM says they're allowed. AFAIK, standard 'by the book' however, spells are bought separately. Limitations bring the cost down quite a bit (either of those spells could easily take 5 minutes to cast, for example). Also, in 5e, standard Turakian Age FH rules included a cost multiplier than divided spells final costs by 3. If I ever run FH again, I'll probably raise the starting points for PCs, but I may well require point expenditure for equipment instead of purchase.
  10. Re: Making Hero 6E More Dangerous (Skyrealms of Jorune Conversion) ? This is a big part of why I prefer less-lethal or non-lethal games. You get one character, you know you're going to be playing it for a while, so you have reason to invest in, and focus one, just the one. In my experience, the higher the character turnover rate, the less time and effort a player is willing to put into a character. Why spend more time designing it than playing it?
  11. Re: Making Hero 6E More Dangerous (Skyrealms of Jorune Conversion) ?
  12. Re: Making Hero 6E More Dangerous (Skyrealms of Jorune Conversion) ? Perhaps Body damage only. If STUN damage was included in that, all you'd really accomplish is making everybody buy craploads of Lightning Reflexes because He Who Goes First Wins.
  13. Re: When, if ever, would your character kill? Every character: Only when absolutely necessary to save another life.
  14. Re: Making Hero 6E More Dangerous (Skyrealms of Jorune Conversion) ? Just set low defense caps for PCs, particularly in terms of Resistant Defenses.
  15. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Whispered to my wife during the first 10 minutes of Cars 2: "So, I guess they've got the spy movie car chase thing down cold ..."
  16. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them? A little of both, really. Ultimately, I think fictional worlds nigh universally fall under Bellisario's Maxim ("Don't examine this too closely").
  17. Re: Fish-Men This is dependent on the campaign world in question. If you're the DM, it's up to you. If you're a player, talk with the DM and see if there's a place for that in his world history.
  18. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them? This gets into the basic principle of 'we're playing Dungeons and Dragons, not Accountants and Merchants'. It's the same reason that a tiny little domino mask completely protects a superhero's identity, or why villains never attack when the magical girl is transforming or the robots are combining; certain suppositions are simply true because of the genre you're playing. They don't necessarily make sense (and often don't), but That's Just The Way It Works.
  19. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them? In theory, sure. I would think he could probably come up with something just as lucrative that would involve less work, though, if he was that good, though.
  20. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them? If one decides to be that realistic, presumably the laws of supply and demand would continue to apply. Unless you've suddenly created a massive need for those products, merchants will buy as much as they think they need/can sell, and no more, leaving you with excess materials laying around serving little purpose.
  21. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them? Mine's similar, yes, but few priests are quite so fervent as to attack people just for debating them.
  22. Re: The cranky thread Dear Sir, While I do commend you for walking down the road towards traffic while wearing your headphones, so that you can see other vehicles approaching and whatnot, I would like to address your attention to that flat, long, narrow concrete surface three feet to your left. It's called a SIDEWALK. Other cars would not have to veer around you if you would merely turn left, take three steps, turn right, and begin walking again. Thank you.
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