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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: What defines a Superhuman? My definition of 'superhuman' requires abilities that 'just a human' can't have. If you have super-powers, you're a super-human. The character's point total is irrelevant, because the character (and the game world in general) are not aware of his point total, or even that he's made up of points. A 10 point character with 2" of Teleportation is a superhuman. Whether or not he decides to be a superHERO (using his powers for the greater good and protection of innocents) is another matter entirely. (And yes, by this definition, Batman is not a superhuman.)
  2. Re: Powers with their own Speed? What will that accomplish? As far as I know, this is correct. Constant powers have always just dealt damage based on the SPD of whoever owned the power. This is also the first time I've ever been aware that anybody had a problem with that ...
  3. Re: The cranky thread We'd have to bust out some Fifties slang. "Wow, that guy is a total square!"
  4. Re: Draining Life Support I would probably rule it like Desolidification; you have to drain it all. Mostly because either it doesn't matter because the external environment is safe, or suddenly losing it all would be fatal because you're in outer space or something.
  5. Re: When, if ever, would your character kill? Indeed. The Joker's entire existence, nowadays, seems to be a sadistic GM rubbing his nose in the Batman's player's choice to take a CvK.
  6. Re: Denying a character his OIF True. On the upside, so far as we know, the guy only has his extra SPD bought through them, so it's not like throwing Tony Stark into a battle naked. He can still participate, albeit, well, not quite as frequently. I recall a game where I was playing a Trick Archer kind of character and, well, eventually we got captured and I had no bow and no arrows. Fortunately, my character could still participate because he had useful technical skills (facilitating the breakout), and a smidgen of martial arts (mostly throws). I wasn't dealing any damage at all, but I was setting people up left and right.
  7. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them? Indeed. Just saying "You know, that's a very good question," with a tone that implies that you know the answer, but you're not going to share it, works wonders.
  8. Re: The cranky thread Let's hope not.
  9. Re: Denying a character his OIF This will probably come off a little harsher than I mean to. That said ... One of the first things I learned as a player, one of the first things I tell players: Never take a limitation or a disadvantage that you don't want the GM to use. You got a cost break/points back for it, eventually the GM is going to cash in on it. If you took a vulnerability to Electricity, sooner or later you fight Megavolt. If you're Pyrophobic, sooner or later you're going to be tasked with rescuing people from a burning building. If you take a Focus, sooner or later, it's going to be rendered inaccessible. If you don't want to deal with that, don't take the limitation/disadvantage.
  10. Re: Induce Synesthesia Sounds like a classic 'either or' scenario, but I'd go with Mental Illusions because it's all in the mind/nerves (or make the Flash Based On ECV). A tinted visor and earplugs ain't gonna help resist against that.
  11. Re: When, if ever, would your character kill? Side effect of being an 'extra', essentially. Batman's name is on the cover, not Sgt. McGillicuddy, so no matter how hard they try, they aren't likely to succeed at anything significant. They'll shoot, sure, but they'll miss.
  12. Re: Denying a character his OIF The big drawback to indestructible foci is that they aren't easy to replace; they're usually unique and you can't just put together a spare Mjolnir in your garage workshop. Eventually, he's going to lose a fight and get captured ... at that point, strip the whole team of their foci while they're in captivity/deathtraps. People with breakable, technological foci can escape and run for it and just replace their gear ... if this guy doesn't recover his anklet, he's kinda hosed. They'll have to find it before they leave. Heck, with two gods on the team, one of them Egyptian, and Set being evil in mythology? Throw an avatar of Isis in there (goddess of, amongst other things, magic). If she can't Dispel Magic, nobody can.
  13. The Web Projector has a slot that consists of Gliding (a webchute). However, the MP reserve has Charges for the whole reserve on it ... since Gliding is a Constant power, doesn't that mean it burns a charge every phase?
  14. Re: Denying a character his OIF Well, in this case, not so much 'secret ID' as 'he has to take the things off sometime'. Mess with him then. Technological, then, I'm assuming? Drop a Dispel vs electronics (EMP or the like) on him; they'll be fragged until he can fix them, as I understand the Dispel rules. If he doesn't have the right skills, he might be without them for a while.
  15. Re: When, if ever, would your character kill? I don't see the source of the problem as 'Batman not killing the Joker'. I see the problem as 'writers should never have let the Joker succeed'.
  16. Re: Powers with their own Speed? What will that accomplish? Couldn't you just buy an extra X SPD, up to 12, only for using the power in question?
  17. Re: Denying a character his OIF Well, OIF is only a -1/2 limitation, while an 11- activation is a -1, so the two aren't quite identical when it comes to frequency. The best way, IMHO, is to have things happen around his secret ID where he doesn't have access to his OIF (or at least will have to sit out the first Turn putting the Focus on). What is the nature of the focus?
  18. Re: Gremlin Depends on the campaign. Some campaigns allow evil/terrorist/murdering PCs. It would not be a valid PC in any game I would ever run, but other GMs may feel differently.
  19. Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HERO I'm not sure I'd call him a pony to his face. o.O
  20. Re: The cranky thread Holy spumoni. o.O Good luck. *hugs offered*
  21. Re: When, if ever, would your character kill? If I were running a game where I reasonably expected PCs to kill the villains on a regular basis ... I wouldn't spend more than 5 minutes on 'em. Don't bother doing math on the powers and stats and stuff, just scribble down some numbers and roll with it.
  22. Re: Unwilling Bank Robber Lightspeed: Fly over, take the bomb off, take the both of them over the nearest large body of water. Drop bomb in water, ask 'bomber' where he was supposed to drop the cash. Go there. If the other guys never show up, he's lying. If they do, bust 'em.
  23. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://superheroes.memebase.com/2011/07/11/superheroes-batman-superman-how-did-the-writers-not-see-this/
  24. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them? Unless I have some reason to suspect that it's a plot point of some kind, I'd just let it slide. I wouldn't find it important enough to fuss with, unless something keeps leading me back to that.
  25. Re: Growth UOO vs. inanimate others I believe you'd need Useable As Attack, which would let her do it on an object up to 100kg, then a further +1/4 advantage to double the mass.
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